Chapter Fifty-Six

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This chapter only has 821 words in it, because I've been working on Isaac :) I'm sooo drained :'D THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING, ILY! <3


I dropped my fork, and it tinkled against the fancy plate. I openly gaped at Isaac, while he glared at the table.

Derrick sighed.

"I thought one of you knew something. I must admit, though, that I expected her to be the one who knew that something."

Isaac looked at him, his hand still in a tight fist. Derrick looked back at him, and his expression slowly became confused. Isaac didn't waver, and neither did Derrick. After a long moment, Derrick's eyes widened.

"You think I'm going to have you arrested." He said. Isaac didn't say anything back, but he nodded a tiny bit. Derrick's gaze met mine for a second before settling back on Isaac's.

"You misunderstand me," He began. "Simply knowing valuable information is not something that'd get you thrown into a cell. Not telling me? That will. Not only did you have that information, but you told me as well. You did nothing wrong." He smiled. Isaac didn't smile back, but his shoulders relaxed a little.

Dinner was sluggish, despite the food being delicious. The air was thick with tension, and Derrick made several calls on a cell phone. He spoke too quietly for me to hear, but Isaac put his hand over mine under the table, a silent assurance that he'd tell me everything later.

When we were finished, Derrick smiled at us and got up.

"I'm so glad you enjoyed the food," He said. He gestured towards the door. "You may leave if you'd like. I'd be more than happy to provide you both with anything you need." He walked over to the door and opened it, taking a step out. He hesitated, and looked back over his shoulder at us.

"Don't leave the grounds." He warned, his eyes hardening. Isaac and I looked at each other, and when we looked back, Derrick was gone.

"My room." Was all Isaac said before he strode out, expecting me to follow. I did, and he yanked the door open and pulled me inside.

"What was he saying? Into the phone?" I asked after the door shut loudly. Isaac walked past me and flopped onto his bed, dropping the seriousness completely.

"He was organizing people to go find him."

"Isaac! How many??" My voice shot up, and I glared at him. "Why did you just...tell him that easily? That was an awful thing to do."

Isaac rolled around on the comforter as he thought about a response.

"I mean, I did the best I could. He already knew one of us had the information he wanted. Plus if his mom is alive Sebastian probably won't die." He added the last part jokingly. He peeked up at me for a second to see if I was still mad. I crossed my arms over my chest, and he rolled back over so that he was facing the ceiling.

"Don't be mad." He said. "All of the people hunting him down are human. You saw how he handled himself in that cell. If Derrick's mom is dead, Sebastian will just fight his way back out."

"Still, though," I argued. "Now any hope he had of rebuilding his kingdom is ruined. Derrick and who knows who else knows where it is."

"I didn't ruin anything. Derrick knew where I was talking about before I even gave him the directions. So he already knew where Sebastian's territory was, and it wouldn't surprise me if he's known it for a while."

I tried to find a hole in his reasoning, but I couldn't. In truth, he was right. Derrick would've found out either way. Instead of getting arrested for not telling him, Isaac bartered him down to pardoning Sebastian, so long as his mother was returned safely. He also had to pay the city back, but Sebastian was so rich he could buy the entire thing and still have enough for ten more. The hunting party was full of humans, so Sebastian would have no trouble escaping if he had to.

I sighed loudly and sat on the edge of Isaac's bed.

"How did I go from being poor, to being taken out on dates with a vampire king, to running from him and ending up in a suspiciously perfect town, to leaving with an alpha and said vampire king, to having dinner with another king,  who obviously isn't a vampire or a human or a werewolf?"

"It's a talent." Isaac joked. 

"I'm serious, Isaac. I don't what he is, but he isn't human. He ate, so he isn't a vampire, not that he looks like one. He definitely isn't a werewolf."

"I don't know," He shrugged. "Does it matter?"

"Kind of. What if he ends up arresting us? We need to know what we'd possibly be up against. Are there more people like him?" I asked, not really talking to anyone. Isaac groaned.

"You're thinking into this too much. But I understand. Something about him doesn't sit right with me."

"I wonder if it'd be rude to ask." I murmured. Isaac shrugged again.

"The worst he can do is say no."

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