Chapter Seventeen

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This chapter only has 819 words because I had a very heavy homework load. I've located the majority of my errors and corrected them. In other news, SEBASTIAN IS NOW #78 IN VAMPIRE, WITH OVER 1.2k READS! This means the entire world to me because I put so much work into each chapter, and to know you guys like it, it just makes me feel really loved and appreciated. It has gotten to the point where looking at Wattpad and petting my little Elmer is the literal very best part of my day. Thank you so SO much for reading! 


We were in a small room with no windows. It was lit up by a lamp, but that was it. There was a bed, a chair, and a desk.  Sebastian gestured to the chair. I remained standing, and he came closer.

"That," He murmured. "Is exactly what I'm talking about. This, you intentionally disobeying me, just to see me react. That is unacceptable."

I scoffed. "Okay, so you'd rather me do everything you say. Like, y'know, a pet." 

Sebastian glared. "I'm not an unreasonable man, Elizabeth. I don't want you to kneel down to me like some lost puppy. I'm angry because you throw your disobedience around for absolutely no reason, other than to spite me. I expect you to argue for something you believe I'm wrong about, but what you're doing, what you've been doing? That is absurd." 

"I'm absurd?" I asked incredulously. "What is absurd is owning an entire population of humans that you kill on a regular basis. It's trapping them all and flaunting your wealth at them every single year. If that's not absurd, please let me know what is." 

"That is enough." He said quietly, calmly. I laughed at him.

"What a defense," I said sarcastically. 

"I brought you here to compromise. Sit. Down." He growled, his voice shooting fear throughout my body. I stood my ground, though, glaring right back at him, ignoring my racing heart. He was livid; I could easily see the absolute rage in his eyes.

He blinked, and suddenly, it was gone. The anger was replaced by a serene, calm expression. He folded his hands behind his back.

"If you'd rather not sit down, you may remain standing or relax on the bed," He said, his voice as calm as his face. It scared me more than his anger. I slowly sat down, and he watched me.

"Okay." I said. "Let's compromise, then."

He grabbed my chair and dragged it over beside the bed, where he sat down on the edge of the mattress, our knees touching.

"I want you to move into the estate." His voice was soft, but stern.

I stared at him, trying to wait for the punchline. When it didn't come, my mouth popped open slightly.

"You're kidding, right?" I stammered. He gazed at me with no humor on his face.

"No. Move in." He said. 

"Move in?" I asked, dubious. "We've known each other for-"

"I don't care. I'm tired of waiting until two every evening." He spoke with slow deliberation. "I don't want you to leave. So don't."

I shook my head. "I don't want to move my entire life into your house." I said. He only nodded, but I saw his hand twitch a little, a sign that he was angry.

"Alright. How frequently would you like to visit?" He asked. I thought about it, still stunned by his easy compliance.

"Four days a week?"

"Too little."

I threw my hands up, frustrated. "Four days out of every seven is too little?" I asked. He simply nodded, watching me.

"I'm not coming any more than that." I said, finality in my tone. His eyes flickered, but he remained calm.

"If you refuse to come as often as I want, you'll need to make your visits more worthwhile."

"What is that supposed to mean?" I asked, astounded. He gave me an adorable, boyish grin, and my heart stuttered.

"I want to decide what to do on our dates, where we go, that kind of thing," He said, sounding uncharacteristically impish and cute. It was impossible to say no.

"Okay," I agreed. His smile widened, and out of nowhere, he leaned over and placed a quick kiss on my neck, right under my chin. I stifled my gasp, and he laughed at my expression.

"You're so easily frazzled," He said, his use of the word "frazzled" making me laugh a little. It was giving me serious whiplash, though, his random changing of moods. I was confused as to how he could be so angry at me one minute and then so charming the next.

He leaned in again, this time slowly, and placed a lingering kiss on the corner of my mouth. I sat still, staring at the wall behind him, trying to calm my heart down enough to slow my breathing. He leaned back and sprawled out on the bed. He held out a hand for me and I cautiously took it, unable to reject him while he was being so carefree and playful. He pulled me down until I was laying beside him, and my reaction was as surprising as it was immediate; I curled into his side and wrapped an arm around his chest. It was strangely instinctive, and it surprised him too.

"So, four days a week," He murmured, turning his face into my hair.

"Four days a week," I agreed.

Our peaceful bubble, however temporary, was popped when the door was kicked open from the outside. Angry, amber eyes glared at me through the now doorless doorway.

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