Chapter Forty-Two

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This chapter has 885 words in it. I HAVE NOT RE-READ IT, I HAVE NOT CORRECTED IT, AND SO THERE WILL PROBABLY BE A VERY LARGE AMOUNT OF ERRORS UNTIL I CORRECT THEM TOMORROW AFTER SCHOOL. Please don't let that deter you from reading :) Thank you all SO MUCH for reading! ILY!!!


Roy had everything. It was eerie, like he knew he'd have to leave soon and made sure he'd have things like tents and matches and traveling boots, which I noticed were built for heavy durability. I'd only ever seen such a pair a few other times, back at home. I didn't know when Roy would come back, so I grabbed things in a rush.

Two boxes of matches, an all-purpose pocket knife, a small first aid kit, and some rope. I still had plenty of room in the bag, so I stuffed a pair of the hiking boots inside, along with some thermal socks. I spotted a sleeping bag, and exchanged the boots so I could fit it inside. I started to leave, but I kept looking backwards, where I had placed the boots back into the closet where I found them. After thinking for a moment, I grabbed them and just took them with me.

Back in my room, I gazed at the two bags, full of valuable things. I looked at the clock, which, surprisingly, read 9:55. I grew confused, wondering why Roy hadn't been home. I walked into the living room, and jumped a little when I spotted him sitting on the couch. He looked up at me at smiled.

"I ordered pizza for you and Sarah," He said. I nodded.

"Thanks," I responded, trying to sound casual. His eyes slid back to the TV, and I ambled into the kitchen, glad when I saw it was empty. I got a bottle of water and sat at the small island, staring out the window. 

I knew I needed to eat something more substantial than pizza, but I felt nauseous and pizza was always appealing. The last thing I wanted to do was eat something I didn't like and throw it back up, losing both the food and the water I'd been drinking. When the doorbell rang, I let one of them worry about it; my nerves were eating me alive.

When Sarah burst into the kitchen with the pizza, I nearly jumped straight out of my seat. She paused, her eyes widened slightly, before she laughed lightly and placed the pizza on the counter in front of me. I thanked her and took a couple of slices, nibbling cautiously.  I was itching for the time to pass, wanting to get the leaving part over with. It made me uneasy to think about the task of actually getting out.

After forcing a satisfactory amount of pizza into my stomach over the course of an hour, I left to go grab my bags. I noticed Sarah wishing Roy a happy trip on my way to the stairs. When Roy saw me, he waved me over.

"I'm going out. I'll be back in a couple of hours, are you gonna be okay while I'm gone?" He asked, worry in his eyes. I felt a sharp pang of guilt, but I nodded. He smiled and grabbed my hand, kissing the top of it with a mischievous glint in his eyes. I managed to keep my face from grimacing at the sudden sadness I felt at the thought of leaving him. It wasn't enough sadness to keep me from going, though.

After he left, Sarah retired to her room and I saw my opportunity. I grabbed my bags and yanked some warm clothes to change into later from my closet. I almost ran out of the house.

It took me a second to get to the park, but there was Isaac, with a huge backpack slung over his shoulder. He was looking around, and when his green gaze found mine, he grinned and walked over to meet me. He immediately grabbed at the bags slung over my shoulder, and I looked at him questioningly.

"It's rude to let a lady carry things. Besides," He smirked a little. "Werewolf strength comes in handy."

I rolled my eyes. 

"Is there anywhere I could change really fast?" I asked. He looked around for a moment before shooting me a sheepish smile. 

"I'll make sure no one looks," He said, and my eyes bulged.

"I am not changing right here," I argued. He laughed.

"It's not like anybody is around," He chuckled. "And we need to leave. Soon."

After a solid ten minutes of goading, I gave in and made him turn around so I could change. I switched fast, and was done in a minute. After that, I stuffed my old clothes into a bag and we left the park, heading for the wall.

We were there in what felt like no time. My heart gave an involuntary stutter when I saw Sebastian waiting for us, in a dark jacket and a matching black t-shirt. He carried a small leather bag, and he looked up when we got closer. He didn't smile at me, but even in the darkness, I saw his eyes lighten up a bit.

"Are you ready?" His soft voice asked. I looked at Isaac, who looked back down at me, his emerald-green eyes warm and emanating quiet support. Even though I'd only known him for a short amount of time, I couldn't imagine not being his friend. I looked at Sebastian, who was looking at me like I was the only thing worth looking at, and I felt my resolve harden.

I nodded, and we all ducked through the hole in the wall.

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