Chapter Twenty-One

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This chapter has 650 words. It's VERY short because it's getting late, and I want some of you to be able to read it before you go to sleep. Also, SEBASTIAN REACHED 4,000!! I've been working on a new cover, and it's going to be coming out VERY soon. THANK YOU GUYS SO MUCH FOR ALL THE VOTES AND COMMENTS!! I can't BELIEVE this book has gotten this far. It's just so amazing, and I'm so grateful. I LOVE YOUUUU!


Kaden's hand tightened on my mouth as we heard Sebastian's footsteps coming closer. Just as quickly, though, they walked away. Kaden's hand loosened, and I breathed a quiet sigh of relief, stopping mid-sigh when I caught the horrified look on Kaden's face.

I forgot Sebastian was a vampire.

There was a sudden, loud crash as he threw our disguise onto the ground, and the piece of wall was ripped away. There was Sebastian's face, angry and breathing hard. Kaden was standing in front of me, and Sebastian pushed him away carelessly, knocking him harshly against the wall. I gasped, rushing to help him up. Sebastian grabbed my arm and pulled me back, hugging me against his chest.

As much as I hated to admit it, I missed his smell. He turned, with my face still smushed against his chest. I tried to look up, but one of his hands put my head back where it was.

"I'll give you two seconds, Sebastian. Get the Hell out of here." Roy warned, his voice low. Sebastian gave a loud laugh, his chest shaking with the force of it.

"Are you joking?" He asked incredulously. "I have no interest in fighting you, Roy. But I'll be taking this one home." He said, patting my hair. I tried to look back at Roy again, and this time, Sebastian didn't resist. Roy's gaze met mine, and his eyes were filled with rage.

"The only way she's leaving this house is if she's in my car, getting farther away from your obsessive, morbid as-"

"Roy, shutup." Kaden's voice broke through the tension. Both Roy and Sebastian looked at him, equally shocked. Kaden had one hand on the side of his head where he hit the wall, but he was glaring at Sebastian and Roy with such force it seemed like he was perfectly fine.

"He's obviously not going to let her stay without a fight." Kaden said. He shot Roy an odd look, and Roy stared back at him, confused. When Kaden looked back at Sebastian, though, Roy's eyes filled with understanding. I watched the exchange, pinned against Sebastian. Kaden started talking to Sebastian, and, while he was looking at Kaden, Roy gave me a small wink.

"I want to be able to leave the village whenever I want." Kaden stated. Sebastian's eyebrows furrowed.

"Why would you want to leave?" He asked. Kaden snorted.

"Like you have to ask. And I want to be able to visit her whenever I want, whether it's at 12 pm or 12 am or anything in between." He said. Sebastian stared at him, weighing his options.

"She won't want to come without my blessing," Kaden warned, speaking for me. I took that as my cue and nodded, causing Sebastian to sigh.

"Fine. You may leave the village anytime between eight in the morning and nine at night. You are not allowed to stay out all night. You may visit Elizabeth whenever you please, after being searched. Thoroughly." He muttered. Kaden and Roy looked at each other again for a second, and Kaden nodded.

"Okay." He said. He looked at me and gave me a fake smile. "Are you okay with this?" He asked, a note of sarcasm in his voice. I nodded.

Sebastian looked at Roy. "We're going to talk about this." He threatened. Roy rolled his eyes, but nodded.

"Can you please get out of my house now?" He asked blandly. Sebastian nearly dragged me out, he was in such a rush. 

There was a car waiting outside, and we got into in and sped off. Sebastian covered my eyes as we passed the wall, entering through it somehow. I couldn't see, so I had no clue.

When we reached the estate, my heart dropped. I did not want to be there. I desperately wanted to be back in that small house with Roy and my brother.

I tried to comfort myself by remembering the look they shared, and Roy's wink. 

They had to have a plan. I would accept no other option.

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