Chapter Twenty-Seven

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This chapter has 1002 words in it and I accidentally published it without my author's note. I CAN'T BELIEVE SEBASTIAN IS AT 13,000! I know I say this A LOT, but THANK YOUUU. I have been so freaking grateful to every single one of you, I just can't even! I LOVE YOU ALL SO DANG MUCCHHH.


Sebastian's voice sent a ginormous wave of relief through me. I was confused, again, at how attached I was to him; he was never completely out of my mind.

I told him everything, and he listened without saying a word.

Until I was finished talking.

I heard his fist slam against some hard surface, and he growled quietly into the phone. He pulled the phone away from his ear, shouting somebody's name. The voices were muffled, most likely because he was covering the microphone with his hand. I heard him yell something, and someone responded in a much quieter voice. There was more shuffling around, and he sighed into the phone.

"Okay, Elizabeth," His voice was low, and he spoke slowly. "I'm going to get every weak spot covered except one, so we can get back inside. You're going to have to tell me where you are, so I can come and get you."

"No, no, I'm fine, I just-"

"I'm not going to touch anyone there, I promise. But I need you out of there." He said, still speaking slowly and carefully. I could tell he was trying to stay calm.

"Sebastian, I don't think-"

"So leave and wait for me somewhere, away from them." He said, anticipating my response. He knew exactly how I thought. Still, I didn't enjoy him cutting me off. I tried again.

"You don't understa-"


"Stop interrupting me!" I snapped. "If I suddenly disappear, do you think Roy would be dumb enough to not believe it'd have something to do with you? We don't want to give them any extra reason or motivation to break down the wall. There are a lot of people here, Sebastian. They could do some real damage."

"I don't care what Roy believes and I don't care about any damage they can do. That is a group of angry, volatile people and the majority of them can turn into large wolves. I do not want you near them." His voice was soft, urgent.

I stared at the dresser ahead of me, weighing my options. I didn't like the idea of leaving Roy and his group of wolves behind, especially when they were so ready to fight anything that so much as breathed in the wrong direction. But I knew that telling Sebastian was the right decision, and I knew that being there with him would make him considerably less violent. Selfishly, I thought about how badly I missed him, despite all the time I had invested in pushing him from my mind. Not to mention, the safest place I could be was behind a re-fortified wall.

"Okay." I said. It was silent for a moment.

"Okay?" He asked.

"Yeah. I'll leave. But how am I going to tell you where I am?" I asked.

"Roy has a cell phone. You can probably..." He paused for a moment, trying to finish his sentence the right way. "..Persuade him to let you use it. Or distract him and take it." His voice was hard at the end, and I realized what he meant. I gasped.

"You want me to seduce him into giving me his phone?" I asked, managing to keep my voice down while still maintaining my shock.

"I obviously don't want you to, Elizabeth," He said, sounding slightly embarrassed. "But this is the easiest way to get the phone, because you refuse to let me get you otherwise. Even though I promised you I wouldn't touch them." He added.

"Okay, okay," I said, tired of waiting. I just wanted to get everything over with.

"Do this as soon as possible. I'll see you in a bit." He said, his voice as smooth as glass.

After we ended the call, I took a deep breath, keeping in mind that what I was about to do was for the best. With that thought in my brain, I walked out of my room and into the living room, where Roy was talking to a large man with long, black hair. He was using wild hand gestures, and Roy looked at him, laughing and grinning. He turned slightly and noticed me standing there. He stared at me for a moment before saying something to his friend and coming my way.

I didn't know how to seduce anything. I barely knew what the word seduce meant. As he walked towards me, I started to become frantic, and I briefly considered going in the opposite direction. When he stopped in front of me, I almost screeched and booked it out of there. Instead, I tried to do what Sebastian asked. I opened my mouth to speak, but no words came out. I tried to give him a warm smile, but it immediately turned into a grimace. Roy looked confused.

"Everything okay?" He asked.

I coughed, and my cheeks felt like they were on fire. Words bubbled on my tongue, and I spoke.

"Give me your phone."

Roy watched me for a second, shocked. I stared back at him, as shocked as he was.

"Why?" He asked.

"There's a rotary phone in my room," I said, building a lie easily. "It's wild, how the phone in the room and the phone in your pocket do the same thing. I want to compare." My voice came out indifferent. Roy looked at me for another moment before fishing his small device out of his back pocket. He handed it to me, and I thanked him and left.

When I got to my door, I veered away and went into the bathroom instead. There was a window, and I had to work to get it open, but I managed to get out of it. When I did, I ran.

I ended up at a huge tree, with a pond by it, at least a mile away from the house. I found the call option and punched in Sebastian's number. He answered immediately.

"Stay on the phone. I can track it." He instructed. 

"Hurry, please," I said.

"I'll be there soon."

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