Chapter Thirty-Four

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This chapter has 1330 words in it. SORRY FOR SUCH A LATE UPDATE! I had a bit of an issue while writing this and had to get help, and I didn't get to come back to finish this chapter until I was okay. SEBASTIAN REACHED #14 IN VAMPIRE! HOW IN THE WORLDDDD?? 25k READS, TOO? I CAN'T EVEN :'D I love you alllllll!!! Thank you SOOOOOOOO much for reading!


I woke up in massive pain. It was still dark outside, and I was laying on my back. My peripheral vision was tinted orange; we weren't very far away from what was left of the wall. Sebastian's face appeared above me, and relief shone in his eyes.

"Can you sit?" He murmured. I opened my mouth to speak, but couldn't find my voice. I was hurt, but I couldn't help but feel grateful. All of the pain was in my arms and my legs, and I had some pain on my left side, but my face was fine and my back was fine and my torso and neck were fine. Sebastian ran fast enough to get me out without turning me into a complete crisp.

Sebastian took my silence as a no, and I heard him shuffling around. He appeared again with a bottle of water and uncapped it, moving his hand to bend my head up. Pain shot through me as my shoulders shifted, and I groaned. Sebastian looked at me with wide, scared eyes.

"It's fine," My voice came out as a raspy whisper. He lifted me up a little more, just enough to be able to tilt the bottle to my lips without wasting the water in it. My lips were beyond chapped, and I let him spill some of the water onto them. It was a slow process, but eventually, I was able to stay in a sitting position without yowling in pain. I turned my burn-free head, looking for Elmer. Sebastian placed his carrier in front of me.

"He's perfectly fine," He assured, giving me a weak smile. It was at that moment that I realized he had no shirt on, and blush stained my face. He noticed me looking, and despite being worried just seconds earlier, he grinned slowly. I knew he was attractive, and he knew that I knew he was attractive.

"Knew I should've packed a camera," He said smugly.

"Did you just try to tell the 'take a picture, it'll last longer' joke?" I asked incredulously. His grinned widened.

"You understood it, didn't you?"

"No. It was bad."

"You've literally been staring at my torso this whole time, Elizabeth." He laughed. "My eyes are up here."

I scoffed, and winced when the movement shook my shoulders, which shook my arms. Sebastian grabbed the large duffel bag and sorted through it.

"I have pain medicine in here," He explained. He gave a quiet whoop and held up a bottle of pills. He moved to my side instead of in front of me, and I couldn't focus on him anymore.

Growing up, the wall that surrounded us all was gigantic, dark, and imposing.

As I stared at it, I had to fight the fear that surfaced at the sight. It was covered in fire, all of it. Threatening black smoke billowed out from it, and large pieces of it kept falling off and crashing to the ground. It reminded me of a volcano, so enormous and destructive.

Sebastian urged me to take the pills, but I couldn't stop staring at what had once been my cage.

"Roy couldn't have," I whispered, mostly to myself. "There's too much fire. That much fire will spread, what was he thinking?" Tears gathered in my eyes. "Kaden had to agree to this, and he knows our family is in there." Anger slowly made its way through me, hotter than the burns on my arms and legs. I got up, but nearly fell right back down. Sebastian caught me, his hands on my back instead of my arms.

"I'll kill him." I growled. "So help me God, I'll kill them both."

Sebastian sighed.

"We can worry about that later. We need to leave. And you need to take one these pills."

I let him give me the pill, which was an odd shade of dark red, and it tasted odd on my tongue; my hands were fine, because I'd had my arms wrapped around the tarp and I'd tucked my hands into a fold in the material. However, using my hands required moving my arms, which I wasn't ready for.

I immediately started feeling better. I looked at him questioningly.

"What kind of pill did you just give me?" I asked. It wasn't normal for a pill to take so much of the pain away so fast, and I looked down at my arms.

They looked awful. They were bright, bright red, and pieces of my skin were completely black and falling off. There was a good bit of loose skin that hung there, black as can be and very gross-looking. Sebastian's hand grazed my face.

"You're beautiful," He said. He leaned down and kissed my forehead. I wanted to cry; I knew I didn't look beautiful, with my arms and my legs such a charred mess. Vain as it was, I didn't want him to look at me with that kind of pity in his eyes, like he mourned my skin as much as I did.

"That didn't answer my question," I managed to choke out, ignoring how thick my voice was. He looked away.

"You don't want to know," He muttered. He looked back at me. "You should be up on your feet in a few more minutes. I only have four more of those pills left, so we need to hurry and get where we need to go. They don't substitute for burn medicine and you need to sleep this off when we get there."

"Sebastian, what did you just give me." It came out more as a statement than a question, and Sebastian stared into my eyes, seeing the seriousness in them. In an uncharacteristically nervous manner, he kind of patted at his hard stomach, staring up at the dark sky. He peeked down at me, obviously checking to see if I was still serious. He sighed, and didn't look at me as he answered.

"I packed some of my blood into soluble capsules." He said simply. I almost gagged.

Contrary to what a lot of people believe, vampire blood won't heal humans. Vampires use their blood to sedate prey, to make it easier to drink from them. Their blood numbed pain, and in large quantities, made humans happy and delirious so they wouldn't know what was going on and hence, not fight back.

"I didn't put enough in them to knock you out." He said bluntly, seeing my horrified face. "I used just enough to take away the burn for a while. And I only have four left, so we need to leave now." Something in my expression had offended him, and he turned away from me, trying to look busy gathering the duffel bag.

Lake Village's wall was still ablaze, but I knew Roy was done setting off bombs. The pill, despite it being Sebastian's blood, worked wonders. My legs and arms felt blissfully perfect, and even though I knew that if I looked down I'd still see the disgusting burned flesh, I felt like nothing had happened. Sebastian shouldered the bag and turned to me. 

"Ready?" He asked, holding out a hand. I didn't take it; I was afraid that he'd look at my burned arm again and realize how gruesome it was. He rolled his eyes and strode over, catching my face in his hands. He leaned down and looked me straight in the eyes.

"I'm not going to say this again, so listen carefully." He said slowly. "We were trapped. You looked at a ginormous wall of fire and didn't see the danger. You saw a way for us to get out, and I never would've came up with that in my life. You being a little..singed? That's nothing."

His silver eyes bore into mine, urging me to feel better. He kissed me, a cool press of his lips on mine, and took my hand a little forcefully. 

"We need to go." 

I had no idea where we were going. I didn't get to find out.

There was a loud roar of an engine, and Sebastian shouted something unintelligible as Kaden flew towards us on a motorcycle.

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