Author's Note, Ft: COLLEGE!

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HIIII, I'm not updating with a chapter, but I have a reason, I promise :'D I've been applying for colleges, and some of the application processes are SOO long. Because Sebastian is SO close to a whopping freaking TWENTY THOUSAND reads, I'm going to double, if not triple, update tomorrow after I get home from getting shots. Also, I'm going to upload the new cover tomorrow, and I NEED YOU GUYS TO TELL ME YOUR THOUGHTS BECAUSE I LITERALLY LOVE AND CHERISH EVERY SINGLE OPINION OF YOURS. 

This is cheesy, but I really do want to thank everybody who has invested time in reading the chapters I write. It means the world and more, to know that I have friends who actually look forward to and support what I write and I can't be more humbled or grateful. When I started this book, it was completely on impulse. I never, in a million years, thought it would blossom into something I can't wait to do every day, something I enjoy doing to the point of a jittery stomach. I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH IT ACTUALLY KINDA SCARES ME. 

If you guys have any books you write that you'd like me to read, or anything you ever want help with, message or comment, because I want to give back as much as I can. Thank you soooo much for reading!

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