Chapter Twenty-Six

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This chapter has 1092 words. I apologize for any spelling errors, I tried to re-read and correct as many as I could find. Sebastian reached past ELEVEN FREAKING THOUSAND READS, and that's like the size of TEN OF MY TOWNS ALL PUT TOGETHER. That's so crazy! I LOVE YOU, THANK YOU SO FRICKIN MUCH FOR READING!! <3


I shoved him away, outraged.

"Roy, what the heck?" I almost shouted, waving my arms around. Roy's eyes were wide, and he blinked, clearing his throat.

"Sorry," He muttered. He looked down at the ground. "Something about you out there, getting along so well with everyone, even Henry.." He trailed off, his hand on the back of his neck. I glared at him, ignoring the guilt and the thought of Sebastian curled up beside me with his face in my hair. 

"Don't do that." I snarled simply. "If I made you so hugely satisfied, a hug would've sufficed. You dragged me away and trapped me in a room."

Roy's cheeks were tinted pink. "I know, I'm sorry, I don't know why I did that."

"If you ever do that again, I'll punch you in the gut." I warned halfheartedly, knowing he was beyond embarrassed. He nodded, a little too vigorously, relieved that the moment was almost gone. 

"Okay," I said. "I'm gonna go back out there and learn about what you're planning to do with all of these wolves." Roy looked up at that, his eyes narrowing slightly.

"I'm not planni-"

"Oh please," I snorted, cutting him off. "I'm not stupid." I turned around and opened the door, still ruffled from his awkward spontaneity just a few seconds earlier. He didn't argue, probably eager to forget everything that had happened. 

We entered the living room again, but everyone was busy with their conversations. Roy went and sat on the couch, patting the seat beside him. I sat on the opposite end of it. There was a large map on the table, and a couple of people sat down around it.

"This is a map of Lake Village," Roy explained. I noticed it then, the thin line around the entirety of the land. It represented the wall that always surrounded us, big and powerful, and there were little notes jotted in tiny handwriting along the edges of it. 

"These are weak spots, or spots Sebastian and myself had specially made for us to get out." He said, tracing the small letters with his finger. At that point, everyone was circled around the map.

"We can assume that by now, Sebastian has had a lot of these spots fortified. But he doesn't know that I'm aware of the ones he made." His voice was soft, but determined. "We can start at those. You said you knew of another pack nearby?" He asked, looking up at Henry. Henry nodded.

"Good. We're going to put a few of you at each weak spot, and you're going to do what you can to destroy anything within reach."

"Wait." I interjected. "What do you mean, 'destroy anything within reach?'" I asked incredulously. Roy stared at me for a long moment, and the men and women around us stared at the map, not noticing my confusion. I thought about it, and after a few slow minutes, I understood what Roy meant.

"You.." I trailed off, staring at the resolve in his eyes. "You want to destroy the wall?"

Roy didn't hesitate; he nodded, and my stomach dropped.

"But that's impossible," I argued. "That wall is too tall, and you just said Sebastian fortified the weak spots."

"But he doesn't realize that I know about the weak spots he made," He reminded me quietly, but firmly. "When we get that wall out of the way, we can take Sebastian down," He finished. I stood, crossing my arms.

"That won't work," I said, trying to keep my voice from shaking.

"It will." Roy said confidently.

"Sebastian is not that easy to kill."

"We know what we're doing." His voice never faltered.

"You think it's just two simple steps, Roy? Say you succeed in tearing the wall down. Then what? You can't expect to be able to stroll in there like you didn't just destroy a wall that's been standing for the past century."

"We can do it." He insisted, earning nods and smiles from the crowd around the table. 

"Not easily." I snapped. Roy slowly stood, keeping his eyes on me. He towered over me, and leaned in a little to whisper.

"You don't get to tell me what's easy and what's not," He whispered. Shock flashed through me, but was quickly replaced with anger. 

"You," I said, keeping my voice as quiet as his. "Don't get to talk to me like I'm a misbehaving kid." 

His eyes darkened, and his resemblance to Sebastian at that moment was uncanny. I refused to back down, staring right back at him. He straightened, running a hand through his hair.

"We'll begin as soon as we get the other pack here." He instructed. Everyone nodded, and I glared at him as he strode away. 

I retreated to my temporary room, pacing angrily. He was going to get everyone killed. I fell back onto the bed, staring up at the ceiling. Roy had no idea how cunning Sebastian was. I thought back to those girls, all so pretty and friendly. They had to have a family, a family that would be in shambles if anything happened to them. I thought about Henry, so gruff and angry at everything. What if he had someone waiting for him? Roy didn't care about the well being of any of them, and I was frantic to keep them safe. A small glint caught my eye, and I looked over and found an extremely old rotary phone. I shot up and grabbed it, wondering if it still worked. From what I recalled, you used it by turning the round, flat piece of plastic and focusing the hole onto what number you wanted to input. I thought back to a conversation Sebastian and I had as we walked in the garden.

"Yes, I have a phone number." He laughed, his silver eyes twinkling.

"That's so wild," I said, thinking about the silly little mobile device in his perfect hands. I couldn't picture him messing around with the touch screen at all.

"You've got so much to learn," He had said with a smile. We rounded back to the door, and he turned to me. "In case you need it, though..."

He leaned in and whispered in my ear.

"Should you ever find yourself an actual phone, my phone number is-"

The number shot through my head, and I feverishly turned the small plate with the hole around to each number, impatient with its slow pace. I placed the phone part against my ear, holding my breath.

"Hello?" Sebastian's smooth voice came through the speaker after a long moment, sounding a little surprised.

"Sebastian," I whispered. He began to speak, but I cut him off. "I need you to listen to me."

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