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Jack's POV

I was driving to work. It was a little cold and the fog was very thick so I drove slowly.

Surprisingly, I wasn't as tired as I usually was today. The drive was peaceful. When I arrived, there were only a couple other cars parked. I pulled into my usual parking spot. I took my time to walk inside.

The immediate hot air from the heating unit felt very gratifying when it greeted me from the cold.

Because today was Wednesday, the schedule was different. As long as I've worked here, I still haven't learned it yet. I paced myself over to the assistance counter and looked at the bulletin board.

My first two hours were working the cash register. After that, I had a 35 minute lunch break. Then, when I come back, I'm on re-stocking duty for an hour and a half. Then I go back to the cash register for another hour and a half, then I have Grocery Cart duty which is basically just going out in the parking lot and pushing all of the grocery carts back into the store.

I noticed something different about this though. I usually have a partner to help me, but there wasn't a name on there other than mine.

I guess Gracie thinks there's more to me rather than just a pretty face.

I checked the time. It was 10:02 am.

I walked to my cash register and stood there, staring into the empty store. My foot started tapping. I could hear the echoes of cardboard boxes being ripped from the back of the store.

My phone beeped loudly and lit up beside of me on the counter. I guess I forgot to mute it.

I picked it up and read the notification.

1 New Message from Klista ;).

- Haaaay cutie!!


- What's up?

Nothing really haha I just got to work. There's no business going on right now so it's pretty boring

- Aww no ): I could make it less boring if you want ;)

Woooooah now! Calm yourself

- Hehe

- I'm sorry haha I got carried away

It's okay 😂

- Yay!

Well, I'm not really suppose to be on my phone right now so I'll talk to you later

- Okay, I might come up there to see you after school if that's okay?


- ❤


I silenced my phone and sat it back down on the counter. More and more employees came in and went to the stations. Finally, my manager, Gracie, walked in and looked around before locking her eyes on me.

No, Gracie, I'm not taking you out on a date tonight. I thought to myself.

"Hey, you, Jack!" She yelled, pointing at me, and speed-walking over to my station. "Change of plans, I'm gonna need you to help prepare an order of groceries for a school and deliver them. Can you do that?" She asked.

"Um, yeah, totally." I replied, nodding.

"Okay, good." She started digging in her pocket. She pulled out a folded piece of paper and handed it to me. "Here's the grocery list and the address of the school. It needs to be there by noon." She added, then walked away.

I took a look at the list for a moment, then went to get a grocery cart.

As I was pushing it through the store, I took another look at the list and read off the first item.

- 20 {2 pint} cans of tomato sauce.

"Tomato sauce. Tomato sauce." I whispered to myself and went into isle 4, the canned food products.

I skimmed among the the various cans for the tomato sauce. I finally found it after over-looking it many times.

After counting out 20 cans, I moved on to the next item.

It took me ages to find everything, but once I finished, I checked out all of the items and took the ticket. I pushed the grocery cart out to my car and put everything into my car's trunk.

Everything didn't really fit into my trunk, so I put the rest into my back seat.

After closing the trunk and the door, I got into the front seat and started the car.

I took the list out of my pocket and looked at the address of the school. I knew exactly where this school was because I graduated from there last year.

I put the list on the dashboard. I started heading to the school.

* * *

Amy's POV

I put my tray down on the table next to Rachel's. I haven't told her about what's happened with Rye. He's been trying to get my attention all day, but I've ignored him.

"So anything new?" She asked, taking a bite of her sandwich.

"Um.... No. Not really." I replied.

"You sure?" She asked again. It sounded like she was trying to get me to confess something.

"Yeah." I told her, then took a bite from my sandwich.

There was silence between us for a couple moments.

"So how's Jack?" Rachel shot out, quickly taking another bite to make it look like she wasn't the one who said it.

I shot a distinct look at her before replying, "Good."

"Just.... Good?"

"Yeah? I guess. Why are you asking me?" I sassed.

"Nothing, I was just asking." She held both of her hands in defense.

From behind me, I heard a loud thump.

There was someone with a load of bags trying to open the door. I got up and went to go help the person out. The bags were stacked on top of one another, hiding the person's face.

"Do you need some help?" I asked as I held the door open and grabbed a couple of the bags from their hands.

"Thank you." The person said, their voice giving me butterflies. I look up at their now exposed face.

I wanna v.o.m.i.t.

* * *


Also if you're not already,, you should read My BabySitter by @MikeyPatrickCobban ((((:


Much love 💛

Cashier Boy // Jack Duff ✔Where stories live. Discover now