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"He's walking over here!" Rachel whispered. I felt sick to my stomach.

"Hey." I heard a voice say from behind me. I looked up. "Did you throw this?"


"She did." Rachel answered.

An awkward silence fell between us all.

"Look, it was just a jo-"

"I would love to go to prom with you." He smiled.

"What?" I asked, surprised.

"Of course. You're really pretty." He flirted.

I turned to Rachel with wide eyes.


"Oh, sorry, I'm Rye by the way." He smiled.


"Amy. I know." He finished.

"What, how do you kno-"

"I sit behind you in Biology." He answered.


"Yeah. Well, I'm gonna get back to my table and finish eating. I'll see you in Bio!" He waved, walking off.

I turned to Rachel, my mouth hung open.

"Get 'em girl." She teased. "But, what about Jack?"

I ignored her, then stood up and took my tray to the trash to dump it out. I sat it in the tray window where a cook picked it up and put it in the sink.

I turned around and Rachel was right behind me.

"Amy, answer my question-" the bell rang.

"I'll see you in 5th!" I yelled over it, then ran out of the cafeteria.

I made my way to the crowd of people and finally made it to my locker. I got out my Algebra book and my Biology notebook for the rest of my classes so I didn't have to go back to my locker until study hall.

I headed to my next class, which was Biology. I walked in and there were only a few people in there at the time. I sat in my usual seat in the back. Not the main back, the row second to the back. The tables were set up for two. We had assigned partners for this class. My partner was a cheerleader, but she wasn't like the rest of them. She wasn't as preppy. She was more layed-back and chill.

She walked in with the rest of the class. She walked back to her usual seat and gently put her books down. "Hello, Amy." She said.

"Hi Klista." I replied.

Our Biology teacher, Mrs. Wolfe, started taking attendance.

"So at you going to prom?" She asked, turning to me.

"Yeah, my friend is kind of making me." I replied.

"Do you have a date yet?"

"Surprisingly. What about you?"

"Not yet, I'm still looking. The guys here are all too rude and disgusting."

I nodded.

"Hey! Not true!" A voice from behind us made us both jump a little. We turned around. "Not all of us are like that!"

Klista smiled. "I guess not everybody." I looked at her, then at him, then turned around. Klista turned around right after I did.

"Ryan Beaumont." The teacher yelled.

"Here!" Rye replied.

"So who are you going with?" She asked me.

"Him-" I said as the tardy bell rang. I don't think she heard me but she nodded anyway.

"Okay let's get started. You're taking notes today, so get out your notebooks." Mrs. Wolfe said as she started her lecture.

* * *

I met Rachel in the hallway after Biology. Together, we walked to our Algebra class, complaining the whole way there we walked in. Rachel sat in the first seat of the first row closest to the door. I sat behind her. She sat her books and her bag down at her desk and went to get her calculator from the shelf in the back of the room.

"Can you get mine too?" I asked.

She nodded.

"Thank you." I replied.

* * *

After an hour of complicated algebra equations, the bell finally rang and everyone rushed out all at once.

Rachel and I went to our lockers and threw all of our books in. We went to our usual spot on the gym stairs, but what we saw was a girl sitting there, her face in her hands, crying. A girl beside of her hand her hand on her back, comforting her.

"Hey, are you okay?" I asked, going up to the girl.

The other girl looked up at me. I recognized her face. I think I've talked to her a couple of times. Her name was Tori.

"I'll be right back." Tori said, patting on the girl's back. "Come here." She whispered, motioning me to follow her. She took me around the corner.

"Sorry, that was Haley. She caught her ex cheating on her and it's rough."

"Awh. Is she okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's been a while actually. A couple months. She's just worried about prom. She wants to go but she doesn't want to show up alone."


"Yeah, I've been trying to find her a date for a while, but everyone I suggest, she either thinks that they're too good for her or they wouldn't be interested."

"I'll try to find her a date then." I stated.

"Thanks, but you don't have to."

"No, I'm sure I know of a way of finding someone." I assured.

"Well. Thank you." She said, looking around the corner at Haley. "I need all the help that I can get."

The next bell rang, telling us that we needed to hurry up and get to Study Hall.

"Bye Tori!" I waved.

"Bye.... Amy?"

"Yeah, it's Amy." I laughed.

She laughed back and we went in opposite directions. I went to Mr. Bossaller's class. As I walked in, everyone was as wild as they usually were. I took my usual seat in the back. I took out my earbuds and my phone and connected them. I turned on my music and laid my head down on my desk, being sure not to fall asleep this time.

Last First Kiss by One Direction.

I felt a tap on my shoulder. I looked up at the figure standing over me.

Rye was standing over me, leaning on my desk.

He said something, but I could only see his mouth moving over the music. I pulled out one earbud.


"I said I didn't know you were in this class." He repeated.

"Girl, what would you do, would you wanna stay?" I said. After I said it, I realized I said the lyrics of the song instead of what I meant to say. (A/N: OKAY BUT IF THIS ISN'T ME)

"What?" He said, confused.

"Sorry, what I meant to say was 'Yeah, I've always been'."

"Oh, cool. Mind if I sit back here with you?" He asked.

I shrugged.

My mind said, "No, leave me alone, I want to listen to music and go home."

My mouth said, "Sure."

* * *


This chapter introduces a lot of new characters like wow.

God Bless, stay positive, you're amazing and important. Thank you and I love you so much. <3

Much love ❤

Cashier Boy // Jack Duff ✔Where stories live. Discover now