Chapter Fifty-Three

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This chapter has 856 words in it and I HAVE NOT RE-READ IT YET. So I apologize if it's error-ridden :') Anyway, I hope you like the double update!


I could tell Isaac was impatient with my slow pace. He was forced to run slower when instinct told him to go fast. My entire body ached, and fear settled itself inside my stomach as we ran through endless corridor after endless corridor.

Isaac veered to the left and stopped so fast I almost tripped over my own feet. I peeked around him to see what had him so frozen, and my heart dropped.

A beautiful woman with glossy auburn hair stood in front of Isaac with her slender arms crossed. Her pale, perfect face was bored, and she sighed.

"You almost got out," She murmured in a voice as smooth as silk. Her unnaturally vibrant blue eyes looked Isaac up and down, and landed on me. She took a step forward, and Isaac immediately took a step back, bumping me back as well. She tilted her head to the side a little.

"I'm not going to hurt your girlfriend." She said. "But I do need to escort her to the throne room."

Isaac growled in response, low in his chest. She ignored him and smiled at me. As a result, her face became impossibly more perfect.

"We want all of you," She explained, speaking to me when what she was saying applied to both of us. "If I'm not mistaken, Sebastian is a criminal. And both of you were traveling with him."

"We didn't do anything wrong." Isaac snapped. "Sebastian led us to a house, left, and came back acting differently. And then he kicked our asses, pardon my language." He said the last part sarcastically.

I was careful to keep a straight face, but it was hard when he put it like that. He was right about the first part, but when he said that Sebastian "kicked our asses", he didn't know that he did it to provide us with an opportunity to get out. Maybe Sebastian didn't tell him on purpose, so he'd be able to argue that point. *

She laughed, a wondrous sound, and nodded.

"Neither of you are in trouble. Although you did kill a nurse and try to escape," She added jokingly. She turned and started walking down the hallway. Isaac and I looked at each other, baffled.

"Should we follow her?" He asked. I thought about it for a long moment, and she turned around, waiting for us.

"We don't really have a choice, do we?" I answered his question with my own question. He nodded, and grabbed my hand. We followed her, up several elegant staircases and across several corridors and through several rooms. By the time we got to the ginormous double doors, I ached so badly I wanted to curl up on the floor and sleep.

There were several guards at the doors, and they all focused their guns on us when we got close. The woman laughed and waved them off, and they immediately lowered their weapons, which confused me. We were entering a room with a very valuable person in it, obviously. Why weren't they more concerned? One of the guards pressed a button and the two doors opened smoothly, despite their enormous size

Inside, dozens of people sat at different tables or stood in various areas or flitted around like bees. At the very end of the room sat two large, shiny thrones, one bigger than the other but both of them dazzlingly grand. On the biggest throne sat a man. Nobody paid attention to us as they carried on with their tasks, and all of their voices created one joined murmur. We made our way across the carpeted floor towards what was obviously the king, and I noticed his hair was the same glossy shade of auburn as our escort's. Her brother, maybe? It would explain the lack of hesitation from the guards when she waved them off.

He was sitting at an angle in his throne, with his legs propped up on one of the arms in a strangely casual manner. He had a book in his lap, but he watched us as we approached. The woman stopped and nodded at him, and turned to look at us. Her expression was expectant, and I understood immediately. I wore a plain hospital dress that, thankfully, wasn't the type that was simply tied in the back, so I gave a clumsy curtsy. Isaac noticed and bowed a little, anger still radiating off of him in waves.

The woman smiled and turned away.

"Here are the two who were traveling with the criminal. You are correct in assuming they were oblivious to what he was doing the entire time." She talked to him formally, and he smiled a little. His eyes were the same shade of blue as hers.

"I figured as much," He said lightly. He looked at me, and then he looked at Isaac.

"For now, you two aren't under arrest. I'd be lying if I told you it'll definitely stay that way. But for the time being, I'll get you some new clothes and we'll meet for dinner in my room."

"What's going on?" I blurted. Surprise flickered in his face, but he chuckled.

"I'm going to tell you what Sebastian was busy doing after he left that house."

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