Chapter Forty-Six

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This chapter has 1263 words in and I just LOVED writing it! I really hope you all like it, it was extremely fun to write :D THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR SUPPORTING AND READING SEBASTIAN! I LOVE YOU ALL SOOOOOOO MUCH!


Sebastian didn't come back.

While Isaac was taking a bath, I searched through the house, curious. One bedroom had a large bookshelf, and it was full of old books. I looked at them eagerly, tilting my head to read their spines. There was an old history book, a lot of books with old nursery rhymes, and a few old novels. I started to take them, but after a moment, I decided that they belonged right where they were. I ambled into the other bedroom, which had a small dresser and a desk with an ancient computer resting on it. The kitchen was weathered and used, with dust-covered drinking glasses and flower vases and pots.

Isaac came out of the bathroom, and the smell of coconut and lavender bar soap floated its way over to me, a lovely scent. Isaac walked out with literally just a towel around his waist, and I balked, backing away. He rolled his eyes.

"I just need some clothes, keep it in your pants," He joked. I huffed and turned away, refusing to be present when that already loose towel fell off. I heard him shuffling around in the backpack, finding a change of clothes.

"I'm decent," He said after a moment. I turned around.

"Do you have any idea when Sebastian is coming back?" I asked him. He shook his head.

I sighed, uneasy. It wasn't like Sebastian to just not come back, and it worried me. I paced around the house, nervous. Isaac watched me, his green eyes bright, and eventually, he grabbed my wrist.

"Will you stop pacing?" He asked. "Just sit down."

"I'm nervous," I admitted. "Sebastian is never gone this long."

"He'll be fine, he's probably scouting around." He reassured.

Suddenly, it started raining. It was such a familiar sound that I rushed to the door and threw it open, not worrying about Elmer running out because he hated the rain. It had been so long since I'd seen rain, and the smell of it invaded my nostrils and filled me with memories of Kaden and I running around in the mud when our parents let us. It sent a wave of sadness through me, and I had to keep myself from letting my eyes tear up. The rain didn't last long at all, maybe an hour, and I closed the door and started pacing again.

I wondered what Kaden was doing, if he worried about me like I worried about him. Then I thought about Roy, how he'd be crazy right now. He blew up a wall after I left the first time; there was no way to know what he'd do the second time. I missed him, too. Not as much as I missed Kaden, but enough to make me sad.

Isaac's vibrant green eyes never left my face as I thought about them all, and he reached over and touched my knee. I jumped, not expecting it. He chuckled.

"He'll be here," He promised. "Just give him time."

I ignored him and walked back over to the door. I started to open it, but Isaac, anything but subtle, cleared his throat in warning. I knew why; there could easily be people out in the woods looking for Sebastian, and if they found us, we'd be dead. It wasn't safe to look out the door when it wasn't raining. Frustrated, I flopped down on my mattress and shoved my face in the blanket. Isaac sighed and I felt the mattress dip as he sat down. We stayed like that for a while, me wallowing in my own despair and him sitting with me while I wallowed. Eventually, though, he got up. I didn't look up, but I heard him shuffling around. I heard him zip a bag up and then bang around in the kitchen, opening and shutting cabinets.

I refused to get up; it was actually pretty comfortable on the mattress, with my face in the blanket. I'd made a little air bubble and everything. After a while, I smelled something different. I peeked out from under my arms, and found Isaac in the doorway of the kitchen with a steaming pot of something. It smelled delicious. He came and set it on the floor beside the mattress, and I looked into it.

It was some kind of stew, made with some of the food in our backpack.

"How did you make that?" I asked. He'd have to have something to cook it, and the only heat source we had was the fireplace, which we weren't supposed to use until it was pitch black outside.

"It's safe to eat." Was all he said. He brought out two spoons from who knows where, and we shared the meal. It felt good, substantial, in my stomach and brightened my mood. After we ate enough to burst, he stood.

"Alright," He said. "Now we're going to go look for Sebastian."

I looked up at him, my heart thumping loudly.

"Look for him?"

"We have full stomachs, so we'll have plenty of energy. Bring a bottle of water and I will too." His voice was calm, resolved. He saw the conflict in my eyes and went to grab his shoes.

"You're right." He stated. "Sebastian should've been back hours ago, but he isn't. We don't know where he was planning to take us, so we don't know where to go without him. So come on."

I stood up and put my boots on in a slight daze, thinking about the things we could find. What if Sebastian left us on purpose? What if he got impatient and decided to go to his destination without us? Or, worse, what if he was in some kind of trouble?

After grabbing our water, Isaac dug a small, iron key out of his pocket. We exited the house and he turned to stick the key in the doorknob, locking it. He dug a small hole under a tiny shrub and buried the key.

The sky was a deep purple, and I cursed myself for not bringing some kind of light source. Isaac's hand wove through mine, and I assumed it was to keep me from getting lost. We set off into the woods, and every sound of every animal made me jump. Each time, Isaac's hand would tighten and he'd shush me.

We walked for what seemed like hours when we heard the sound of chains. Isaac froze and yanked me behind him, and a low, threatening growl slipped past his lips. I tried to see what he was looking at, but anytime I moved an inch away from him, he pulled me back.

There was an explosion in the distance, but it was bright enough to illuminate the scene in front of us.

Roy hung limply by his arms, with several slashes in his already tattered clothes from beatings that he'd already healed from. Some of the slashes were still prominent, open wounds that were in the process of healing. He looked at us, and one of his eyes were gouged completely out. Nausea creeped into my stomach, but I couldn't look away. His legs were shackled like his arms, and one of his ankles were bent at an odd angle, but it was slowly reverting back to its original shape. 

Isaac was still frozen, and I yanked away from him and ran towards Roy, with nothing in my mind but getting him out of the chains that were stretching his body in an unnatural way.

Isaac shouted and forcefully yanked me backwards, so hard I fell on the ground behind him.

"Don't. Move." He snapped. "This is a trap."

My heart was beating so fast it hurt. My stomach dropped as Isaac told me the rest.

"Roy is the bait."

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