Chapter Twenty-Eight

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This chapter has 1070 words, and SEBASTIAN HAS INCHED ITS WAY PAST 14,000 (ALMOST 15,000) READS AND 700 VOTES! THANK YOU SOOOO MUCH! Please, please don't ever be afraid to send me a message with any critiques or opinions or constructive criticism, because I read every single message I get and advice from ANYONE is ALWAYS welcomed and GREAT. Also, if you read my book and have a book you're writing, TELL ME! I'd absolutely LOVE to read it and vote on it and all that :) I LOVE YOUU!!


The weather had quickly transitioned over what seemed to be no time at all, from summer to autumn, and the slight chill in the air tickled my cheeks as I waited for Sebastian. I kept the phone held to my ear, keeping in mind his instructions to leave it on. He had been silent for several very long moments, and I rubbed my hand against my arm, cursing myself for not leaving in something warmer. The wind picked up, and I got behind the large tree trunk, trying to keep some of the cold gust off of me. 

"Are you still there?" Sebastian asked. I started to nod before I realized we were on the phone.

"Yes, I'm behind a big tree because it's cold. It's not hard to miss." I explained.

I heard him mutter something to himself, and when he spoke again, his voice was slightly agitated.

"You didn't dress warmly?" He asked. 

"I didn't think it'd be this cold. It wasn't when I left."

"I'll turn the heat up. I'll see you in a few minutes. You may hang up now." He ordered. I bristled at that last part, and stayed right on the phone, refusing to let him order me around like a dog. Sebastian made a confused noise as he realized I hadn't hung up, and I held back the scoff I wanted to release.

"I said you can hang up now," He said, his voice going up a little at the end. I smiled; it wasn't very often that Sebastian was unsure of himself.

"Are you close?" I asked instead of doing what he said. He started to answer, but I heard the sound of tires on gravel and peeked my head out, ignoring whatever he was saying on the phone.

An unfamiliar car stopped near me, ahead of the tree I was hiding behind. It was very shiny, yellow, and new-looking, with tinted black windows and an engine that purred like a kitten. The window by the driver's seat slid down in one smooth motion, and Sebastian's head poked out. He was wearing sunglasses, and his teeth were bright white as he smiled. His hair was messy in a cute, boyish way, like he'd been driving with the window rolled down and his hair had mingled with the wind. I looked behind me, a little afraid that Roy would suddenly show up. When I saw that nobody was there, I hurried to the extravagant car, sighing contentedly at the warmth that enveloped me as I settled into the passenger seat.

Sebastian looked over at me, and his grin widened. He was wearing a simple gray sweater, and I couldn't keep from smiling back at him. As he backed the glossy yellow car up and drove away from the huge tree, I felt relieved. I'd only seen Sebastian carefree when he had a particularly good day, which wasn't often. I was happy to see him so playful, and as he grabbed my hand with one of his and brought it up to his lips, I couldn't bring myself to think about how Roy would feel when he found me gone. This was the only way to keep things non-violent for as long as possible, and selfish as it was, I didn't feel bad about leaving. 

Sebastian asked me to tell him everything, and I did. I watched his face change several different times as I relayed the details, and his hand on mine tightened when I finished.

"We'll have to strengthen it, then."

"Strengthen it? How could it be any stronger than it is now?" I asked him. He kept his eyes on the road as he answered.

"I'll have to add a layer. Make the wall thicker." He spoke slowly.

I gaped at him, and my mouth actually popped open a little.

"You mean build another wall." I muttered, fighting to keep my anger in check.

"Not necessarily," He said, but his voice was cautious. I turned and looked out of the window, refusing to argue with him while we were inside a small car, no matter how glamorous that small car was. I comforted myself with the knowledge that building an entire other wall would take months. Even if Sebastian helped and did most of the work, it would still take some time, time I could use to talk him out of it. 

After driving for what seemed like hours, we neared a huge, flat slab of concrete with a large, strange vehicle resting on top of it. It was black and looked like a fish with a bulbous head and a skinny tail, with big blades on the top of the head, and on the bottom of the tail. The orb in the front had a window and two doors, and the whole thing looked like it was on over-sized ice skating blades that were on either side of it. There was a man in the front, obviously waiting, and Sebastian noticed my confusion.

"This is a helicopter," He explained. "It's how I got here so fast."

"A helicopter?" I asked, shocked. I knew what a helicopter was, but none of the helicopters I saw looked like this one. Sebastian got out of the car, and sped over to where I was seated. He opened the door and held out a hand, leading me towards the machine. My heart dropped into my stomach as the massive wind from the blades nearly knocked me down. Sebastian traded my hand for my waist, holding me steady. His hair danced around his head, and I vaguely realized that that was why his hair looked so tousled. 

He ushered me into the helicopter, and I had to work to keep myself from hyperventilating. After we were both inside, the stranger pressed a series of buttons, and Sebastian leaned into my ear.

"We'll be fine, Elizabeth," He soothed, his voice sending the familiar chill down my spine. His hands expertly buckled me up, and the man operating the ginormous vehicle muttered something into a microphone that was close to his lips. With Sebastian's and stroking my face, it was difficult to be as scared as I should be as we slowly lifted off the ground. As we gained altitude, I couldn't help but glance down at the ground, which was slowly retreating under us.

I couldn't be sure, but I thought I saw several small shapes rushing through the woods, one of them simply staring up at us as we ascended into the sky.

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