Chapter Fifty-Two

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This chapter has 1305 words in it. I didn't update yesterday because of personal issues, but because it's only 1:12 as I'm writing this, there will be a double update today :D Sebastian only has a few more chapters left before I begin on the second book, and I'm so excited! Also, THANK YOU ALL SO DANG MUCH FOR GETTING SEBASTIAN TO #4 IN VAMPIRE YESTERDAY WITH OVER 80,000 READS AND OVER 4,000 VOTES! I LOVE YOU ALL SOOOOOOO MUUUUCHHHH! (I'm sorry for any spelling errors; this chapter is longer than what I usually make them, so while re-reading, I could've missed some things.)

I'm attaching a picture of Elmer that I took the other day, so you can all understand my obsession with how adorable and completely bored he always looks :'D


Isaac and I sat against the door, waiting for someone to come near our cell. When we finally heard footsteps coming toward our tiny area, Sebastian suddenly lurched forward.

Before I could blink, Sebastian's fist slammed against Isaac's cheek so hard that the momentum knocked his entire body sideways. Sebastian landed another punch to his face, and I watched, frozen. Sebastian delivered a vicious kick to Isaac's side, and I found my voice and shouted at him to stop. Isaac was laying on the ground, blood pouring from his mouth and dark bruises already starting to blossom across his cheek. Sebastian's foot was reared back to kick Isaac a second time when a strong female voice bellowed through the door.

"Stop!" She shouted. Sebastian looked at her through the small window while I sat there in shock, staring at Sebastian's fists. They had Isaac's blood on them. After looking at the guard for a long moment, he kicked Isaac again, harder than before. Isaac's body was sprawled motionlessly on the cold floor as Sebastian attacked him. There was the sound of keys jingling as the guard frantically searched for the right one to get inside, and out of nowhere, I felt a flash of pain as Sebastian punched my cheek like he'd punched Isaac's. I toppled to the ground, confused and in dizzying pain. I felt a hard blow to my stomach and it knocked the breath out of me. I gasped and gasped, my hands clutching my stomach. Finally, the guard got the door open and rushed inside.

He picked the guard up and launched her across the hallway, and I didn't miss the loud crack as her neck broke. He leaned down and put his mouth to my ear.

"The hospitals are much less guarded than the cells. Less secure. They don't have any guards there at night; overpower the nurses and doctors when you can and get out." His voice was urgent, and understanding dawned in my head.

Sebastian pummeled me and Isaac senseless so we'd have to have medical attention, in the hospital that was apparently extremely unguarded and easy to get out of. I groaned a response and winced at the pain that flashed through my jaw as a result. Sebastian's cool hand traced my face ever so slightly, and regret shone in his eyes.

There were loud footsteps as more guards made their way to our cell, and Sebastian stood where he was. I was sprawled out across the door, and several boots accidentally kicked my back as they poured in.

The mistake, though, was that they were all human. Sebastian cracked two heads against one another, killing two guards. He grabbed a knife off of one of the dead guards, and blood flew everywhere as he cut and stabbed through the rest of them. It was over quicker than I thought it should've been, because of the sheer number of guards that had rushed into the room. When all of them were dead, Sebastian casually stepped over the bodies and leaned down to plant a kiss on my forehead. He straightened, turned, and punched Isaac again. Then he left.

I wasn't sure if he'd make it out. My gaze drifted, the pain making me float in and out of consciousness, and the last thing I registered was the ache as somebody lifted me.

When I woke up, I couldn't open my eyes. I was lost inside my own body, and I couldn't figure out how to work any part of it. I heard quiet voices somewhere close to me, and I focused on those instead of the dread that occupied every piece of me.

"...Her," One of the voices were saying. "It may be simpler to just change her."

"But she could heal on her own if we gave her time," The second voice argued.

"We don't have the time it takes for a human to recover. The wolf will heal much faster. We can take some blood from him and inject-"

"I'm not turning her into a mutant dog." The second voice cut the first one off.

"Okay," Number One agreed easily. "We have some vampir-"

"No." Number Two's voice was fierce.

"We have to find him before he makes it out." Number One snarled. "And when we get him, these two need to be secured in a cell. We don't have the months it would take for her to heal."

"I don't care. You're acting as if the medicine we're giving her doesn't speed recovery up like mad."

There was an exasperated sigh, and the sound of feet shuffling.

"One week." Number One said reluctantly. "If she can't maintain a stable condition in a week, I'll decide how to go about the situation."

"Thank you," Number Two's voice was relieved.

I heard their footsteps moving off into the distance, and I struggled to open my eyes, twitch my finger, anything. I wondered if Isaac was as trapped as I was. The way the voices were talking, he would heal in less than a week. So I figured if I didn't get my crap together in the next day or so, Isaac would already be moved to a cell.

Also, I'd be injected with monster genes if I didn't "wake up" in a week.

I ignored the tiny voice in my head that reasoned that, maybe, it'd be better if I were stronger and faster and more capable.

Being trapped inside my own body, I couldn't tell how much time was passing. I felt like I was floating, drifting from one stream of consciousness to another.

So when I finally opened my eyes, I thought it was just another half-dream. There was no light coming in through the windows, and reality crashed into me all at once. I wanted to shoot out of bed and run, but I gritted my teeth and stayed perfectly still. I could hear the clicking of a computer keyboard somewhere in the room, and I closed my eyes again, not wanting anyone to see that I was awake. Cool air brushed my face, and the room smelled strongly of chemicals.

I knew I had to see Isaac, to check if he was aware. We had to get out, and the lack of light from the window told me it was nighttime. Sebastian told me that there were no guards at the hospital at night. The tapping sound was still going strong, and I turned my head bit by bit, as slowly as I could. There was no pause in the sound, which was a good sign.

After my head was turned a decent way to the side, I barely lifted my eyelids. Isaac wasn't there, so I closed my eyes again and repeated the process, turning my head to the other side.

I bit my cheek to keep myself from jumping as I found him staring at me, his green eyes as vibrant as ever. He was laying on his side with his back to the tapping noise. His face, which should've been beyond bruised, was a little discolored, but otherwise fine. We watched each other for a few seconds. His eyes shone with an unspoken question, and I knew what it was. He was silently asking me if I could move, run, and I wasn't sure. I wiggled my toe, and it responded immediately. I moved my knee ever so slightly, and some pain shot up my leg, but it was nothing unbearable. Taking my chances, I gave him a tiny nod, and I saw him exhale quietly.

He mouthed a countdown from three, and when he got to one, he ripped the sheet off of himself and bolted toward the nurse on the computer. I tossed mine aside and ran to the door, looking down the hallway to see if there were any guards. Sebastian was right; the hall was completely empty and dimly lit.

Isaac grabbed my hand and yanked me out of the room, and we ran.

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