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"Hey." A lady poked me in the arm. "Hey, girls, wake up."

"Huh?" I said, sitting up and yawning. I looked around, confused as to where I was. I looked down at the seat next to me. Rachel was sleeping.

"Did you guys come here for something?" She asked. I shot her a confused look. I looked for a poster of some sort.

"Daisy's Beauty Salon".

"Um, can you give us a second." I asked.

"Yeah, sure." She said, then walked away.

I turned to Rachel and started shaking her in attempt to wake her up.

"Rachel. Rachel, come on." I said.


"We fell asleep."

She shot straight up.

"What time is it?!"

My eyes widened and I searched for my phone. I found it in the floor under the seat and picked it up.

"Uhhh." I said, "6:52."

"Are you serious?" She asked. "We need to hurry."

She quickly hopped to her feet and tugged my arm, pulling me along with her in the direction of the lady I was just talking to.

"Hey!" Rachel panted. The lady turned around.

"Hi, loves, how may I help you?" The lady said calmly, with a smile.

"We're going to a party tonight and we need you to fix these." She panted our once more, pointing to our faces. "It starts at 9, is there any way you could hurry with it without it looking ratchet?"

"I'll see what I can do. What kind of look are you going for?" She asked.

"Uhhhh." Rachel said. "I don't really know anything about makeup, what do you suggest?"

The lady examined Rachel and her dress and shoes.

"I've got an idea in mind."

"Okay cool, what about her?" Rachel asked, pointing to me.

"Stephanie!" The lady yelled. "Stephanie!"

Another lady, who I'm assuming was Stephanie, appeared from the back room, carrying pieces of empty cardboard boxes.

"Yeah?" Stephanie asked, sitting down the boxes.

"I need your help."

"Alright. Just a second." She said, walking over in our direction.

She looked at me, lifted my face, and then examined it. "Wow you have beautiful skin." She complimented.

"Uh. Thanks." I said awkwardly.

"So what look are you going for?"


"Have a seat."

* * *

"Okay, your total cost will be $67.98." Rachel wrote a check and gave it to the lady at the front desk.

"How much time do we have to finish getting ready?" Rachel asked.

"It's 8:38." I panicked.


I nodded.

We rushed out to Rachel's car and hopped in as quickly as we could.

By the time I clicked my seatbelt on, we were already on the road. Luckily, Rachel's apartment wasn't that far away from the salon.

However, the house where the party was being held was a pretty good distance away.

I opened the mirror. (Lol idk what it's called but you know that thing in the passenger side at the roof of the car that has a mirror? Yeah, that thing.)

I looked at my make-up to make sure nothing smudged on the way to the car. There was a bit of smudged lipstick that I managed to easily wipe off. I closed the mirror then lioked straught ahead.

"Rachel! Red ligh-"

Rachel slammed her foot on the breaks so hard that I slung forward. My seatbelt autolocked, which jerked me back. The car stopped before it bumped into the car in front of us.

I turned to Rachel and shouted, "You need to calm down before you get us both killed."

* * *

After a long, couple minutes of Rachel's reckless driving, we finally got to her building.

We both got out, slammed the doors, then ran upstairs.

Okay, time?!" Rachel asked for the 203rd time today. She grabbed her hair brush, curling wand, and some hairspray and threw them on the vanity in front of the mirror. She plugged in the curling tool, then started roughly brushing her hair.

"8:46." I replied. "We don't have to show up at the exact time that it starts. We could be fashionably late." I tried to ease her frustration.

It seemed to chill her a little. She stopped brushing her hair, then picked up the wand and wrapped the bottom half of her hair around it. After a few seconds, she unwound it and moved on to the next piece.

"Well, yeah. That seems legit." She turned to me. "You're not going like that, are you?" She asked.

"Excuse me?"

"Aren't you gonna do your hair? I have another curling iron in the bathroom."

I headed to the bathroom and found the curling iron in box next to the door, filled with hair supplies.

I walked directly back out and to the vanity where Rachel was doing her hair. I plugged in the curling wand in the only other available socket in the wall.

Waiting for it to heat up, I picked up the brush and started brushing my hair. Once it was tangle free, I picked up the wand and wrapped my hair around it. After about 15 minutes of burning our hands, a were finally finished.

Standing in the mirror, side by side, we examined ourselves. There was a piece of hair that kept falling in my face. Rachel seemed to notice and picked up a bobby pin.

"Here." She said, pulling back the lock of hair and pinning it back behind my ear.

"Thanks." I smiled.

After exchanging compliments and adding finishing touches, we were on our way to one of the wildest nights of our lives.

* * *


Thank you so much for over 2k reads. I honestly never would've imagined that it would be this popular <3 it may not sound like a lot to some people, but it is to me, and it means so much omg I love you guys so much.

You're all blessings and I love you all soooo much.

Much love 💙

Cashier Boy // Jack Duff ✔Where stories live. Discover now