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I quickly walked away from her, and straight to the back. I went through the door and grabbed a cart.

"Hey Jacob." I said to a co-worker of mine.

"Hey." He murmered.

"Uh, you okay, mate?"

"Yeah." He sighed.

"You sure? Because-"

"How do you do it?" He snapped.

"How do I do what?"

"How can you always get all of these girls? I don't understand. You're like a magnet."

"I- uh, don't kn-"

"Everytime I find someone mildly attractive in some way, I always spoil my chance. What do I do wrong?!"

"Okay, buddy, listen." I said, putting my hand on his shoulder. "Don't try too hard, just be yourself."

"What if she doesn't like me for myself?"

"Then there's someone out there who will."

He nodded. "Alright, thanks man."

"Anytime, mate."

I pushed the cart to the stock pile and started piling things into the cart.

After filling the cart, I headed out to put things on the shelves.

Most of the items were boxes of macaroni and instant mashed potatoes. I checked the chart in the cart, reading that these items were located in isle 4.

* * *

Mikey's POV

I was wandering around the mall. My Mom sent me here to get something for her but I kind of forgot what it was, so I was procrastinating until I remembered.

After a while of wandering, I decided it was time to man up and ask my Mom what it was she wanted me to buy.

I made my way to the fountain in the center of the mall and sat on the ledge. I dialed up my Mom's number and pressed call.




"Um, hey Mom."

"What's wrong?"

"Oh, uh, nothing, I just uh-"

I glanced up for a split second. A short, long haired brunette caught my attention. She was turned around in a group of four, including herself.

I got up and approached her, my Mom still on the phone.

"Michael Patrick, answer me right now or I'm..."

I zoned out of the call when I tapped her on the shoulder.

She turned around, revealing the gorgeous face of hers.

When she saw me, her eyes lit up and a smile spread wide across her face.

"Mikey!" She squeaked, then wrapped her arms around my neck. "What are you doing here?"

"I was here to buy something for my Mom. Speaking of my Mom, just a second." I said, holding a finger up, then spoke into the phone.

"Mom? Hello?"

I looked at the screen. The call has been ended.

"I guess she must have hung up then. What are you doing here?"

"It's complicated, so basically, she {pointing to Haley} broke up with her ex, but we wanted her to go to prom, but she didn't want to show up without a date because her ex already has a date, so Amy pulled Tori {pointing to Tori} aside and told her she knew of someone that Haley could go to prom with, which happens to be Amy's cousin, Brooklyn {pointing to Brooklyn} and-"

"Hey Mikey! Brooklyn interrupted.

"Brook! It's been a while, how are you, mate?"

"Well, I'm doing pretty well now." He said, then glanced at Haley with a smile. Haley wasn't paying attention.

"That's great, mate. I'm happy for you." I replied.

"You literally know everybody that you run into." Rachel pointed out.

I smiled at her, then draped my arm around her shoulder

"Michael Patrick Cobban!" I heard a voice booming from behind me.

Rachel and I turned around.

"Mom!" I called.

"What is wrong with you?" She scolded.


"Why weren't you answering me on the phone, I thought something happened to you! You know I'm-"

She stopped when she looked at Rachel.

"Who's that?" She asked, lowering her voice.

"Oh, uh, this is Rachel."

Mom raised her eyebrow.

"My uh- girlfriend." I let out.

"Your what?" Mom smiled. All of her anger was suddenly gone as she looked at Rachel.

That's exactly how I felt when I looked at Rachel.

Anything bad that I felt; hurt, anger, frustration, it all went away when I looked at Rachel. Her face and her voice always seemed to soothe me. They always seemed to calm me.

"You're... his girlfriend?" Mom asked Rachel for confirmation.

Rachel and I exchanged glances. Rachel turned to face my Mom.

"Yep." She smiled.

Mom smiled back at her.

"Oh, my little baby Mikey is all grown up!" She pulled Rachel and I into a hug. "I'm so proud of you, love." She kissed my cheek.

"Mom!" I laughed pushing her off of me.

"Sorry," She apologized, wiping the single tear in her eye. "I'm just so happy."

I looked at Rachel, who was smiling at my Mom.

"I'm gonna get going, if you need anything, just call." Mom said, turning around.

"Wait, Mom, what was that thing you wanted me to buy?" I asked.

"Don't worry about it, I'm already here, I can get it, you kids just have fun!" She waved.

"Oh, okay, Thanks, Mom, I love you!"

"I love you too, love!" She smiled.

Rachel and I looked at each other. Our hands traced against each other until our fingers were locked.

We turned around, only to see Haley and Brooklyn feeding each other bits of breadstick.

Brooklyn missed Haley's mouth and poked her in the cheek. Haley took the bread from him and threw it at his face.  Brooklyn tried to catch it in his mouth, but instead, the piece of bread bounced off of his chin, and went flying into the water of the fountain. They both quickly got up and walked away from the scene, only then realizing that they were being watched by us.

My phone buzzed in my hand. I glanced at the screen to see 1 New message from Mom: Invite Rachel over for dinner some time!!

I smiled, then turned my phone to show Rachel. I watched as her gorgeous eyes gazed across the screen as she read the message.

The last bit of doubt that my Mom wouldn't like her soon disappeared from her expression, replaced with relief.

* * *

A/N: Don't you just love scenes that end in cliffhangers (: hehe

Anywayyyy,, You're amazing, you're important, God Bless you, I love you, you're beautiful <3

Much love 💛

Cashier Boy // Jack Duff ✔Where stories live. Discover now