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"Hey, no fair," he whined, then pouted, crossing his arms, like a child in the grocery store who's mom just told him he couldn't get the candy he wanted. I smiled and scrunched my nose at him, putting a piece of cake in my mouth. He smiled back. I just sat there, admiring every inch of his perfect person. Looking into his gorgeous green eyes, I saw a sparkle and my reflection. He looked back, deeply, into mine. Our smiles soon faded. He looked down at my lips, then looked back into my eyes as if he didn't break eye contact at all. He started leaning in close, slowly. I started to do the same. Our faces were only inches away.


I slung my arm over my body and grabbed my phone from the nightstand.

6:00 a.m.

I grumbled to myself.

"Did you know you laugh in your sleep?" My mom laughed leaning against the door frame with her arms crossed.

"What?" I said, rubbing my eyes, trying to fully wake up.

"Yeah, and you chew on your pillow too. You must've had a nice dream with good food." She laughed again.

I blushed a little, thinking about my dream. "Uh... yeah, yeah." I stuttered out.

"Thought so," she pushed herself off of the door frame and clapped at me, attempting to help me wake up, "Time. For. School." She said, clapping once between each word.

She walked to the door, then stopped and turned around. "Oh yeah, and right after school today, we're going to a family picnic." She walked out.

I let out a huge sigh and flopped on my back and stared at the ceiling. I yanked the blankets off of myself and rolled out of bed.

I felt awful today so I didn't even attempt on a cute outfit. I had no one to impress today anyway. All the boys at my school were ugly and rude.

I grabbed a pair of black leggings and threw on a maroon colored, oversized hoodie that read "Harvard University" across the front. I wasn't even in college yet.

I threw my hair up in a messy bun and applied a little bit of mascara, to avoid looking like Kermit the Frog.

I put on a pair of black ankle socks and picked up my phone from my bed.

7:03 a.m.

I grabbed my bag from the chair in the corner of the room and walked out the door.

"Mom," I yelled from the top of the stairs.

"Down here, sweetie, are you ready?"

"Yeah" I yelled back, walking down the stairs.

Mom was in the living room, looking at bills and then putting them into her purse.

"I have a lot of stuff to do tod-" she said, then looked at me.

She giggled to herself and carried on with her bills.

"What?" I said, confused.

"Are you forgetting something?"

I looked at her for a second and checked my pocket for my phone. I pulled it out.

"My phone is right here." I pointed out, holding it between my thumb and index finger.

She giggled again.


She pointed down at my socks.

I looked down. "Ohhhhh" I said, feeling dumb. "Just a sec."

I dropped my bag onto the couch and walked back upstairs.

I opened my door and went to the closet. I picked up my black converse and put them on.

I closed my door once more and walked back downstairs.
Mom laughed at me again when she saw me.

I glared at her, jokingly, then laughed myself.

"Are you ready now?" She asked.

"Am i forgetting anything else?" I questioned.

"Not that I'm sure of. Let's go."

We walked outside. The sharp fall winds quickly numbed my legs. I ran to the car and hopped into the passenger seat, then rubbed my hands together, in hopes of getting warm.

Mom did the same, then started up the car. I turned on the heat.

School was about 20 minutes away from my house. I took my phone from my pocket and opened twitter.

My timeline was filled with photos of food from multiple accounts called "Food porn". It was basically just photos food that look sexier than most people I know.

I closed the Twitter app, then locked my phone and shoved it back into my pocket.

We pulled into the school parking lot.

"Have a great day sweetie."
Mom told me while I undid my seatbelt.

"You too, Mom, I love you."

"I love you too."

I opened the car door and threw my bag over my shoulder. I closed the door and waved at mom before she drove off.

I sighed and walked across the parking lot, and towards the front door.

* * *

A/N: I'm sorry about the short chapter ): the next ones will be longer, hopefully (:


I'm not really sure how often I'll update bc of school and all that, but stick with me (:

Much love 💛

Cashier Boy // Jack Duff ✔Where stories live. Discover now