Chapter Thirty-Two

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This chapter has 1035 words in it. I know it's late at night, but I hope you enjoy this double update! Thank you sooo much for reading!!


Sebastian let me out more after that. He saw what being caged in did to me, and he was determined to make it up. He took me everywhere, even to town, where people stared and whispered. He made it a point to show me off, stopping to chat with important nobles and mayors and anyone else of consequence. They all wore similar looks of surprise on their faces, shocked that Sebastian had found someone he liked after so many years. He had a dress made for me, and it was simple and black and came down to my knees. Winter was coming, and there was a chill in the air. My dress had sleeves that came down to my elbows, but Sebastian had his suit jacket draped over my shoulders as we ambled around town.

He was also determined to flaunt his wealth, a trait I didn't care for, but a trait he was stubbornly keeping. We passed shops, and he watched me carefully as we walked. If I looked at anything in the windows for longer than a second, he'd march inside and buy it. By the time he called for a car, his hands were full of bags, which contained things I begged him not to buy.

When we got back to the estate, he'd insist on having a large dinner every night. Even Elmer had expensive meals, nutrient filled cat food in fancy cans with cats on them. He drank water out of a bowl more expensive than anything I'd ever owned before meeting Sebastian.

My parents weighed on my mind every day. I hadn't spoken to them for months; did they think I was dead? Or did they know that Sebastian had taken even more interest in me? Did they know about Kaden, or Roy? Sebastian saw my thoughtful expressions and left me to think things out.

He grew close to Elmer, too. He was delighted when Elmer brought him dead insects and mice from his huge yard, and he laughed loudly as he watched him chase a jingly ball around the large dining room. It warmed my heart, and soon, I only thought about Roy occasionally. Kaden, though, was never completely out of my mind, and I often found myself wanting to talk to him.

I didn't know I'd get to talk to him very soon.

Sebastian and I slept in the same room every night, and Sebastian never failed to gather Elmer onto the bed and wrap an arm around us both.

As I was brushing my hair out before bed, Sebastian came up behind me and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"I've been thinking," He murmured. I continued to brush my hair, waiting for him to continue. He leaned down and kissed my neck, and his arms tightened. His lips trailed down my neck and to my shoulder, where he playfully growled at my clothes. I grinned at him, and he moved to rest his chin on top of my head.

"What would you say to visiting one of my friends in a few days?" He asked, meeting my gaze in the mirror.

"One of your friends?" I asked, surprised. "Is this friend.."

"A vampire?" 

I nodded.

"Yes. Except this particular friend is who made me what I am." He explained.

"Wait. He made you?" I almost shrieked. Sebastian nodded, and I gulped.

"I mean..yeah, I'll uh-" My voice cracked, and Sebastian laughed at me. "I'll meet him," I finished, unsure. Sebastian grinned.

"He's not a scary man, Elizabeth," He chuckled. "He's actually got quite the sense of humor, when you give him a chance."

"It's just nerve-racking, meeting the man who turned you into a vampire," I explained. Sebastian nodded.

"I understand that." He turned me around and kissed my cheek, holding my face in his smooth hands. He kissed my lips, and I wrapped my arms around his neck. His arms tightened again, and he bent me back slightly. I sighed against his lips, and he sighed, too.

There was a flash of light outside, so bright it shone in every window. Sebastian shouted something, and yanked me to the ground. He crawled on the floor, leading me over to the wrought-iron bed, and he pushed me under it just before a deafening sound like thunder, only a thousand times stronger and louder, rattled my ears. It seemed like the entire estate shook, and every window in the room shattered, making glass fly everywhere. 

The sound happened again, only farther away; the distance did nothing to quiet the powerful momentum of it, and I squeezed both of my hands over my ears. Sebastian's face peered under the bed at me, and he held out a hand.

"We need to get out. Now." His voice was urgent and his expression was bleak. I took his hand, and after he pulled me out, he lifted me, bridal-style.

"Glass." He spat, and I noticed all of it on the floor. He ran to my glassless closet, placed me down, grabbed random items of clothing, and shoved it all into a large black duffel bag that he got from who knows where. He shot out of the room and was back in an instant, holding large boots. He handed them to me.

"Put those on. Fast." He ordered, as another humongous sound sent the estate shaking again. I shoved them on, surprised that they were actually my size on the inside; only the outside was bulky, and I realized this was to keep water and other things out. Sebastian grabbed the duffel bag and raced out of the room again, as fast as a bullet, and came back with it full to the brim. He forced the zipper shut and picked me up again.

"Sebastian," I said, wanting to know what was going on.

Another loud crash echoed, this time even farther away. Sebastian ignored me, striding through his house, looking for something. He found what he wanted: it was a small pet carrier, and Elmer was already in it. He grabbed the carrier and shoved it on my lap, and I clutched it tightly, more than grateful that he thought to get him.

"Sebastian," I said again, firmer this time. "What's going on?"

He glanced at me for a moment before answering.

"Bombs." He said, hatred in his voice. "Roy is blowing up the wall."

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