Chapter Fifty-Four

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This chapter has 1088 words in it. Pictured above is the outfit I thought of when I described what Elizabeth was wearing to see the king, and I think that with it being based during winter at the time, it's super cute. I've been getting messages asking me what I mean by Sebastian ending "soon", and I wanted to get a little closer to the last chapter, but I'm already pretty close to it :D I will begin writing the second book at chapter fifty-five, and Sebastian will end at chapter sixty. The reason this book is so long is because I wanted to wait until more people read it, so when I write the second book, I can receive some of the amazing support that I get from this one. Because really, I want to make you all happy and keep you all interested :') Anyway, THANK YOU SOO MUCH FOR OVER 90,000 READS! ILY!


Isaac and I were pulled away from each other, and his initial reaction was to shove everyone away and get to me. The king with the glossy auburn hair watched, wickedly amused. The woman, his sister, got in front of him and said something quietly. Isaac stared at me as she spoke, and he visibly relaxed in response to whatever it was that she was saying. They ushered him away in the other direction.

I was urged into a large room with a deep blue rug dominating the space. A huge bed sat in the center of the room against the back wall, with a thick comforter the same shade of dark blue as the rug. Right next to it sat a dark wooden dresser with a decorative mirror above it and a small phone sitting on top of it. One of the ladies who brought me inside tugged my arm.

"Bathtime!" She chirped. A different lady pushed a robe towards me, and I jerked my arm back.

"I know how to take a bath." I snapped. The two women blinked, and anger flashed in their eyes simultaneously. It all happened with perfect symmetry and perfect synchronicity, and I had to bite my cheek to keep from laughing. I grabbed the robe and strode towards what I assumed was the bathroom door, but one of the ladies shrieked and pulled my wrist back. I turned and glared at her.

"I said I know how to-"

"That's the king's suite," She peeped, her voice tiny. I felt my eyes widen, and I immediately took a step further away from the door. The other woman smirked.

"Bathroom is that door." She said, gesturing to the door on the opposite wall. I walked past them, trying to maintain some kind of dignity as I went inside. I refused to question why he'd have me in the suite next to his.

The bathroom was bigger than my house and very ornate. The floor was polished marble, and the bathtub was big and set inside the floor. A shower the size of my old bedroom sat in one of the corners, shiny and inviting. What looked like a walk-in closet was beside it, and upon closer inspection, I noticed a keypad next to the glass door. I came closer and saw that the room contained nothing but different shampoos and body washes and conditioners, and above the keypad was an illustration of each soap with its designated number beside it. Curious, I pressed the sequence for what promised to make me smell fruity, and I jumped when the shelves whirred. The glass door slid open, and there was my shampoo. I took it and pressed the numbers for vanilla, and after I was done, I had a lavender scented bubble bath with vanilla shampoo and conditioner. The fruity shampoo sat on the floor, abandoned when I found the lavender bottle.

The bath was heaven. After soaking for what seemed like hours, there was a loud knock on the door.

"You have half an hour before you have dinner with the king," A muffled voice told me. I groaned; I wasn't looking forward to dinner with him. I slowly made my way out of the bathtub and dried my body off. After slipping into the fluffy robe, I opened the door and was greeted with a group of women, more than before. One of them, blonde and kind-looking, stepped forward.

"I'm Sasha." She greeted. "We need to get your hair dry, and Vivian will get you a nice outfit to wear." She held out a hand, and seeing no other option, I took it. She gave me a sweet smile and sat me down at the vanity by the door. There was a hairdryer, something I'd hardly ever got to use at home. It hummed comfortingly as she waved the warm air at my head. Before long, my hair was completely dry and I was being rushed into the outfit Vivian brought me.

Surprisingly, it wasn't a dress, like I was expecting to wear at dinner with a king. Instead, it was a loose gray sweater and a pair of white denim skinny jeans, something I'd never be able to afford were I still living in my old home. It was topped off with boot-heel-things, which I'd never seen before in my life. It was an odd combination, an extremely casual outfit. Why did the king want me to wear this? Vivian saw my confusion and smiled.

"Derrick has a...unique taste in attire. I'm sure your friend Isaac will be wearing something similar."

"Oh," I said. The outfit fit perfectly, and when I looked at myself in a body-length mirror in a large closet, I was surprised at how clean I looked. It had been a while since I'd had a decent bath. The outfit was cute, and I did a little turn, earning happy noises from some of the ladies behind me. Wearing it, it didn't feel as if I was about to go see a king, who'd told me that Isaac and I may end up arrested just hours before.

After being deemed satisfactory by Vivian, Sasha linked her arm through mine and led me down the hallway.

"Isaac's room is this way," She explained. It made me uneasy, the way she talked about people like she knew them.

She knocked on what I figured was Isaac's door and an unfamiliar man opened it. He was fat and balding, and he looked down his nose at us. He reminded me of a pointy-faced rat. He wore tiny glasses, and they sat on the very tip of his nose. His legs were shorter than the rest of his body, and he only had half a mustache. After looking us up and down, he moved to the side and Isaac stepped out.

Saying his outfit looked adorably boyish was an understatement. His hair was professionally ruffled, and he wore a gray sweater like I did, but his jeans were dark and the sweater sleeves were rolled up to his elbows. It was also tighter-fitting, abandoning any girlishness. He wore sneakers that were the same color as my shoes.

He gave me a warm smile and held an arm out in a sarcastic noble gesture. I took it, and we followed the fat balding man to the king's-Derrick's- room. I decided not to tell him that the room I was staying in was adjoined to his.

"Ready?" He asked as we waited by the ridiculous bedroom door. I took a breath and nodded, and the old man opened the door.

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