Chapter Thirteen

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This chapter has 1344 words in it. There may be some errors because my Wattpad has been acting up, and I've had to basically write the chapter on my notepad and copy and paste it here when I was done. Also, THIS BOOK GAINED OVER 100 READS OVERNIGHT!! I saw it and I literally could not believe it. I'm so crazy thankful and excited and happy about this. My senior year starts tomorrow, but I'm thinking that I can still update everyday because the majority of my classes are electives, as I've completed all my sciences and histories. THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING!


The air was humid, and as we walked slowly down the dark main street, I wondered why he showed up, and I wondered why I agreed to come with him. It was late, and I was worried about someone seeing us outside past curfew. Roy was silent as we walked, staring at the ground with his hands in his pockets.

"Will we get in trouble?" I asked him. "We're out past curfew."

I saw him smile at the ground, and he glanced at me before looking up at the sky. His hands were still in his pockets.

"I tried to convince Sebastian to let you stay home tomorrow," He informed me, ignoring my question.

"Why?" I asked.

"Because this is what he does," He said. "I've only seen it happen one time before you, a very long time ago. He found a girl he liked, and he ended up completely dominating her life. He sent me to pick her up every single day, I drove her home late every night, and any time she tried to get a day to herself, he wouldn't allow it. He'd always order me to bring her back the next day. She was miserable, and I was miserable seeing her miserable. I felt like it was my fault, for driving her." His voice was quiet as he explained.

"Why didn't she tell him that she was so sad?" I asked. "Why didn't she tell him that she wasn't ready for all that commitment?" Roy shrugged.

"He would never let her leave. It got to the point that she would cry in the car, and I wanted to take her away from it all. But if I didn't bring her to him, he'd have killed me. I was selfish and I didn't see the point in killing myself hiding her when he'd always find her in the end." He murmured. "After about a year or so, Sebastian was planning to propose to her. She didn't have a family, so it wouldn't be complicated for him to integrate her into his reign. I heard about his plans, and I couldn't let her spend the rest of forever feeling miserable with him, so I told her about what he wanted to do. She tried to leave, and attempted to climb over the wall. The king stopped her and took her back to his room; he couldn't punish the girl he's so obsessed with, so he locked her up. He only let me enter his room to bring her food and drinks, and one day I found her lying on the ground, dead." He looked over at me, his amber eyes glowing in the dimness of the moon.

"That could've very easily been you instead of her. It could still be you. Sebastian likes you, but he's not to that point yet." He said. We had stopped behind a large building, probably the court house. "If you want to be boring and un-interesting all of a sudden and lose his interest, now would be the best time to do it." He finished, a small grin on his face.

I watched him as he watched me. He had on a gray t-shirt and a pair of dark jeans, clothes I'd never seen him in. He broke eye contact and looked at the ground, his hair brushing his forehead; it wasn't as long as Sebastian's, whose hair fell over his eyes when he looked down. I noticed a fragment of a tattoo in his upper arm, with the rest of it hidden by his short sleeve. I cleared my throat.

"I'm not doing this just for myself, though," I began. "My father is very sick. He's gotten better, but I don't know if that's going to last, and-"

Roy's head snapped up, and an emotion I've never seen him wear took over his masculine features: anger.

"You want him to bite you? Your family?" He asked, incredulous. Now it was my turn to look at the ground.

"This is the only way, Roy. I can't lose my dad, and I can't let my family stay poverty for their entire lives."

Roy laughed humorlessly.

"You're insane. I'm not believing you can be so stupid. Do you realize what you're saying?" He asked, giving me a cold stare. It looked odd on his always-smiling face. "Have you ever considered that maybe your dad is sick because that's what nature is?"

Hurt and anger rushed through me, fast and hot. I turned and started walking the way back to my house.

"Elizabeth," Roy called. I flipped him off without turning around, and I heard his footsteps as he jogged over to me. He grabbed my wrist. I yanked it back, but he didn't let go.

"I'm not going to apologize for what I said." He growled. "But you don't want to be walking out here alone, this late at night."

I turned around and slapped him. He staggered back, shocked.

"Who do you think you are?! You just thought, 'hey, I'm going to bring Elizabeth out here, tell her the guy she's growing feelings for is an obsessive freak, and then call her stupid'?" I shrieked at him, managing to keep my voice quiet while retaining my rage. Roy glared at me, and I saw the pink outline of my hand starting to form on his right cheek. "Anything else you feeling like throwing at me, Roy? Or do you want to destroy what little respect I have for you at this point, too?" I spat.

"Do you think I enjoy this?" He asked, throwing his hands in the air. "I don't sit around and think of ways to make Sebastian seem sketchy or odd or scary, and I don't spend my free time thinking about ways to piss you off. You can drop the attitude, Elizabeth, because I'm not going to listen to your accusations or your attempts to insult me when I've done nothing but question your sanity for wanting to marry someone for your family and not for yourself. We're not talking about your average marriage here, do you understand? You won't grow old and die together, you'll be stuck with him day in and day out for hundreds of years, and you'll complain to me every single day, and what then? At that point, what are you going to do, Elizabeth?" He nearly shouted. I was confused. He said that as if he would be there, in hundreds of years, for me to complain to.

"And so help me God, if you ever hit me again." He said, his voice low. For a moment, I was scared of him. He saw that fear in my face, and his anger softened immediately. He sighed, and ran a hand through his hair.

"Elizabeth, come here," He muttered, his voice softer. I stared at him like he was crazy.

"No." I sputtered. He sighed again, and crossed the space between us in two strides. Before I could back away, he caught my wrist and pulled me to him, wrapping me up in a hug.

"I'm sorry," He whispered. "I didn't mean to scare you." His chin was on top of my head. I reluctantly wrapped my arms around his waist. He smelled wonderful, like the woods. It was a manly scent.

"I'm not going to lie and say I didn't mean what I said about you being with him," He warned. "But I didn't say it to hurt you. I want you to be aware of everything before you make any decisions about him."

I nodded into his chest, and after a moment, he let me go.

"We've got to get you home," He said in a defeated voice. 

"Okay," I said.

When we arrived back at my window, I panicked because I left it open. When I looked in it, though, Elmer was sleeping soundly on my bed. I turned to Roy, who was chewing his bottom lip, something I'd never seen him do before.

"I'll see you tomorrow," I said.

Before I could crawl back into my room, he grabbed my wrist again, pulling me into a tight hug.

It felt nice there, in his arms. He was all warmth and nice smell and protectiveness.

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