Chapter Thirty-Seven

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This chapter has 1131 words in it. I thought I posted this three hours ago, but Wattpad DELETED IT AND I LOST THE ENTIRE THING. And this time, I didn't have it saved. So instead, I had to go and change A LOT of things, which is why this chapter may appear to be so all over the place. I understand if you don't like it :') THANK YOU GUYS FOR YOUR SUPPORT! When I have rough days, I go back and read every single comment on this book, and it makes it 10000000% better <3 I LOVE YOU ALLLLL!!


Roy watched me with a small smile on his face. Sebastian's had pill stared to wear off, but he'd told me they lasted for a little over three hours, so I knew I still had some time.

I looked down at my gross, burned legs, and stood.

"I have to go back," I whispered. "Sebastian will be wondering where I am."

Roy stood too, his eyes on me the whole time.

"You don't have to do anything." He said simply. I shook my head.

"I can't just ditch him, Roy. Not when you set everything he had on fire."

Something flickered in Roy's gaze, too fast to catch.

"Okay. I'll walk you back." He muttered. I looked at him, confused. He hated Sebastian, so why would he want to walk me back? Getting Kaden would be a good guess, except he had his motorcycle if he wanted to get to Roy fast.

Roy walked ahead of me in quick, angry strides, and I struggled to keep up.

Suddenly, he turned around and faced me. I almost rammed into his chest, but his hands caught my shoulders and stopped me.

"I waited for you. I warned you about him and how he gets, and I comforted you when you didn't listen to me. I got you out of the estate the night we fought, and when he took you away again, I still got you out. What has he done?" He asked, suddenly urgent.

"I.." I trailed off, preoccupied with the peculiar glint in his eye. He nodded, as if I'd just proved a point.

"Sebastian yanked you out of your life, and he forced you to take residence in his. He ignored what you wanted and only thought about himself. And when you tried to feel for once, for me, he blew up and tried to force you into being what he wanted. More so than he had tried before you realized I was in the picture. You're going back to him, still?"

I was speechless again. The smartest response I could come up with was 'yes, because he gave me my cat as an apology for locking me in a room. Oh, and his blood'.

"He got me out of Lake Village after you blew it up," I snapped, surprising myself just as much as him.

He thought for a moment.

"I'm willing to bet you're the one who came up with running through fire."

I scoffed.

"You don't know." I argued. He grinned.

"I saw the tarps, and I saw your crisp-free cat. I know how to connect the dots," He chuckled. I crossed my arms.

"There was no way I'd be out right now if he wasn't there." I muttered.

"I disagree. I would've met you both out here sooner if I hadn't been looking for you in there." He gestured towards the wall, if you could even call it a wall anymore. It was still a good ways above our heads, but it wouldn't be for very long.

"You weren't fast enough."

"Beg to differ. You'd see how wrong you are if you'd waited."

I let out a frustrated groan. He still had his arms on my shoulders, and one of them reached up and poked my cheek. I batted it away; I refused to let him turn the situation into something less serious than it actually was. He laughed at my reaction.

"Come with me."

"It's not that easy," I began.

"Sure it is. Let's go get Kaden and leave."


"Come with me." He said again, softer. "Sebastian can do fine on his own. He'll find him some other territory to shove a wall around, get obsessed with some other girl, and make some other people's lives miserable."

"Roy, you don't-"

"No, he doesn't." Sebastian's voice interrupted us. Roy didn't turn around, but his eyes hardened.

"I thought we had a deal." Roy said.

"You took too long." Sebastian responded. Roy turned around slowly, and Sebastian watched him.

"Where's Kaden?" Roy asked, his voice casual.

"Elizabeth, if you feel like you need to leave with him, leave." Sebastian growled, hurt in his eyes. He'd obviously been there long enough to see my hesitation when Roy asked me if I really wanted to stay with him.

Roy chuckled. "That was the plan."

"I don't want you with me if it's something you have to think about." Sebastian spat, glaring at me. I stared at him, shocked.

"What?" I asked stupidly.

He took a menacing step forward. I didn't understand where his anger came from, and it had me reeling.

"I appreciate the fact that you planned to come back to me. But you don't really want to do that." He said slowly, speaking to me like a small child, assuming things for me, and he knew how much I hated that. "You want to leave with him. I know that if you don't do it now, you will in time."

"That's not what was going on," I said, angry. " God, Sebastian, If I knew you could turn things around on me so fast, when not even an hour ago you were literally planning where we were going to go next, I would've saved you the trouble of switching personalities and just left with Roy when he showed up," I snapped.

Roy came up behind me, radiating silent support.

Sebastian smiled, a slow, scary smile, shook his head, laughing a little.

"Okay," He said simply. "Go. And when my blood wears off, you can think about what just went on here."

"What the heck, Sebastian?! You just told me to leave!" I shouted. "Are you bipolar? Insane? Confused? Because all of this," I gestured wildly between us. "All of this changing personalities in the blink of an eye? I'm not okay with that!"

Roy placed his hands on my shoulders and pulled me back, stepping forward slightly.

"We're leaving," He told Sebastian.

Sebastian didn't answer; he glared at me, and kept glaring even as Roy led me away. We gathered Elmer and found Kaden with his waist tied to a tree with both of the tarps, and we cut him out. I went through the process numb.

As Kaden got onto his motorcycle and Roy walked me to a car, I watched a tall silhouette stand motionless as he looked at us.

Roy placed Elmer in the back seat and I got in beside him, refusing to take the passenger seat because I didn't want to see Sebastian as we left.

The engine revved quietly, and we drove away. I stared at the edge of Elmer's carrier, the pill starting to wear off. I knew I needed medical attention sooner rather than later, but I didn't mention anything to Roy.

I noticed Elmer batting around a jingly object, and I peered inside, wondering when either of us had thought to get him a toy in our rush to get out of the village. I looked closer, and saw that it wasn't a toy.

It was a familiar bottle of pills.

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