Chapter Thirty

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This chapter has 1129 words in it and SEBASTIAN IS PAST 18,000! YAAAYY!! THANK YOU SO MUCH! As happy as this makes me, I need to address something. I got a message from a friend of mine today, telling me to look at a certain someone's story. So I looked, and I noticed that their story was very, VERY similar to Sebastian. Same plot. The vampire in their story is named "Seb", no freaking joke. The cover of this book is literally a red rose on a white background, with the dang title printed in red at the top, with THE SAME FREAKING FONT! I don't want to report it, but stealing my story is NOT appreciated and I WILL report it if it isn't deleted or at least changed. Because when I say their story is the same, I mean the EXACT. SAME. They only changed up the vocabulary and used abbreviated names. Roy is literally called "Royal" in their book. Are you kidding me?! So if you're reading this, please take the story down or change some things in it. Thank you! Anyway, I apologize for any spelling errors, I am very angry right now. I've been working on a new cover, it'll be out soon ;) THANK YOU FOR READING!!!


As Sebastian led me back into the familiar double doors, I wondered if Roy was angry. I hoped he wasn't, but I was absolutely certain that I made the right choice. Being there, with Sebastian, was the only way to minimize the violence on both sides. It'd take a while for Roy to realize this, but I was sure that he would. 

Sebastian kept his hand in mine as he left for his office, a manly room with various heads of dead animals on plaques along one wall. His desk was wide and was a deep, woodsy brown, and his comfy-looking chair matched it. There were two armchairs in front of the desk, angled slightly towards each other; they were a lighter brown, but accented the desk and his chair perfectly. There were no windows, and a couch lined the wall opposite of the plaques, sitting on top of a creamy, caramel-colored rug. He even had a fish tank. The floor and walls were both hardwood.

The room had a homey, warm smell to it that was tinged slightly with the smell of cigars. It was one of my favorite rooms in his entire estate. I let go of his hand and plopped down on the couch, relishing in the feeling of safety he provided. He looked at me for a moment, a funny look on his face. It went away a second later and he sat at his desk, pulling out a phone and dialing a number. I watched him curiously; I was completely at ease, sitting there in his office with him. Something nagged at the back of my mind, but I ignored it. I played with a decorative throw pillow as Sebastian ordered guys around on the phone, and I listened to bits and pieces of it when I wasn't fiddling with a loose piece of thread on the pillow's otherwise perfect surface. My brain was growing foggy, though, and I started feeling sluggish. Sebastian noticed and ordered somebody to bring me water, which I sipped a little at a time.

A little while after that, I could barely feel anything. My eyelids drooped, and eventually, I couldn't fight it. The last thing I saw was Sebastian staring at me calmly as my brain struggled to stay alert.

I woke up in a bed. I sat up, wincing at the pounding in my head. I shifted to get out from under the blanket, but something stopped me. I frowned sleepily and tugged my knees harder, and cringed when it hurt. I pulled the blanket away from my feet and found that they were tied to the cast-iron bars at the end of the bed. My brain still felt like it was mush, and I had a light sheen of sweat on my forehead. I was thirsty, and I started to call out to Sebastian when I realized he had left me a glass of water on the small table beside me. I grabbed it and gulped it down. My brain suddenly caught up to reality as I drank, and I immediately yanked the glass away and spit the liquid in my mouth back out. I shoved a finger down my throat to induce vomiting, but I recognized the blurriness gathering around my peripheral vision and I knew I was too late.

I fought back, thrashing around like a fish out of water, trying to keep myself awake. The blurriness was unflinching; it spread farther into my vision like fog, until my eyelids involuntarily closed and my movements slowed. I heard a strangled groan coming from my throat as the blackness yanked me back down.

When I woke up again, Sebastian was there, watching me. This time, my brain wasn't slow. I knew exactly what he did, and I glared at him and scooted closer to the edge of the bed, away from him. He noticed this, and anger flickered in his eyes. I no longer thought that I had made the best decision coming here, but despite my uneasiness, I was still hopeful. That didn't alleviate my anger towards Sebastian in the slightest, though.

"Why." My voice was still thick with sleep, making my question sound more like a statement. Sebastian's eyes softened a little, and I ignored the tiny flutter of my heart in response.

"Roy and his little dogs seem rather intent on getting you back. I'm afraid that they'll pull another surprise attack, and convince you to leave with them. Like last time." He explained calmly.

"So you tie me to a bed." I muttered. I didn't miss the flash of hunger in his eyes as I said it, but it was gone as soon as it came.

"That was all just a precaution. I've noticed that you always second guess yourself the first couple of days after you make an important decision. I didn't want you going anywhere."

"So the water.."

"Was drugged. Yes." He didn't even have the decency to sound guilty about it, and I found my anger growing.

"This is so uncalled for." I snapped. "If you thought I was going to leave, you could've asked me about it instead of literally drugging me. That will make me second guess myself more than thinking about things alone ever will." My voice was quiet and angry, and I felt a sliver of pride as I heard how intimidating it sounded. 

Sebastian walked around the bed to my side, and I scrambled to get to the opposite edge. The restraints on my feet sent a wave of pain over my ankles, but I ignored it. Sebastian grabbed my arm and pulled me back. He leaned in close and whispered in my ear.

"Consider yourself lucky," He murmured, his cool breath on my heated earlobe. "If I were me from a couple decades ago, there'd be an entirely different reason for me drugging you and tying you to a bed." He warned.  My arms weren't restrained, so I did the first thing that came to mind.

I slapped him.

He staggered back, and for a moment, the feral look in his eyes seriously scared me. He looked like he wanted to hit me back, and I was more than positive that a punch from a vampire wouldn't be very good for me. He stared at me, and suddenly he threw his head back, laughing loudly. My eyebrows drew down over my eyes, and I looked at him, confused. He was laughing so hard that his entire body shook. He strode over to me, and took my face in his hands, ignoring my protests. He leaned in and kissed me, a quick press of his lips to mine, and he kissed my forehead before leaning back and grinning. Untying my feet, he looked up at me from under is crazy long eyelashes and smiled wider.

"God, I've missed you."

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