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I've been messaging him all day. He hasn't replied at all. I was starting to worry. It was already 7:00 and the last time I saw him, he just disappeared. Maybe he was mad at me for making him leave? I wasn't sure. I tried messaging him again.

Okay Jack, this is the last time I'm gonna try to message you. I'm sorry for making you leave, my mom is just really protective and would freak out if she found out I had a [types boyfriend but backspaces] guy friend. Especially because you were in my room. Please don't be mad at me. I'm sorry.

Message sent.

I stared at the message and sighed before locking my phone and throwing it on the bed next to me. I buried my face into my hands. I glanced out my window, looking at freshly trimmed tree of the neighbor's yard.

I saw a car pull into the driveway. It looked pretty familiar. It looked like a very dirty version of Mom's car. I looked closer and saw a half torn sticker that read Honor Roll Student on Board.

That was Mom's car. That sticker had been there since I was in 6th grade. I couldn't tell who was driving it until they got out.

My jaw dropped.

The words couldn't leave my mouth. My mouth felt as if it was numb. I just stared as they slammed the door and walked to the side of the house.

I ran downstairs then out the door. I walked to the side of the yard. He was carrying a hose.

He saw me and smiled.

"Amy! I found your Mom's car. It was in the FoodCity parking lot, quite weird actually because your Mom wasn't there and they were about to tow it away."

I crossed my arms.

"How did you even confirm this was your car?" I asked.

"My name has been on the owner's information forms (lol I know nothing about cars) since I bought this car for your mom. Is she home?"

"No, she went out to the store with a friend."

I felt a little awkward around him because of the incident that happened the other night at the park.

"Okay thank you for bringing back the car, just leave." I snapped.

"Well, I was gonna wash it first because it got stall muddy and-"

"Just go, I'll take care of it, just please leave before Mom get's back, please."

"Uhhhh-" he said, scratching his neck and pointed behind me.

I turned around and jumped.


"Anthony?!" Mom said.

"Jennifer?" Said my dad.


"What's going on? Why are you here?!" Mom demanded an answer. She pulled me behind her.

"Mom he-"

"Amy, go to your room."

"But Mom, he-"

"Amy!" She commanded.

I looked at Dad once before turning into the opposite direction to head inside the house. I ran up the stairs, into my room, locked the door, and ran over to my window to open it.

I leaned out a little bit to try and attempt to listen in on the conversation. I waited for the yelling to take place, but I didn't hear anything. Just silence.

I listened closer. I heard faint whispers.

All I could make out was my Dad saying something along the lines of "She is my daughter and I love her, please let me be a part of her life, let her have the option. I'll completely understand if she doesn't want me to, but I don't think it's fair if you're telling her that she shouldn't love me. I've changed, Jen. I've become a better man now. She needs her dad in her life. Please."

"She doesn't need a drunk in her life." My Mom said in a salty tone.

"I said I've changed. Let her make her own decisions. Please." He literally begged.

"Fine. But if she says no, I don't want to see you around her ever again."

There was a long pause before my Dad finally said "Deal." He sounded nervous.

"I'll be right back." Mom said, heading toward the front door. I quickly shut the window and jumped into my bed.

I got on my phone and pretended that's what I was doing the whole time. Jack still hasn't messaged me back.

I heard my Mom's footsteps marching up the stairs. She stopped in front of my door and stopped. She knocked my door lightly and said "Amy can you come back outside for a minute? It's important." She had a nervous tone.

I got up and looked at her with a confused expression, as if I wasn't even listening in on the conversation they were having outside.

She tilted her head in a 'c'mon' type way. I shrugged and followed her downstairs, then outside. We walked up to my dad. I knew what was coming but I didn't show it.

"Amy, I need you to think really hard about this. It's a really tough decision but I want you to be honest." My Mom said, letting out a sigh at the end.

I looked between both of them.

"Yeah?" I said, crossing my arms and raising one eyebrow.

"So um- do you want to give your father a second chance?" Mom asked, nervously. "It's your choice, it's your decision, not mine, it's what you want." She added.

I looked at my Dad's face. He looked as if he was about to start crying.

Did he actually care about me? Had he really changed? Should I give him a second chance? He didn't really deserve it.

"Ummmm-" I said, then stopped to think to myself once more.

A/N: Hahahaha don't you just love cliffhangers? (: I think they're great.

I'm sorry this story is poorly written like I'm literally just making the story up as I go along. I still have a few big things planned thoughhhh ;) So stay tuned.

Much love 💜

Cashier Boy // Jack Duff ✔Where stories live. Discover now