Chapter Fifty-One

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This chapter has 1025 words in it. MY WATTPAD HAS BEEN SEVERELY, SEVERELY MESSING UP. I uploaded a chapter yesterday, AND IT DELETED AGAIN. As I'm writing this, Wattpad is completely miscounting my words, which honestly stresses me out because what if there's an entire long paragraph missing? I've re-read it more than a few times, but the word count never changes. So, if you find something crazy bad in the chapter, PLEASE LET ME KNOW IN A MESSAGE OR IN THE COMMENTS. Thank you for reading, I LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCH!

ALSO: After talking to a friend today, I realized that if I showed you guys the second book cover options, it'd TOTALLY give what the next book is going to be about away :') So I can't really do that, but trust me when I say I'm happy with it :D


I woke up in a cell. Immediately, I jerked to my feet and strode to the door. I was about to punch it when a familiar voice stopped me.

"Don't." Sebastian warned. I whipped around and found him sitting on the ground with his legs crossed, his eyes hard.

 "I already tried," Isaac said, making my heart drop; we were all captured. Isaac was sitting against the wall on my side, with his legs splayed out in front of him and his arms resting in his lap. The knuckles on his left hand were severely bruised and busted.

"Who took us?" I asked, my voice small.

 "I don't know." Sebastian answered, still curt.

 "They shoved something over my nose and that's all I remember," Isaac said. His green eyes were on mine, and he gave me a smile. I tried to smile back, but it fell into a grimace. Isaac stood and made his way over to me, which didn't take long in the tiny cell. He slipped his hands into over and held them between us, squeezing reassuringly.

"We'll get out," He told me enthusiastically. Sebastian grunted. I looked at him, anger rising in my chest. I pulled my hands out of Isaac's and glared.

"So you're not going to bother trying." My voice came out as sharp as I'd intended. "You're fine, being trapped here. You're okay with not knowing who did this or whether they'll kill us."

Sebastian didn't flinch.

"This cell is designed to keep vampires in. There is no way we'll get out unless someone with the key lets us out." He said flatly.

"I don't care," I gritted. "We have to try."

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Isaac nod.

"If we end up dead, they can't say we didn't fight," He said lightly. I turned to him.

"What all have you tried to break?" I asked. He looked around the cell for a moment, remembering how he busted his knuckles so badly. He turned and pointed to the small window in the door, and trailed his finger down to the small gap in the metal where food was always pushed through. He walked slowly, thoughtfully, grazing the areas he'd punched earlier with his right hand. In all, he had punched the door window, the door food slot, the metal bars on the back wall that served as a window, a couple of random spots on the wall, and the door itself. All of it was to no avail, and though I couldn't see it, I knew he had to be at least a little frustrated. Until that cell, his strength was always something he knew he could rely on. In the cell? Strength didn't matter.

I watched him in awe, morbidly amazed that his hand wasn't completely obliterated from all of the things he'd punched, and the fact that he looked like he was ready to do it some more. Looking at him in the cell, I was struck, again, at the fact that I had no idea what he was when I first met him. Watching him in the tiny, confined space of the small cell was almost the same as watching an animal. He wasn't angry or scared or desperate. He walked slowly around, his hand trailing along the walls absentmindedly, unconsciously looking for a weak spot that could get him out. It looked instinctive, like he wasn't fully aware he was doing it, showcasing the wild creature that was such a large part of him.

"We need to make one of the guards see us as people," Isaac murmured, his eyes vibrant as he switched his gaze to the ceiling. They followed each line, strangely focused.

"Won't work." Sebastian said bluntly. Isaac didn't respond.

"It might," I argued quietly. "I want to try whatever I can try. And what harm does it do?"

"They don't stop to chat. They shove the food in and leave just as quickly." His voice was emotionless, and my blood boiled.

"God, Sebastian, can you just try to not be a jerk?" I snapped, exasperated.

He'd been staring at the wall, and his gaze met mine. They were burning with so much anger my heart stuttered in fear for a split second. Without a word, his eyes slowly slid back to the wall he was staring so intently at.

Isaac sat down and motioned me over. I sat beside him and he slid an arm around my shoulders, trying to provide as much comfort as he could. I thought about Kaden; did he know anything about where I was? Did he know that I'd been kidnapped? Did he even care?

Roy was far away when we got taken, because he didn't want Sebastian to find him and fight him while he was still in the process of healing. So it was highly unlikely that whoever took us took him also.

I thought about Elmer, and my heart stopped. I knew it was irrational to be so connected to a cat, but I couldn't help the absolute fear that settled into my stomach at the thought of him still at the abandoned house, all alone.

I quickly tried to calm myself down. Elmer was a smart cat. We left our bags of food, and if I remembered correctly, we left them open. I knew that Isaac and I had left the big pot of soup on the counter. It was gross, but the bathtub was still full of water. I figured that that should keep him fed and hydrated for well over a week, at least. It never took much to fill his tummy.

I also told myself that Roy would come back to the house. These were the thoughts that kept me from panicking as Isaac and I discussed different ways to kill somebody, if we managed to bond with a guard. I'd never wanted to kill somebody before, but I was certain that if it came between us getting out and a guard dying, I'd pick the guard dying.

I was going to get out. And nothing, vampire, werewolf or otherwise, was going to stop me.

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