Chapter Eighteen

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This chapter has 939 words in it, and I ABSOLUTELY LOVED WRITING THIS. Things are about to get really crazy really quickly, and I'm so excited to carry everything out. I feel like I say this a lot, but it keeps shocking me, so I'll say it some more: SEBASTIAN REACHED PAST 1.7K READS! Like I said, I know I say this book has reached certain milestones every time I update, but I can't stifle my happiness from it :'D Especially now, because the next many chapters are going to be a roller-coaster. Please excuse any errors; I'm writing this while listening to my music, because it gets me properly pumped up and excited after hours of homework. THANK YOU FOR READING!!


Sebastian froze, his face still turned into my hair, and I stared at Roy. He stared back, breathing hard, his amber eyes angry. He took slow, deliberate steps towards us, uncaring of the broken door under his feet.

"Elizabeth, get away from him." He growled lowly. Before I could move, Sebastian was up and on his feet. I scrambled my way into a sitting position as Sebastian took a threatening step towards Roy.

"Get out." He snapped. Roy's hands were clenched at his sides, and he looked at me and held one of them out.

"We need to go." He said urgently, the anger fading from his eyes as he looked at me.

Until Sebastian punched him.

Roy stumbled back, and I was stuck on the bed, too scared to move an inch; I had never seen Sebastian explode like that. Roy recovered faster than I thought he should after being punched by an angry vampire, and his eyes were wild. I watched him, fear and an odd curiosity rooting my eyes to his face. I had never seen Roy like this, either.

"You want to do this now?" Roy barked, jerking his chin in my direction. Sebastian whipped around, noticing me suddenly. 

Roy launched himself at Sebastian's back, so fast I couldn't register the movement. I heard something crack, and Sebastian roared and flung Roy back. Roy crashed into the wall, making spidery cracks climb up the entire thing. He bounced off of it easily, not bothering to dust himself off as he crouched down a little, preparing to defend himself.

Sebastian gave a dark laugh that chilled me to the bone.

"It's different, isn't it?" He said loudly, harshly. "Not getting something you want?"

Roy gave an equally dark laugh, refusing to be insulted.

"It's different, isn't it?" He mocked. "Being interested in somebody and not being able to get into their pants?"

Sebastian flew at Roy, and Roy and landed a punch squarely on his jaw, using Sebastian's momentum against him. Sebastian fell backwards, and Roy glanced at me for a second, his eyes still wild. He appeared by my side suddenly, and I jumped back. He moved so fast, faster than Sebastian. 

"We need to go," He urged. Sebastian was still on the ground, but he was recovering. Roy's back was to him, but he noticed anyway. He grabbed my arm.

Sebastian was up in a second, and Roy yanked me off the bed and shoved me towards the doorway. I nearly tripped, and I was sure there'd be bruises the next day. I got the hint, though, and scrambled my way out of the room. I stumbled down the long hallway, and almost toppled down the huge staircase. I reached the doors, and they opened easily.

There was a car outside, and Kaden was leaning against the side of it, his arms crossed tightly against his chest. He spotted me and rushed over, giving me his arm for support. I was shaken so badly, my knees felt like jelly. He yanked the car door open and nudged me inside the backseat, shutting it behind me. Mom and Dad were nowhere to be found.

Kaden got into the driver's seat, and I gaped.

"You know how to drive?" My voice came out small. His jaw was clenched, and his hands were strained against the steering wheel. He didn't answer me.


"Shut it." He muttered, staring at the doors of the estate. He seemed to be waiting for something to happen. His knee bounced up and down, a nervous habit. After a few moments, I got fed up with waiting.

"Kaden! Tell me what's going on." I snapped. He didn't look away from the doors as he spoke.

"Roy found some things, tracked some phone calls. He had to get you out of there, and he was almost too late. He had to come and get me to wait for you out here because you had no way to leave otherwise. If he isn't back in-" He checked the digital clock built in the middle of the console of the car. "the next three minutes, we've got to leave without him."

"But why?" I asked. "What horrible things did Roy find?"

"Find is really not the right thing to say. He was suspicious, knew some things, and he looked into certain things further." His voice was hard.

"That didn't answer the question."

He glanced at me, then the clock, and then resumed staring at the doors.

"He found-"

Roy burst out of the double doors, and Kaden immediately revved the engine. Roy was in the passenger seat in a blink, and Kaden sped away. He was shooting down the driveway, and I gripped the edge of my seat, somehow more scared of his reckless driving than of the two angry men throwing each other at walls just moments ago.

Roy seemed unaffected, staring out the windshield. His clothes were ripped, but he didn't look injured. The car was silent for a while, until I broke it.

"Where are we going? I have no clue what's going on, and I need-"

"Elizabeth, I'll tell you everything soon, I promise. But right now, you need to stay clueless for your own safety." Roy cut me off.

"But why?" I asked, repeating the question I'd asked Kaden earlier. I saw Roy pinch his nose between his fingers, just like Sebastian does. I felt something tugging at the back of my head, but I couldn't figure out what it was, not with my mind so heavily occupied elsewhere.

"Trust me, please." He said, his voice hoarse.

I just nodded; Roy had never done anything to make me question his trustworthiness, so I gave him the trust he wanted. It was pitch dark outside, and we sped off into the black night.

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