Chapter Fifteen

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This chapter has 1377 words in it. I had to stay home today, because I woke up with horrible allergies. I'm talking waking up with a swollen face, and the usual stuffiness. The swollen face was enough to earn me a day in bed :'D Anyway, I tried to clear all the errors, but I can't see out of one eye very well, because the swelling hasn't went down very much. Also, THIS BOOK INCREASED BY 145 FRIGGIN READS OVERNIGHT! IT HAS 87 VOTES! I am just in SHOCK. I never believed this book would make it to 200, and I certainly never thought it would get any votes. It makes me SOOO happy that you guys like what I'm writing, because this is what I want to do for a living and I pour my feelings into every chapter. It makes me feel so accepted when you guys take time out of your lives to read them. Thank you so much, I'm extremely grateful!


Sebastian nudged me, not so gently, outside. Roy followed silently, his gaze never leaving the ground. The sweet, airy scent of flowers engulfed me, but it did nothing to calm my nerves. Nothing could calm them at that point. 

Sebastian stared at me with his arms crossed.

"I.." I began. "I was upset. I didn't think you reciprocated my feelings," The lie slipped off my tongue easily. "I thought you were bringing my family here to tell them why you're ending things with me. Roy noticed I was upset in the car and later that night he was walking home when he noticed my light still on. I couldn't sleep." I couldn't believe how easy it was to lie; I felt entirely comfortable doing it, and I was trying to ease Sebastian off of Roy as much as I could.

Sebastian continued to stare at me, but I saw him soften a little. I continued my fib, wanting Roy and myself to be in as little trouble as possible.

"He saw that I couldn't sleep, and he just came to ask why I wasn't going to bed. He didn't want me tired for our date. I asked him if he knew how you felt about me, and he put the pieces together and knew what was wrong, so he took me on a short walk to reassure me. I didn't know it would make you upset." I finished, my voice the perfect balance of soft and confident. I sounded like I knew exactly what I was doing, like I remembered exactly what went on and why it did. Sebastian sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose between his fingers and closing his eyes. He spoke to Roy without opening them or moving his fingers.

"What about you, Roy? Why did you almost kiss her?"

Roy glanced at me for a split second before answering.

"Honest mistake. She was very upset, and seeing her like that made me protective. You know how I am," He explained effortlessly. He is reasoning was short and blunt, straight to the point. Sebastian moved his hand and opened his eyes.

"Yes, I know exactly how you are," He muttered. He stared at Roy, and I could see him soften towards him, slowly. Roy stared back, his face calm. Sebastian started to smile, and Roy did too, until they both started laughing. I jumped at the suddenness of it, looking at both of them. Sebastian walked up and put an arm around my waist, chuckling, and leaned in close to my ear.

"I know you're lying to me," He murmured silkily in my ear. He turned to Roy and grinned.

"Let's go see how her family is doing." He said. Roy nodded, a small smile on his face.

I was petrified. He knew I was lying to him, and I expected him to do something about it. As we walked back into his ginormous house, his arm was tight around my waist, and I knew he was fighting his anger. Every now and then his arm would tighten, probably in response to some angry thought in his head. I found myself good at acting calm, though, and it seemed like it helped. My heart wasn't beating frantically like I felt it should, and my breathing was normal, relaxed, even. I made sure to wear a serene look on my face, and I was surprised again at how easy it was to keep up the act. It felt empowering, being that proficient in lying when I've never had to do it before, aside from the little white lies Kaden and I always had to tell our parents.

We walked up one of the large staircases, and stopped at a set of double doors down a long hallway. I was abruptly reminded of the night he cornered me against one of these walls, telling me he wanted me. He opened the doors and I found my family in various forms of concentration. Dad and Kaden were battling each other on a video game with guns, and Mom was in the middle of the two, watching the screen intently. I wanted to laugh at their seriousness; games were supposed to be fun. I could see Kaden's eyebrows drawn over his eyes, and Dad had an identical expression on his face. They looked so much alike, and if Kaden didn't have Mom's brown eyes, they'd be nearly impossible to tell apart. Dad never looked a day over 30, and had the same youthful glint in his eye as Kaden.

Sebastian watched them with curiosity, and I felt Roy's presence behind me. Mom looked up at us and jumped a little, surprised we were suddenly there. She smiled at me after the initial shock, and walked over. I met up with her in the middle, so she wouldn't feel as pressured by the king.

"How was the garden?" She asked, brushing a stray hair away from my forehead.

She had no idea.

"It was beautiful," I said. Not technically a lie; the garden was very beautiful.

"So you had a nice time? You weren't gone for very long," She worried.

"Everything smelled so sweet out there, I loved the flowers," I grinned, dodging the question.

Mom didn't notice. "Good, sweetie. I worry about you doing something you don't want to do."

"I'm fine, Mom," I said, giving her a small smile. She nodded, and walked me over to where the Dad and Kaden were cursing each other under their breath. Sebastian let me watch for a little while, before placing a hand on my shoulder and leaning in close.

"Are you hungry?" He asked, his breath tickling my ear. I fought the shiver at his closeness and shook my head. His hand tightened ever so slightly.

"I think you should eat," He said, his voice low. I swallowed.

"Mom, I'm gonna get a snack, I'll be ba-"

"I'm  leaving Roy here with you all while we go fetch something to eat. Would any of you like anything?" Sebastian cut me off. Mom smiled at me and said no, and Dad and Kaden shook their heads, not taking their eyes off of their game. Sebastian's hand moved to my lower back, and he led me quietly out of the room. I saw Roy's worried expression, but Sebastian moved too fast for me to register much else.

He didn't take me to the dining room. Instead, he walked me further down the hall, stopping to make a turn at the end of it. I was confused, but I didn't ask him where we were going because, in truth, I was scared. I didn't want to make him angry by asking. Very suddenly, he turned on me and pushed me into a chair in some unknown hallway. He leaned down to my eye level. His hands caught my face and he stared into my eyes, his own reflecting anger and something else.

"Roy almost kissed you last night, and I have a feeling that you wouldn't have rejected him," He growled lowly. It made me shiver. He noticed, and a devious smirk made its way onto his lips. He leaned in closer.

"Would you push me away?" He murmured. I gaped at him; he features were so perfect, it baffled me. He closed the distance and placed a quick kiss onto my chin. He placed another one on my forehead, and another one on the corner of my mouth. I was frozen, my heart reacting wildly in response to his gentle assault. His lips brushed mine, and I gasped. His hands buried themselves into my hair and kissed me in earnest, hard and urgent. My hands stayed in my lap as he kissed me, my mouth moving with his. He growled, deep in his chest, and pulled away.

"I have to go." He said abruptly. "You remember the way we came?" 

I nodded, breathless, and he cleared his throat, and uncharacteristic sound for him.

"Good. Go to them, and I'll call you when dinner is ready." He turned and left.

I stared after him, trying to calm my heart. I slowly got up, and turned to leave. Roy was standing at the other end of the hallway, and I stopped. He stared at me, and I saw the rage on his face. He turned and strode away.

I couldn't help the pang of guilt I felt as I stared after him. 

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