Chapter Forty-Seven

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This chapter has 1109 words in it. My internet has been spotty, in and out, since yesterday morning. I will try to write fast in order to get a double update out today (because the internet completely cut out all night last night before I could finish writing), before it turns off again. I'm sorry that I couldn't do it yesterday, and I may not be able to do it today because I keep losing the chapters I write. I promise, though, that there will be a double update in the VERY near future. In other news, SEBASTIAN HAS REACHED PAST 60,000 READS! THAT IS OVER HALF OF 100k! That is so. Dang. CRAZY. Thank you SOO much for reading, pleaaseee let me know if I can do anything to help any of you out, because I LOVE YOU! <3


A strange, gurgled sound came from Roy's throat as he hung there, and Isaac kept me behind him at all times.

"We need to get him," Isaac said, his voice grim.

"But you said he was bait," I said, not arguing, but contemplating along with him. He nodded; the fire from the previous explosion tinted his face orange. He looked around for a moment, and yanked a large boulder from the ground with little difficulty. His muscles strained against the force, but he kept it over his head.

"I'm going to throw this." He told me through gritted teeth. "If what I expect to happen does happen, there's gonna be a lot more fire. So get back."

I backed away, so far I could only see his dark silhouette against the orange light in front of him. As soon as the boulder left his hands, he sprinted backward, towards me. He was fast; in the few seconds it took for the boulder to hit the ground, he was already close enough to shove me back. We stayed still for a moment, waiting for the worst.

Nothing happened.

I peeked around Isaac, and saw Roy still hanging limply, the boulder pushed off to the side where Isaac threw it. Isaac let out a frustrated grunt.

"I'll need to do it again," He muttered. There were plenty of huge boulders, and he repeated the process of throwing them several times. Eventually, Roy was surrounded by them. Still, nothing happened, and Isaac groaned.

"Are you kidding me?" He said to himself. I looked at him, and he ran a hand through his hair.

"No, this is good," He reassured me, catching my confused expression. "Those boulders didn't upset any traps, so we know we can get on top of them without any issues. And, luckily, they're close enough to him for us to be able to grab him."

"But what about the chains?" I asked. "We don't have anything to cut them with."

He didn't respond, but he wiggled his hands in front of me. I realized that that was where his earlier frustration came from: he'd already strained his muscles lifting the boulders, and he didn't realize that he'd have to use them even more to break chains that were already too strong for a vampire to break.

"Stay here." He ordered. I nodded, and he looked back at Roy for a second before he started making his way over.

When he got on top of the boulder, he broke the first chain with minimum effort. Roy's arm slumped against his side. Isaac quickly switched boulders and repeated the process with the other chain, and a realization suddenly hit me with so much force it almost knocked me breathless.

"Wait!" I shouted at him. He froze, and I ran over, not making it there nearly as fast as he had.

"Don't let him touch the ground," I gasped, out of breath. "That's the trap. If we get him down, he'll trigger it." Isaac's face jerked back to the chain that was almost completely broken, and gestured me over with his hand. When I struggled to get on top of the giant rock, he grabbed my wrist with one of his hands and yanked me up.

"Hold him up. If he gets heavy, tell me." He snapped, urgent.

"What are you going to do?" I asked as he started to break the chain again.

"I'm gonna try to get the chains off of his feet."

I grunted when the full force of Roy's upper body fell onto me. Roy, even in his severely damaged state, wrapped his arms around my shoulders as I hooked mine under his arms. His grip was pitiful, but I appreciated his effort.

Isaac jumped from the boulder and landed right below Roy's body. I let a breath out when no explosions happened.

"When I get his feet free, pull him back as fast as you can," He called. "Fall backward if you have to, okay?"

"Okay," I responded, fear puddling itself into my stomach. Roy gurgled some more.

With a firm yank, the first chain on his legs broke. Roy, thankfully, managed to keep his foot hovering over the ground. Isaac went to the other chain, and placed his hands on it.

"Ready?" He asked, sounding breathless.

I adjusted my grip and leaned all the way back with Roy, my weight being supported by the last chain.

"Yes," I answered, managing to keep my voice calm. Isaac snapped the chain.

Roy and I fell backward, and my heart gave the initial drop as I lost my footing. I hit the ground, and pain shot up and down my back. Roy was on top of me, and I couldn't help the joy that flooded through me as I patted his hair. I heard Isaac give a shout as he jumped to the boulder. A strangled sound escaped my throat when only his fingers appeared at the top. He pulled himself up, though, and when he was off of it, he grabbed Roy.

"We need to leave." He said. "Someone is on their way over."

He threw Roy over his shoulder and slung me over his back, and ran. We flew the way we came, and I was slightly surprised that he knew the exact way back to the house; he even followed the same trail we'd taken.

When we got back to the house, Isaac didn't pause. He dug the key out and shoved it in the doorknob and slammed it shut when we were inside. I climbed off of his back and helped get Roy off of his shoulder, and Isaac went to go get some blankets to lay him on. By the end of it all, Roy was laying on Isaac's mattress and his massive wounds were slowly mending themselves.

Isaac and I stood in the kitchen and stared at him. It amazed me to watch his body work and fix itself. Isaac turned and looked at me.

"Looks like we're sharing a mattress." He said. I looked up at him, my eyes wide. Despite the seriousness of the day, he chuckled, but didn't say he was joking. I didn't say anything, my face stony, and he grinned.

"I'm going to go get more water for a bath for you. You could probably use some relaxing." He grabbed the buckets and left, and I went back to watching Roy.

I knew that if Sebastian came back and found Roy in the house with Isaac and I, he wouldn't be very happy. He'd probably put Roy out of his misery in the slowest, most painful way possible, as payback for Roy destroying his entire kingdom.

But still, I couldn't help the relief I felt as I watched him, knowing that he was safe and healing and would be good as new eventually.

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