Chapter Forty-One

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This chapter has 1880 words in it. I made it longer than usual to thank you all for getting Sebastian to over 40k reads and over 2k votes :D I'm so grateful, I literally just can't even process this right now :') The love I have for every single reader is so heavy, I can't understand how I can hold so much of it! Thank you all SO. DANG. MUCH. For taking time out of your days to read Sebastian. <3


I woke up to the sound of a phone ringing. I looked up and squinted against the sunlight streaming through my window, trying to find and stop the shrill riiingg. I spotted a digital clock on a bookshelf; it was 3:09 in the afternoon, and I got out of bed, shuffling around the room until I found the phone. It was a cellphone, and I looked at it for a minute, trying to figure out how to answer it. I cautiously touched the green arrow and held the device to my ear, listening.

It worked, and Isaac's voice came through the tiny speaker.

"I got done with work early, do you want to meet up somewhere?" His deep, smooth voice asked. I stifled a yawn and prodded at my hair, which was sticking up in ways that defied science. 

"Can we do it some other time?" I asked, my voice still thick with sleep. I was sure he noticed, because he chuckled.

"I'd really rather do it right now, Elizabeth," He insisted. There was something off about his tone, like there was something he wanted me to know without outright letting me know.

"I just woke up."

"At 3?" He asked appreciatively. I smiled a little.

"3:09," I corrected, earning a laugh from him.

"I can give you twenty minutes to get ready," He proposed. 

"Tomorrow." I argued.

"Sounds great, see you in twenty," He said, a smile in his voice. He hung up before I could argue.

I drudged into my tiny bathroom and cleaned myself up, taking a shower and brushing my hair. I was waiting in my room when Isaac knocked quietly, exactly twenty minutes after he'd called. I opened the door and was met with those green eyes.

"Hi," He said, smiling at me.

"Hi," I answered, looping my arm through his outstretched one. I felt a little silly, walking with him with my arm through his like we were some old Victorian couple, but he walked so confidently that I knew nobody would think that we looked goofy.

We strolled past the park, where I saw a school bus dropping kids off at a small house on the side of it. Isaac noticed me staring, and he chuckled.

I noticed we were getting close to the ornate wall that wrapped protectively around the nice town, and I looked at him questioningly. He shook his head a little, his eyes darting around us, searching for something.

As we came closer, I noticed a dark spot in the wall. Isaac walked forward a bit, a small distance ahead of me, and he stopped us right at one of the multicolored bricks. I saw that the dark spot was a hole, big enough for a good-sized man to crawl through; big enough for Isaac, and definitely big enough for me. He didn't move though, and I was confused. 

A head of midnight black hair appeared in it, and Sebastian's eyes peered up at me from the ground. My eyes widened and I gasped, earning another laugh from Isaac. Over the course of twenty-four hours, I'd learned just how much he laughed. He had the kind of face that naturally curved into a smile; he always looked like he was waiting for something to give him a good enough reason to laugh.

After crawling through the gap in the wall, Sebastian stood and immediately pulled me against his chest. I hesitated for a minute before carefully looping my arms around him, melting a tiny bit and the quiet sound of satisfaction he gave in response. We pulled apart, and he looked at Isaac, keeping both of his arms around me.

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