Chapter Thirty-Eight

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This chapter has 1186 words in it. There will be another one up in a couple of hours because who doesn't love a double update? I really hope you like this chapter! Also, I've come to realize that this book is going to be very long, and I'm debating whether I should make it into two/three books, rather than just one with a lot of chapters. This won't be for a little while, though. But I need feedback. Would expanding Sebastian into two/three books make you all happy? Because that's all that matters to me, y'know. Writing things that make you all happy (: Comment or message me your thoughts :D Also, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING AND VOTING AND COMMENTING!! ILY!


Kaden followed closely behind us as we sped down a bumpy dirt trail. I fidgeted with the bottle of pills; the first one had already started to wear off. The pills rattled inside the bottle, and I saw Roy glance in the mirror above his head. 

I felt the burn in my legs. I opened the bottle slowly, and poked a finger in it to get one of the dark red pills. It hurt to move, and I didn't know if Roy would take me somewhere with medical equipment and doctors. I popped the metallic-tasting pill into my mouth, and swallowed it without water. I immediately started feeling better.

"How is everything back there?" Roy asked. I looked up and found his gaze on mine through the mirror, still a vibrant amber. 

"Fine." I mumbled. I wasn't mad at him, but I was suspicious. Sebastian, letting me leave that easily? Not likely. Not unless someone influenced him pretty heavily.

"We have a hospital, the doctors will fix your issue right up," He reassured. I couldn't help but flinch a little at his wording. I felt particularly vulnerable, and I just wanted to sleep. He didn't notice, and looked back at the road.

"We're about ten minutes away. I really think you're going to love it, it's like an entire town full of humans and wolves and everything." He spoke excitedly, and I was suddenly questioning his obsession with wolves. Vampires and werewolves were never meant to be friends. Wolves were made to kill vampires, and vice versa. They were literally natural enemies.

So why was Roy so taken with them?

He glanced at me again. 

"You okay?" He asked. I nodded; I was feeling a lot better, thanks to Sebastian's pill. 

Roy kept trying to speak to me, right up until we approached a large gate. Kaden rolled up in front of us, his engine purring, and he punched in a sequence of numbers. The gate opened, and, with Kaden leading the way, we slowly drove inside.

There were houses everywhere. It was obvious that uniformity was the priority; each house was equidistant from each other, with matching trees and matching shrubs lining each side of the small yards. How they managed to make nature identical was beyond me. The road we drove on was smooth, and as we drove, I spotted a park with little kids, except something was off. 

Not all of them were human. I gaped in shock as I saw more than a few of them shifting back and forth, giggling and laughing as they watched each other and compared fur. I looked at Roy's reflection in the mirror, seeing his wide grin as he noticed the kids as well. His smile made me uneasy.

We passed another neighborhood that was just as exact as the last one, except the houses were bigger. I could easily tell it was the rich part of the town we were in, and each yard sported a big tree with matching, twinkly lights buried in their leaves that shone brightly, even though the sun was barely in the sky; it was well past nighttime, but the sun was straight ahead instead of being above us, an indicator that it was still early in the morning.

Finally, Kaden turned left, into the pavement leading to a house. It was nothing like Sebastian's estate, but it wasn't small, either. We followed Kaden into a large garage, with room for both vehicles and another small, white car that was parked off to the side. Kaden got off of his motorcycle and walked over to my door to open it. Roy got out, and I cleared my throat. How would someone go about telling their new roommates that they needed medical attention? Roy had mentioned it, but I could see that he'd forgotten about it. I didn't want to ask them at all, but in truth, I did need it. My legs were covered in dead, black flesh, and my arms were submerged under charred black skin that still hung on and looked like something you'd picture if you were reading a horror-themed novel.

The last thing I wanted to do was yell at them, but I honestly freaked myself out and I wanted to scream. Instead, I approached the situation in the most subtle, gentle way I could muster.

"Doctor. I gotta go."

I was beginning to really appreciate my talent of subtlety. 

Roy's eyes lowered to my arms, and then down to my legs. I'd forgotten that the fire burned off a good portion of my clothes, and my cheeks became hot. My shirt had been burned all the way to my shoulders, but otherwise was unharmed. The torso was fine, and it looked like a tank top instead of a regular shirt. My pants, though, had quickly turned into shorts that were so short I expected the police to come and arrest me for public indecency. But I wasn't in Lake Village anymore, and I didn't know the rules in the strange new town Roy had taken me to.

After thinking for a moment, Roy nodded. He looked at Kaden.

"I'm gonna take her to the doctor. Sarah's making dinner, so help her if she needs it." He instructed. My brother nodded and looked at me, obviously checking to see if I was still mad at him. I looked away.

After getting Elmer out and locking him into what would be my new room, Roy and I were off to the hospital. It didn't take long; we were in the richer part of town, and that's where the hospital was located. We went inside, and thanks to the pitiful state of my flesh, we didn't have to wait in the lobby.

A doctor was there almost immediately, and he poked and prodded my legs in a less than professional manner. I glared at him as he lifted my leg up and down, wiggled my arms a bit, and jabbed my feet.

"No pain at all?" He asked. I started to shake my head when I remembered that I'd taken Sebastian's pill.

"A friend gave her some really strong pain medication," Roy explained, surprising me. How did he know? "She's not feeling much of anything right now."

The doctor nodded, understanding in his eyes. I grew confused, wondering how Roy knew and how after just a few words, the doctor seemed to know also. Why were neither of them reacting to the fact that I had a vampire's blood in my body?

The visit was relatively short. The doctor injected me with several liquids that made me nauseous, rubbed some mush on my legs that smelled like dirt, and wrote several things on a prescription pad. He told us to go hand it to the person in the medicine store on the bottom of the building, and sent us on our way.

Roy blew up Sebastian's wall, because he was tired of being contained and he was tired of obeying the man who killed everything he could've been.

But as I looked out the window of the car, all I saw was a new wall. It was prettier, smoother than Sebastian's. But it was a wall all the same.

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