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Amy's POV

I was almost halfway finished with my items. I had about two boxes of pasta left.

I picked up a box from the cart and looked at it. It was a different brand. I looked up and down on the shelf in front of me.

They were all the same. I looked back down at the box and turned around. I was stopped when I stepped on a shoe. A hand grabbed my arm gently.

"Sorry!" We said in unison. I looked up and saw that face.

"Amy?" He said, his expression showed that he instantly regretted calling me out.

"Jack." I replied awkwardly.

He awkwardly nodded as I glanced around.

"Could I uh- Have my shoe back?" He asked.

I looked down.

"Oh, yeah, sorry." I nervously laughed, then stepped back.

"Amy!" A woman's voice yelled from down the isle.

I looked in the direction. It was Gracie.

"I've got a new job for you, come here."

"Alright." I said, then looked at the last box of rice in my hand. I turned to Jack. Without saying anything, I slowly handed him the box of rice. We made eye contact for a split second. I looked away and turned back into Gracie's direction and walked on.

* * *
Brooklyn's POV

My face and hers were both covered in breadstick crumbs.

"You guys are such children." Rachel said, directing it towards Haley and I.

"Rachel, I'm older than you." Haley pointed out.

Her sass was adorable.

"Well you don't act like it." She stated.

"Let me be." Haley replied.

"Alright, but, please go wash your face. Both of you."

"Alright Mom." Haley sassed back, then picked up her bag, slinging it over her shoulder.

"Here, let me get that for you." I offered.

"Are you calling me weak?"

"What? No I'm trying to be a gen-"

"I'm kidding!" She laughed, playfully pushing me back a little. "But for real though, I can carry it."

As she turned away, I rubbed my shoulder, easing the pain, before catching up with her as we both walked to the bathrooms looking like four-year olds.

Tori's POV

I just kinda stood there, not knowing what to do, basically third-wheeling.

Haley and Brooklyn went off to clean themselves up. Rachel and Mikey were just standing there together, being all cute and such.

Then there was me.

I felt like such an intruder.

"Hey, um, Rach." I whispered. She took her attention off of Mikey. They both turned to look at me. "Um, I think I'm going to just head on home. When Haley gets back, just let her know for me, okay?"

"What why are you leaving so early?" She asked.

"Oh, I, I don't-" I stuttered out, accidentally making eye contact with Mikey, exposing my true reasoning.

I quickly glanced back to Rachel, hoping she wouldn't notice. She turned to look at Mikey, then back at me.

"Oh, I'm sorry Tori, I didn't really think about- look-" She tried to speak.

Cashier Boy // Jack Duff ✔Where stories live. Discover now