Chapter Thirty-Three

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This chapter has 1528 words in it, and I tried to fix as many spelling errors as I could. I made this chapter a little longer because I am so friggin' grateful to all of you, it's crazy. I love you all so much, and I didn't think it was possible to love people I've never met. But here I am, with so dang much love for all of you. Thank you sooooo much for reading this chapter, and any of the chapters before it, because time is precious and the fact that you use some of it to read Sebastian blows my mind. I know I say it a lot, but THANK YOU AGAIN! <3


Sebastian ran so fast I couldn't move my head from where it was being shoved against his shoulder, due to the the air kept it pushed against him. I had thought ahead before we left, and had Elmer's carrier pointed towards Sebastian's chest to protect him from the heavy force of the wind. Crazy as it was, I couldn't just leave my cat.

Sebastian stopped abruptly, and I nearly flew out of his arms; had it not been for my death grip on the carrier, Elmer would've shot across the alleyway we were on. I looked at him, and he was whipping his head around, searching. Out of nowhere, there was a light so bright I had to duck my head and screw my eyes shut. It wasn't very long before the explosion followed, so loud it felt like it'd make my heart burst. Sebastian shouted a curse and bolted to the left, narrowly missing a frightened child.

Sebastian ran and ran, but when I managed to glance up at his face, my heart dropped. His usual calm, determined expression was replaced, and in its place was one of a dead man. There was no hope in his eyes as they darted around, looking for an escape route. He glanced down at me, and tried to smile. It fell into grimace, and my heart clenched. I wiggled around, letting him know to put me down; he obliged.

"Okay," My voice came out stronger than I'd thought it would. "We need to get out." It wasn't a question, but he nodded.

"Okay." I said again. I told myself that slow and steady won the race, an ancient line from a children's book hundreds of years old. I calmly looked around, and I could see the wall way ahead of us. I gasped a little; it was a huge, crumbling mess in a giant inferno, and I immediately saw our way out. I looked back at Sebastian.

"Are you fireproof?" I asked. His eyebrows furrowed, confused, but he nodded. "How fast can you get through.." I glanced back at the wall that was slowly becoming nothing. "a pretty thick wall of fire?"

Sebastian took a split second to think.

"Not long," He said uneasily.

"Do you think you can go fast enough to keep me from burning up too bad?" My voice was calm, despite the fear that shot through me at the thought of getting burned. My escape plan involved a significant amount of pain for me, and I wasn't looking forward to it in the slightest.


"Roy isn't stupid, and he knows we aren't, either. And you carrying me through fire, knowing good and well that there's no way I'm not going to get hurt? That'd be pretty stupid of us, right?" I asked, watching Sebastian's expression slowly come back to life. His eyes quickly clouded over again.

"You'd be in a lot of pain. And I'm unsure if I can get out of it fast enough for the cat." He said simply. He adored Elmer, but I knew that he'd rather leave him here.

"So we take him back home," I said, my heart actually breaking at the thought. Sebastian noticed, and his hand ran through his hair.

"If Roy doesn't go to your old home first, he's stupid. It's too dangerous for all of us if we go back." He stated. He looked around, thoughtful, and pulled me under a bridge, into an area covered by the edge of it.

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