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I threw the rest of my lunch into the bin when the bell rang, indicating that lunch was over, and that it was time for everyone to go to their 5th Period classes.

I dragged myself to Biology. Because it was Prom day, students were allowed to leave after 4th period to get ready for Prom.

There were about 8 students left in my class, so our teacher didn't make us do anything. Klista and Rye being 2 of those students.

I pulled my backpack on top of the table and used it as a pillow.

I folded my arms and closed my eyes as I leaned on the backpack.

"You okay?" Rye asked, poking my side from behind.

I turned around and nodded.

"Yeah, just tired." I spoke in my sleepy voice, then turning around to my bag again.

He started poking my sides again.

"Talk to meeee!" He whined.

I turned around. He had his bottom lip stuck out like a child pouting.

"Ryyyye!" I whined back.

After that, he left me alone.

As I was dozing off to sleep, I heard giggles coming from behind me. I didn't turn, I just sat and listened.

"You walked into the wrong house?" I heard Klista giggle out.

"Yeah," Rye replied. "I mean, it was dark out and my neighbor's house looks a lot like mine."

"Wow, and you didn't get into any trouble for it?"

"They didn't even know about it. I noticed when I saw a toddler napping in the recliner, and I was like 'Wait, we don't have a recliner.... or a toddler.' "

The giggles continued, and with each one, I got more and more annoyed.

I've been getting annoyed so easily lately.

* * *

I stared down the clock, waiting for the final bell to ring so I could be freed from this place.

2 Minutes.

1 Minute.

30 Seconds.

10 Seconds.

5 Seconds.

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring*

Without waiting on Rye, who was taking forever to gather his things, I rushed out the door, down the hall, out the exit, and into the parking lot.

I saw my Mom's car pull in and I walked toward it. Opening the door and stepping inside, Mom could tell I was in a bad mood.

"How was school?"

"Eh." I shrugged.

She looked down, then back up to the road as if she were disappointed in herself.

"I'm sorry, Mom." I apologized.

"No, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have forced you into getting that job. You're a teenager, you need to do teenage things. Ya know, not the bad stuff but like-" She sighed. "Like, going to your Prom a-and-"


She turned to me and stopped mid-sentence.

"Everything's okay. It's not your fault." I tried to lighten the mood.

The car fell silent for the rest of the ride.

* * *

Mom took me home first so that I could change into my work outfit, aka, khakis and a polo. I stood in the mirror and looked at my outfit.

Cashier Boy // Jack Duff ✔Where stories live. Discover now