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The next morning, I woke up. It was a beautiful Saturday morning.

Was that just another dream? At this point I couldn't even tell the difference.

I remembered I got his number and I put it in my nightstand. I quickly reached over and opened the drawer and looked inside. I pulled it out and looked at it and smiled to myself.

"It was real."

"What's real?" Mom asked from the door.

"How do you keep doing that, you're so quiet!?" I jumped and quickly threw the paper behind me.

"Mom skills." She replied. "What was that?"

"Oh- uh just some homework." I smiled.

"You can't believe your homework is real?" She questioned.

"It was history. Did you know the Boston Tea Party was a real protest by the Sons of Liberty caused by the Tea Act in 1772?!" I tried to sound excited.

She looked at me then stated "Actually the Boston Tea Party happened in 1773."

I playfully rolled my eyes  at her. She did it back then walked back out of the room.

I exhaled with relief. And looked at the paper once again and smiled, then hugged it to my chest.

I picked up my phone from my nightstand and unlocked it. I typed the number and put it in my contacts under the name "Cashier Boy".

I put the paper back in my nightstand.

I was debating whether or not to message him. I didn't want to be a bother. He was probably working. I decided to just go for it. I kept it simple and cute so I sent:

Hi (:

I impatiently waited for a reply which felt like forever. A few minutes later, my phone lit up.

Hey :)

My mind said "Asdfghjkl" but my thumbs said:

What's up?

He replied within seconds.

Nothing much, just got out of the shower, about to head to work. Can't wait to see you tonight. <3

I started feeling really excited.

I was so excited to see him.


It was gonna happen tonight.


I can't wait.

See you tonight. ;)

I replied with a winky face without thinking and started panicking.

What if he thought I was weird.

Actually, scratch that, I screamed in his face then kissed him when I first met him. He knows I'm a psycho.

Cashier Boy // Jack Duff ✔Where stories live. Discover now