Chapter Twenty-Two

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This chapter has 962 words. INTRODUCINGGGG, WEREWOLVESS! A lot of you were wondering why this book is labeled as "Werewolf" when there were none present in the story, but this is why. This scene also came along at the PERFECT time, because SEBASTIAN HAS REACHED OVER 5,000 VIEWS! How WILD is that?? As a way of celebration, I've designed a new cover for the book. It was VERY time consuming, even though it literally only took a blending tool and a text tool. PLEASE COMMENT OR MESSAGE ME WITH YOUR OPINION ON IT! Even if you think it is the most ugly thing in the world, TELL ME. If you'd rather me keep the original cover, LET ME KNOW. Thank you SO MUCH for reading!


Sebastian didn't let me out of his sight. He took the day off of whatever work he usually did, so he could watch me. He disguised it by taking me to the game room, the garden, the observatory, and a billion other rooms that caught my interest. But it was fleeting; my mind refused to be distracted for very long, and I kept picturing Roy's wink in my head, and Kaden's calm expression.

"Your mind is elsewhere," Sebastian's soft voice murmured into my ear, making me shiver.

"Yes." I didn't bother with trying to deny it; I was quickly finding out that Sebastian always knew when someone lied. He always had ways to know everything.

"Roy." It wasn't a question.

"And Kaden," I said dully, not giving him the satisfaction of watching me unnerved. His cool hand traced lightly down my neck, and I jumped a little when I felt his lips follow the same trail his hand made. The pressure of his lips was barely there, as light as a feather.

"Your brother will visit soon," He reassured against my skin. "And I'm expecting Roy back very soon as well."

I sighed involuntarily, but stopped myself; I did not want to be enjoying his quiet assault.

He chuckled, and moved away.

"It's late. Aren't you tired?" He asked, his voice soft. I wanted to be stubborn, shake my head, tell him to stick his soft voice and cold lips up his butt, but I was tired. I didn't feel like getting another lecture on obedience, either. So I just nodded my head. He trailed his fingers down my and linked his fingers through mine, tugging me towards the stairs.

He stopped at a large door, and when he opened it, I openly gaped. The large space was dominated by a huge bed, with a black comforter and dozens of pillows. At the end of it stood a chest with an opaque cup on top. Sebastian noticed and strode inside, grabbed the cup, and walked calmly to some other room and got rid of it.

"Is this your room?" I asked stupidly. He laughed lightly.

"Yes," He said, smiling at me.

"I don't want to sleep here." I stated.

"I'm not asking, Elizabeth." He said, his voice lowering. I didn't miss the threat there. I groaned, my sleepiness making me more careless of my behavior. I shuffled over to the bed and literally fell into it, not bothering to pull the comforter over my head. I heard Sebastian's chuckle, and the last thing I remember was him draping a different blanket over me.


I woke up to the sound of something crashing. There was somebody beside me on the bed, and I was sluggish to realize it was Sebastian. He shot up at the sound, throwing the black comforter carelessly off of him. I was still half asleep, dazed as to what was going on. Sebastian growled lowly, deep in his chest, and moved to the door. He didn't open it, and I saw him glance at me, thinking about something. After he made up his mind on whatever he was thinking about, he zipped over to his ginormous wardrobe, opened it, and grabbed something shiny. He was at my side of the bed in a second, holding something out to me.

It was a knife. I looked at it, and then back up at him. Another crash sounded, louder this time, and Sebastian shoved the handle in my hand.

"Stay here." His voice was so full of authority that I simply nodded. He paused for a second, and stroked my face, just one small movement of his hand. Then, after nodding to himself, he shot to the door and opened it just a crack. He slipped out of it and closed it behind him, silent as a mouse. There was yet another crash, this one jarring my jaw. I heard Sebastian shout, and my heart was beating rapidly. I gripped the knife, and made my way over to the door. I opened it a little and peeked out, and nearly fell backwards.

There were wolves everywhere. Huge ones, as tall as me, even standing on all fours. I managed to shut the door somewhat quietly, gasping. My hands were both sweating, and I shifted the knife, trying to get a better hold on it.

Something rammed against the door, throwing me forward. It remained closed, though, and I looked around for a better weapon frantically, not wanting to be left to defend myself with just a knife.

There was suddenly heavy knocking at the window, and I screeched, bringing the knife up and whipping around. The knocking sounded again, and I looked over my arms.

Kaden's face peered into the glass, wearing a stupid, huge grin. He waved sarcastically. The relief was immediate, and I rushed over, opening it. I looked down, and found Roy was standing on the top of his car, supporting Kaden on his shoulders.

"Here," Kaden said, positioning his arms where I could sit across them, bridal style. I stared at them uneasily, until an earsplitting banging sounded through the hall, close to my door.

I ditched the room and got into his arms.

Roy grunted with the effort, but he stayed steady. Kaden gripped my wrists and lowered me down, until my feet touched the top of the car. When I was successfully on the ground, Kaden jumped off of Roy and flinched a little when his feet hit the ground.

I was delirious with relief, and as Kaden nudged me into the car, I started laughing.

"Those wolves?" I asked in between breaths as Kaden got into the passenger seat. Roy looked at me in the mirror above the windshield and grinned.

"Friends of mine," He said.

I grinned back. This was their plan. They got me back.

So why did I feel guilty?

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