Chapter Thirty-Five

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This chapter has 1038 words. It's a late update (and a short update) because I've had an awful day (everybody in my house is really sick), and I didn't get to sit down and actually write anything until it was well past my usual update time. Any spelling errors will be fixed ASAP. However, this probably won't be until tomorrow at 4:30. Thank you so much for reading, and thank you for supporting Sebastian so much! I can't believe you guys like this book enough to vote on it, I'm unbelievably grateful :) Don't forget, if you have a book in the making, LET ME KNOW! I want to help you all out like you're helping me. I LOVE YOU!!


I thought seeing Kaden would be a big relief, despite everything that had happened.

This wasn't the case.

As the glorified bicycle came closer, rage tinted my vision red. He wasn't wearing a helmet, and I wanted that big chunk of metal and throw him forward. Not hard enough to kill him, but hard enough to put him in as much pain as he'd helped Roy put me in.

He stopped and got off of it, kicking the small kickstand into place in order to keep it from toppling to the ground. He was a few feet away, but he didn't come to meet us. I heard Sebastian mutter something under his breath. Kaden had something in his hand, and he spoke into it too quietly for me to hear what he was saying, but I knew what exactly who he was speaking to. He pocketed it after a few moments and started walking over. Sebastian slid an arm around my waist and pulled me closer, his eyes on my traitor sibling

"Elizabeth-" He began.

"Did you help make those?" I snapped, cutting him off. He looked over at the wall, which was still smoldering, and shrugged. He didn't need me to clarify what I was talking about.

"I helped get the materi-"

"That's too much fire." I barked. "That'll spread, and you know how close to the wall we live. You'll be lucky if Mom and Dad are even alive." My voice was relentless; I refused to make myself think about the possibility of them not being alive. That would be an unforgivable mistake on Kaden's part.

His face, illuminated by the faint orange glow of his own handiwork, didn't change at my words. He looked indifferent, cold.

"Roy is on his way." He said simply. Sebastian's arm tightened around me.

"Elizabeth is very injured," Sebastian murmured. "It won't be long before she'll need medical attention, and I doubt that you've left any of my hospitals standing, as they are-" He paused and corrected himself. "Were, positioned along the wall's outer edge."

Kaden's cold expression cracked for a second. He controlled himself fast, though, and looked at Sebastian, barely reigning his hatred in.

"I don't remember asking you to speak." He said slowly. Sebastian bristled at his tone; being talked down to wasn't something he usually tolerated, being the king of literally everything we ever knew and all.

"Seeing as you're the one who caused this," Sebastian replied, equally slow but a thousand times more intimidating. "Talking like you're above me, after burning your sister's flesh off, doesn't make any sense."

Kaden's hands balled into fists, but he made no move towards Sebastian. He wasn't stupid; he knew that he'd never win in a fight with a vampire.

"What?" I goaded. "Waiting for Roy? So he can take care of this little issue for you?"

I could tell my words hurt him more than if Sebastian had said them. He looked at me, hurt for a second.


"You don't get to call me that." I snarled. "Family gets to call me that."

"Elizabeth and I are leaving now," Sebastian said calmly. Kaden's gaze whipped to his, and he laughed.

"Like Hell." He said simply. Sebastian took a step forward. And then another. To Kaden's credit, he didn't back away until Sebastian was less than a foot away. I saw his hand twitch towards his motorcycle.

"Elizabeth. And. I." He stated, staccato and scary. "Are going to. Be leaving now."

"Sebastian, give it a rest," A new voice called jovially. I looked over and saw Roy strolling towards us, with a smile on his face. Sebastian stiffened.

Roy's hair was an unruly, chestnut colored mess, but anybody with eyes couldn't refuse the fact that it looked good on him. He had the type of face that worked with anything, the kind of face you couldn't not trust.

Unless he set your entire life on fire.

"Elizabeth," He greeted warmly. His smile was still in place as he looked at Sebastian, but I didn't miss the hardening of his eyes. "Sebastian, you don't look very happy."

Sebastian growled, low and protective, and took a step backwards in my direction. Anger flickered in Roy's eyes, but he composed himself.

"Elizabeth?" He asked, looking at me. "Call off your guard dog?"

"Like Hell." I quoted Kaden. Roy blinked.

"I thought he'd have you trained by now," He said, bringing a hand to his mouth in fake shock. "You know how he his. If you're not obedient, he'll make you obedient. Guess he isn't to that part of the lesson yet."

"Leave." Sebastian said in a strained voice, trying to control his temper. "You've already destroyed everything I've worked to build in the past century. Mission accomplished, now go."

Roy laughed softly, a delightful sound, and looked at me again. He spoke to Sebastian without breaking our eye contact.

"You destroyed everything I loved too, remember?" His voice was quiet, almost lost by the sound of burning stone and billowy smoke. He raised his voice. "I want to talk to Elizabeth. Privately."


"Oh, please." He scoffed. "You act like I'm going to grab her and high-tail it out of here. You can run just as fast as I can, Sebastian. Don't think I haven't exhausted that plan already."

Sebastian didn't respond.

"Kaden and I have bonded a lot. I'd really, really hate to see him hurt. Why don't you take him off somewhere and hold your mouth to his throat while I talk to her?" Kaden's face shot to Roy's, horrified. Roy met his gaze and laughed,

"Relax. I'm only using this as collateral. If I don't bring Elizabeth back, he can suck your veins dry." Kaden's expression only grew more frightened, and Roy rolled his eyes.

"I'm gonna bring her back, Kaden. I'm not gonna let him kill you."

Kaden didn't look pacified by any means, but he nodded once. Roy looked at Sebastian, who wore a thoughtful expression, clearly considering Roy's offer. After a long moment, he nodded, and Roy's grin widened.

"Great." He held out a hand for me to walk over and take, but I ignored it and settled for walking a good distance behind him and stopping.

"You boys have fun, we'll be back in a jiffy," He called in a singsong voice. He looked at me.

"Well?" He asked, wiggling his empty hand at me. "I don't bite."

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