Chapter Thirty-Nine

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This chapter has 1097 words in it. This second update is sort of late, I'm sorry, it took longer than usual to write because of distractions and chores. I REALLY HOPE YOU LIKE IT! THANK YOU SOOO MUCH FOR READING! <3


The medicine the doctor gave me promised instant pain relief, skin rejuvenation, and exfoliation for the dead cells. I decided to wait until Sebastian's pill wore off to use any. I had to take three kinds of capsules, rub one cream on my legs and arms in the morning, and one at night, and use the medicine that made all of those crazy promises, which was another scrub to slap onto my skin. 

When we got home, there were more vehicles outside. I looked at Roy questioningly, and he smiled.

"Friends," He reminded me. I knew he meant his group of wolf friends from before I tried to leave to prevent violence. 

"Oh." I said.

It was still chilly outside, but Roy had stopped by a fancy store to get me better clothes. It was refreshing, the smell of new clothes. I wore a thick gray sweater, a black scarf, and black denim jeans. The sleeves engulfed my hands, and I tucked them inside when they got too cold. I noticed that Roy kept glancing at me, looking at my sleeves, and grinning. He caught me catching him looking, and his smile widened.

"That's really cute, you know." He said.

"What is?" I asked, looking down at myself.

"You, your hands, how that sweater swallows you whole." He explained, smiling.

"Oh." I said again, repeating my words from earlier. 'Oh' seemed like it was the only thing I could respond to everything with, because I wasn't comfortable with anything. 

We maneuvered our way into our parking spot, which was no small feat, considering the rest of the yard was littered with cars. 

When Roy opened the door, warmth slapped me in the face. The living room was very comfy-looking, with a crackling fireplace on one wall and a flat TV on the other. There was one large couch in front of the TV, one smaller couch beside it, and a reclining chair on the other side, forming a square around the screen. There was a coffee table in front of the fireplace with another couch, big enough to seat four people. A rug was spread out in the middle of the room, and paintings brightened the beige walls.

A couple of people sat on the couch in front of the TV, and the girl was screaming frantically at the guy as he focused intently on the gun he was controlling on the screen. More voices floated in from the kitchen, and Roy led the way, purposely walking in front of the TV, earning a screech from the girl and a "screw you, man" from the boy. I walked around them.

Everyone in the kitchen shouted a greeting at Roy and I as we entered. I recognized a few faces, surprisingly. Henry, the mean and huge old man with the eye-patch,  had a cup to his mouth, and a familiar blond guy gave me a wide grin: Gordon, the guy I ran into and whose chest I nearly bruised my face on. His handsome friend stood beside him, his brown eyes bright, waving at me: Trey. I gave them both a shy smile and waved back.

A girl bounced up to me and took my hand. Her face was a familiar kind of beautiful, and her ink black hair reminded me that her name was Lisa. She was the one who talked to me at the old house we were in before everything went bad, the one who smiled in acceptance as I talked to her.

"I missed you," She said, a cute smile on her face. I gave her a small smile back, dodging a response as Gordon walked up to where we were standing.

He made a show of stopping suddenly and slapping his hands over his chest. 

"Don't want to get headbutted a second time, you've got a hard skull." He said, completely straight-faced. I rolled my eyes and he laughed.

"Are you hungry?" Roy asked me. I shook my head, despite the fact that I hadn't eaten at all. The injections I received at the hospital were making me nauseous, and the thought of food made it that much worse. Roy nodded and stuck by my side, and I was thankful that he didn't need to eat. It would've made me feel bad otherwise.

As I stood there with Roy, I felt someone staring at me. The hair on my neck stood up, and I refused to look at first. After a few long moments, though, curiosity got the better of me and I turned, scanning the happy crowd until I found a set of greener-than-green eyes that were steadily gazing at me. They were an unbelievable shade of green, so vibrant they pinned me where I stood, so green they made me speechless. I couldn't even look at the person; that would mean taking my eyes off theirs.

They didn't break eye contact as they started coming closer. In what seemed like no time at all, they were right there in front of me.

"You should eat." Their voice was as smooth as glass and delightfully deep. That snapped me out of the trance I seemed to be in, and I took a step back to look at him better.

Bad idea. His face was as beautiful as his eyes, with a mop of hair that brushed his forehead, the color of sand. His eyes were framed by a thick fringe of lashes that made me jealous, and he had a strong jaw with the most perfect nose I'd seen in my life. 

"I'm uhm," I stuttered. "I'm not hungry, I don't want to eat. The doctor gave me this medicine..." I trailed off, watching him smile. It made his face impossibly more perfect.

"I'd feel better if you tried," He quietly urged, in that silky voice. I looked away from him and glanced at the food. Roy was gone, and I had no idea where he went. I made my way to the island in the middle of the kitchen, my eyes on a bowl of fruit. I felt his presence behind me, and it made me nervous. I plucked an apple from the bowl and turned to face him. He chuckled, a lovely sound.

"Well played," He complimented as I took a small bite. He held a hand out. "I'm Isaac."

I took his hand carefully; it covered mine, and it radiated comforting heat. 

"I'm Elizabeth," I said. He grinned. 

"I know."

I was about to ask him how when Gordon and Trey came up behind him and Gordon slung a hand over his shoulder.

"Haven't even been here for an hour yet, and look at you, making friends with our alpha."

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