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The whole drive, I stared out the window. I watched the trees and the mountains flew by as we passed them. Pretty soon, they all disappeared and were replaced with highways and powerlines.

There was a huge lit up sign welcoming people to a plaza, which we unexpectedly turned into.

I furrowed my eyebrows, and took my attention off of the views on the other side of the window. I turned, facing in front of me, to Rachel.

"Um, Rachel, where exactly are we going?" I asked.

"Wal-Mart." She replied, tilting her head back a little.

"Oh." I said faintly. "Why?"

"Because that's what teens do." Mikey unexpectedly shot his words at me. I jumped a little.

I heard a chuckle coming from the other side of the back seat. I turned to Jack, not expecting him to be directing his laughter at me. His smile was the cutest.

"What?" I asked, not controlling the smile he gave me.

"You're so easily startled, it's hilarious."

I squinted my eyes at him, then turned my direction back to the window. I looked up in the passenger seat where Rachel was and looked into the rear-view mirror at her reflection. She was looking at me, smiling, then winked. I felt my face turning hot. She lifted her hands then made a heart, mouthing the word Jamy.

I turned my attention back to the window before my face turned as hot as lava, then melt off.

We pulled into the closest empty parking space to the front door. It was about 20 feet away. We all got out. As I stepped out, I brushed off the wrinkles in my shirt.

Rachel stepped out beside of me. She was wearing a casual peach floral dress that draped just over her knees.

We closed our doors in sync and walked on together, not waiting for the boys behind us.

We were joking around and goofing off the whole walk to the doors. We heard Jack and Mikey chuckling behind us. Rachel turned back to look at them.

"I wonder what they're talking about." Rachel said. I shrugged. "Hey, are you and Jack, like okay?" She asked, unexpectedly.


"I don't know, like you seemed so distant and stuff on the way here."

"Oh." I replied.

"So like, anything happen?" She asked. I shrugged. "Shrugging isn't an answer." She said, grabbing my arm and stopping me.

"Everything's fine." I told her in a serious tone. She nodded, but it was a fake nod.

The boys eventually caught up with us at the entrance. Rachel and I awkwardly stood in the lobby, not knowing what to do. The boys were still joking and laughing about something. Rachel cleared her throat, but they didn't answer.

"Mikey." She snapped. Still no answer. "Boys!" She clapped in their direction, but they still somehow didn't notice. Rachel looked at me and her eyes told me exactly what we were gonna do.

Her hand motion confirmed when her fingers counted down.




We both screamed as loud as we possibly could, not even caring about the fact that we were in public. Unsurprisingly, that caught their attention.

"Calm down there." Mikey said, as he and Jack held their ears. We stopped screaming.

"Pay attention to us." Rachel snapped in Mikey's face.

I hope she didn't apply that to Jack. However, she did say us. But she said it directing at Mikey. So maybe she meant for him to give us both attention. No wait, that would be weird considering they're kind of together.

"Amy!" Rachel waved in my face, taking me out of my thoughts and making me realize I was staring off into space.

"Yeah?" I said, blinking, then looking at her.

"Are you coming or nah?" She asked.

I looked ahead. I accidentally made eye contact with Jack. He quickly turned his head to the floor. Mikey looked at him, then the floor.

"Yeah, sorry." I apoligized but made no attempt to start walking, almost falling back into my thoughts as I got into a trance with the pattern of the floor.

Rachel grabbed my wrist. I stumbled behind her. As we walked into the store, I finally processed how to walk on my own. I jerked my hand away easily as we caught up with the boys ahead of us.

We found ourselves in the toy isle, receiving weird looks from parents holding their children's hands.

Mikey got distracted by a Darth Vader mask and held Jack back with him. Rachel and I stood and waited as the boys admired the piece of plastic.

"You guys are so boring." Rachel said, crossing her arms. "Let's do something fun!"

The boys were so focused on the mask. Mikey pointed at the features then compared it to the movie. Jack didn't say anything, he just nodded along.

"Ugh." Rachel groaned, the once again, grabbed my wrist, pulling me along. "Let's go."

We wandered out of the isle and into another. I looked up from my feet and saw the ball pit.

"Rachel!" I smiled, pointing up to it. She smiled back, confirming that we had the same idea.

I climbed onto the shelf of the ball pit, then stepped up onto the middle bar, then pulled myself up and over, falling into the ball pit. Rachel followed, rolling herself over the top bar, she fell down next to me, almost landing on top of me. She fell head first, her muffled laughs made my laugh hysterical.

"Where did they go?" I heard Mikey ask Jack.

"Shh." Rachel said. "Let's scare them."

I didn't hear Jack answer Mikey.

In fact, Jack hasn't really talked that much since we got here, and now that I think about it, neither have I.

I was knocked out of, yet another, thought session when Rachel nudged my arm. I snapped back into reality and heard footsteps coming from around the corner.

"Ready?" Rachel whispered then held up three fingers.




* * *

A/N: WOooOoo an update (:

Hi I hope you're doing good. I hope you get noticed by your fave soon. God bless you. <3

Thank you for being amazing. I love you so much <3

Much love 💙

Cashier Boy // Jack Duff ✔Where stories live. Discover now