Chapter Ten

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This chapter has 1073 words in it. I tried to fix all of the spelling errors in it, but I may have missed a few. It's currently eight a.m. and I'm watching Moana, so I'm a little distracted. I'll update later today, thank you for reading!


"Nervous?" Roy asked, looking over at me before focusing on the road again.


"Don't be, the king doesn't like that," He said. "He doesn't want someone who doesn't have the guts to act normal around him."

"He's the king. He owns literally everything we have, owns us, owns the land, everything. Forgive me for being a little jitttery." I muttered. Roy chuckled.

"He invited you back. There were hundreds of people at that dance, and this is the first one in a few years that I've had to pass a note to someone," He tried to soothe me. 

"How old are you?" I asked. He didn't look very old at all, not old enough to be doing this job for years already.

"Not important," He said with a grin. "We're about ten minutes away, so when we arrive, be at least a little confident. You're beautiful; it shouldn't be hard to draw up some self-esteem."

I ignored the smile that wanted to creep its way onto my face at the fact that an attractive man called me beautiful. "I'll try, but if he tries anything I'm not comfortable with, I'm ducking out of there faster than you can blink," I warned.

"He wouldn't do anything like that unless he thought you were into it," He laughed. "And if he tries something you aren't comfortable with, he'll stop. He's not a sex fiend, Elizabeth," He said, laughing harder. I shrunk against the seat a little as the king's large house came into view. I looked at Roy.

"So do you live here?" I asked, trying to take my mind off of what was to come. Roy shook his head.

"I live in the same town as you do. That's how I found the cat," He explained. I nodded.

"Thank you again, by the way," I said.

"Don't mention it."

We pulled up into the wide circular driveway. Roy got out of the car and walked around the front to open my door for me, and I cleared my throat, still nervous.

"Good luck," Roy muttered under his breath as we approached the huge front doors. He typed a sequence of numbers in a small device on one of the columns and the doors opened slowly. We walked in, and the king was waiting on the other side. I was shocked again at his face; he looked so much like an angel, and nothing like someone who kills people for kicks and giggles. His eyes caught mine and he smiled a little, holding out an arm for me to take. I wove my arm through his, and he looked at Roy.

"Thank you for being prompt." He said with a nod. Roy nodded back, and the king led me away.

"You probably didn't expect to come back," He murmured. I shrugged, remembering Roy's assurance that I needed to be calm.

"It surprised me, yeah," I said. He nodded.

"I haven't had anyone back for many years, you know."

"I know."

He stopped us at a large door.

"This leads to the observatory." He explained, probably remembering my refusal from the party. I nodded, and he opened it.

It was amazing. Everywhere I could see, there were stars. To the left, a mini depiction of the sun burned brightly, illuminating one corner of the large room in a soft orange light. On the opposite side sat the moon, and in the middle were scores and scores of stars in different colors. The king watched me, but I didn't care. I walked around the room, looking at the many little planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. There was even Pluto, tiny and ice blue, off to the side. 

He appeared by my side.

"You can call me Sebastian, you know." He said. I didn't look at him.

"It doesn't feel appropriate," I explained.

"I don't care what it feels like."

I sighed. There was no winning with him.

"Okay," I said.

"Okay what?"

"Okay, Sebastian."

He chuckled. I felt his hand on my back, light as a feather, barely touching me. I had battling urges to both lean into his hand and to cringe away from it. I settled for ignoring it.

"I have food waiting if you're hungry," He murmured. I nodded; I was famished, actually. I hadn't eaten anything all day. Instead of taking my arm, his hand caught mine. My heart beat rapidly, and I hated myself for not hating the feeling of his hand in mine. Together, we walked out of the wonderful room.

We ended up in a large dining room, with me at one of the ends of the table and him nowhere to be found. I was beginning to learn that he was opening up more as the night wore on, and that he was actually kind of a romantic. He showed back up in the dining room with a silver platter, which had a cover over it. He gave me a small smile as he set it down in front of me, and sat down in the chair closest to mine. I looked at him, confused. He grinned and lifted the cover from the platter.

It was a huge serving of pancakes. I stared at it; I loved pancakes, but for dinner? When I actually got the privilege of eating them, it was always for breakfast. He chuckled at my confusion.

"There is such thing as breakfast for dinner," He said. 

I picked up a fancy fork and ate it slowly, not wanting to look like a pig. He watched me eat, his hands folded under his chin, entranced. I couldn't finish it all; I left a large serving of it on the plate, and he frowned at me.

"You can have all of it," He insisted. I shook my head.

"I'm full," I explained. He thought for a long moment before nodding. He stood and offered me his hand.

"I've been itching to show you around, are you interested in doing that?" He asked after motioning to someone to take my plate. I actually was very interested.

He became more and more interesting every moment I was with him. I hated it, but I couldn't help it. And something told me that he was really trying, and I had to admit, I appreciated him for it.

Roy's amber eyes followed us as we passed, something unreadable in them. He looked a little scared.

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