Chapter Twenty-Nine

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This chapter has 995 words in it and you get to get a peek into Roy's mind! I had the literal best time writing this chapter because I love Roy so much and I got to really dig into his personality, which I tried to make different from Elizabeth's. Please let me know if I accomplished this, because I feel like Roy and Elizabeth are two very different people, but who have similar thoughts and morals on what is right and wrong. This is one of the few P.O.V changes that I will do in this novel, so I hope you enjoy it! By the way, SEBASTIAN HAS REACHED #19 IN VAMPIRE WITH OVER 16,000 READS AND OVER 800 VOTES! One of my friends brought me a goodie bag with "15k! I'm so proud of you!" written on it, and I'm DEAD serious when I say it made me insanely happy, so happy that I fashioned a character specifically after her :'D I hope she notices which one it is! Anyway, THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH FOR GETTING SEBASTIAN TO #19! I LOVE YOU ALL SO DARN MUCH IT BLOWS MY MIND!


Roy's P.O.V

I watched Sebastian fly away with Elizabeth in tow. For a split second, I thought I saw her looking back down at me. 

Amy came up behind me and tapped my shoulder. I flinched away from her hand.

"There she goes, back to the guy who has what she wants," She snorted. I ignored her snarky comment and stared at the helicopter until it became a little black dot in the sky.

"Pathetic." Amy scoffed. Involuntarily, my fist flew out at her jaw. She shrieked, and I grinned, stopping my hand just before it hit her. She slapped my hand away and stalked off. She muttered angry things under her breath.

I turned around and looked at everyone. 

"Forget the wall plan, guys." I called, placing my hands on my hips. There were groans and complaints from different people. Amy's obnoxious voice rang out over everybody else's.

"I bet by now she told her little loverboy everything we were planning," She said loudly. Her voice reminded me of a pig. I glanced at her and grinned.

"Your voice reminds me of a pig." I told her. She looked offended for a second before she rolled her eyes. 

Annette sidled her way over to me, and it looked like she was trying to make a show out of swaying her bony hips. 

"We should head back then," She purred. Literally purred. She sounded like a hurt cat. I smiled at her anyway and whistled loudly. We had all agreed that when it was time to go back to the house I would whistle. It carried farther out on the wind than my voice would, for the few that were out farther.

Annette turned around and tossed her dark hair over her shoulder. It was like straw and I wondered if it would break if I wrapped it around a stick. We walked back to the house, and some of them decided to shift and go as big dogs.

"What are we going to do now?" A soft voice asked me. I looked over and found Sarah walking beside me with her curly blonde hair framing her face. I shook my head and stuffed my hands in my pockets.

"Dunno." I answered. Her blue eyes shifted ahead of us and she nodded.

"Me neither," She agreed. 

We walked for almost an hour. I kept a mental picture of the landing pad and the way we went to find it. If I found that helicopter again, I was going to destroy it.

When we got back, I went into the kitchen to help Sarah and Fin make dinner. Sarah hummed a melody as she worked. Fin grunted at her when she brushed by him to reach something. She had her blonde hair tied back into a curly ponytail and her teeth were white as she grinned an apology at Fin. 

Benny burst through the room, and he was breathing heavily. He had a pointy face and orange hair that he dyed brighter when he could.

"Roy, I need you to come with me now," He almost shouted. I looked at Sarah and Fin, and it looked like Sarah was trying hard not to eavesdrop as she kept her eyes on the meat she was mashing with a hammer thing. Fin stared at us.

I placed the bowl I was carrying onto the table.

"Be right back," I told them, smiling. Sarah smiled back, but Fin stared after us. I could feel his gaze on my back. I made a mental note to explain things to him later. Benny led me outside and away from everyone else.

"What is it?" I asked quietly. He paced back and forth. I got sick of it and placed my hand on his arm. "Benny." I said. He nodded to himself and turned to me.

"Sebastian contacted the alpha of my pack," He said. I didn't respond, seeing that he wasn't finished.

"He offered him protection and a place to stay. All Alpha Reggy has to do is leave you guys and order us to follow him."

I looked up at the green treetops, thinking. 

"But you all have a place to stay as it is," I stated. I grinned at him. "And last time I remembered, you and Annette-"

"I can't reject an order from my alpha, Roy." His voice was nervous and sad and reminded me of a rat. 

Why did I compare everything to pathetic animals?

"I understand," I assured him, scratching my chin. I thought about Elizabeth, and it made me angry. I kept my voice calm. "Honestly the only thing that can really hurt us is you guys telling him something about us that puts us in a bad position." My mind was busy with thoughts of Sebastian getting crushed by various metallic things and hugging Elizabeth and sad rats like Benny. 

"That's the thing, though.." Benny said. "Sebastian is being really nice to Alpha Reggy. Like, right-hand-man kind of nice."

I shrugged. "The wall plan was the only one we got and I'm sure he knows about that now. Reggy can call you all away and then the rest of us can discuss a different idea. No harm done, y'know?"

Benny thought that over, and then he smiled at me. I immediately smiled back. It was habit, I wasn't raised in a barn.

"You know, you're smarter than people give you credit for." Benny commented.

"I get that a lot." I answered.

Benny jerked suddenly. I understood instantly and nodded at him.

"See you later, Benny." I said. He had a guilty look on his face as he said goodbye.

After Benny left and took almost half of our team with him, I walked back to the house. Sarah and Fin had just finished cooking the meat. Sarah found some taco shells and we all ate tacos.

That night I went to bed angry. Thoughts of Sebastian and Elizabeth bugged me. I fully intended on her bringing her back again. She was convinced that this was the best way. But I knew she was wrong. I'd show it to her, too.

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