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"Um, Mom, can I uh go to the restroom please?" I asked.

"Yeah, just hurry back."

"Sick." I said, realizing I never really used that term before.

"What?" Mom asked.

"Uh, there's a lot of sick people here." I said.

"Oh. Um okay?"

I hopped off of the table and went out the door. Jack was leaving now. I tried to hurry.

He walked out the front door.

"Jack!" I yelled. "Jack!"

He didn't hear me. He was walking to his car. That's why it looked so familiar.

I started running. He opened the back door of his car to put the little girl inside.

"Jack!" I yelled once more. He looked up and smiled.

Once I finally caught up with him, I was breathing really hard.

"You okay?" He asked.

"Yeah, just give me a second." I panted.

"What are you doing here?" He asked.

"Long story- My mom thought you were a mouse and snap, ow, here I am."

He nodded, but I could tell he didn't understand what I just said.

"What are you doing here?" I reversed the question.

"My little sister had an appointment. She broke her ankle a couple weeks ago because she was trying to be a savage and slide down her slide while standing." He said glancing at her. She looked back at him and giggled. "I'm sorry that I haven't texted you today, this place has been quite busy and as soon as I left your place, my Mom texted me and told me that my little sister had an appointment at 1." he rambled.

"It's okay." I spoke, it seemed to relieve him.

"Alright, sick." he said. He was already starting to rub off on me. "Well I gotta take my little sis back home, I'll text you later, love." He wink. That gave me chills.

"Okay, have fun." I said, not knowing how to reply.

He gave me a smirk then turned to his car. I didn't move, I just watched him.

He paused, then turned back in my direct, I smiled at him. He pranced at me then gave me a kiss on the cheek before returning to his car.

"Amy!" I heard my Mom from behind me and I froze.

"Amy!" She yelled again. I remained still.

"AMY!" She yelled once more, louder, and more clear. I turned in her direction.

She was walking to me. "Were you just kissing a boy?!" She yelled, pointing at Jack's car.

"Uh, no." I felt myself blushing.

"I saw you, why are you out here, and what was he doing?"

Jack was starting to pull out (haha).

"Hold on," my mom said, throwing her hand up, in attempt to prevent Jack from leaving. He stopped and stepped out of his car. Mom crossed her arms.

"Who is he? Do you know him? What were you guys just doing?" Mom looked concerned.

"Uhhh...." I didn't know how to explain. "I- uhh." I couldn't tell her about Jack and I. I didn't even know what we were. We weren't technically dating, it was sort of just us hanging out in the park once and kissing a lot and me screaming in his face. That's not dating.

"Well, you see," Jack started. I felt the blood pumping to my heart. I heard my heartbeat, beating loud and heart. Was he gonna tell her? How would she react? I panicked.

Then, he looked at me and everything starting feeling okay again. I stopped panicking, he made all the pain, all the nervousness and anxiousness go away. I felt relief wash over me because I knew I could trust him.

"We're friends from school, and I saw her in the hall as I was walking outside and I was talking to her and then all of a sudden, a piece of dust got in her eye. I told her to come outside, where the light is better so I could see it." The lies escaped from his mouth. He was so good at it. I wonder how often he lies, or more specifically, if he lies to me. I would never know because he's such a professional.

He locked his fingers and looked directly into her eyes.

"Oh, okay, well, thanks."
Mom said, putting an arm around my shoulder and turning me around to head back into the building.

"No prob." Jack said, then turned in the direction of his car, fiddling his keys as he walked.

"Let's go." Mom said, lightly shoving me back into the building.

* * *

I was sat on my bed, scrolling through my Twitter feed. I came across this photo of a girl and a guy. The guy was kissing the girl on the cheek and her face was squished against his lips. It reminded me of Jack.

It kind of hurt me when Jack told my Mom we were "friends".

Were we just friends?

Maybe he was just lying. He did say that we were friends from school. I was pretty sure he didn't go to my school.

Maybe he was lying to keep me from getting in trouble.

Maybe he understood me when I looked at him and knew he wasn't suppose to tell.

But what if he took it the wrong way.

What if he thought I was ashamed of him.

Or worse.

What if he was ashamed of me?

I think too much.

I needed to ask him.

But I was afraid.

I was afraid of what his answer was going to be.

I was afraid of the truth.

But I needed to know.

I closed Twitter and opened my texts. He hasn't texted me like he promised. Maybe he forgot.

I sighed before I slowly typed out the words:

Jack, we need to talk.


* * *


But yeaaaah how u doinnnn ?

What do you guys think of this chapter? Was it too short or too long orrrr just right?

Lemme knowwww that's what the comments are for (:

Comment any questions you wanna know and I'll reply xoxo

Much love 💙

Cashier Boy // Jack Duff ✔Where stories live. Discover now