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Amy's POV

I didn't have to go to school today, but if I did, you best bet that I would probably not have been able to focus on any of my work. I'm not able to focus on anything except for what Jack told me.

I never knew that only four words could affect me so much.

"I love you, Amy."

I felt so pressured. I wasn't sure if I loved him too. Not yet, at least.

Maybe I did. What are the symptoms of loving someone?

I have to have time to actually think about this.

What if he tries to bring it up again?

"I love you, Amy."

What am I suppose to say?

-"Oh, yeah, thanks."


-"How nice of you!"


-"Haha! That's great!"


-"I love you too."

This was too stressful.

* * *

Jack's POV

"Here you go, sweetie." Mom said, sitting a hot plate of food on the table next to me.

"Thanks Mom." I smiled at her.

"If you need anything, just yell."

"Thank You Mom!" I told her as she walked out the door.

I sat up in my bed and reached to the table to get my phone. I needed to call my manager to tell her that I can't come in for work today.

I didn't know her number by heart. I didn't even know my own number by heart.

I didn't have her contact saved in my phone, but I knew that her phone number ended with a 98.

I opened my call log and saw my recent calls.

I called Amy last night? I barely remember anything last night. What if I told her something stupid? How am I suppose to find out? Just ask her? What if I told her something that I actually meant?

Without thinking, I clicked call and listened as the phone rang.

* * *

Amy's POV

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring* *Ring*

My phone rang. I panicked when I saw the words Cashier Boy.

What if he brings it up now?

I didn't know what to do.

Do I answer or do I just ignore him the rest of my life?

I let out a deep breath.

Maybe he won't bring it up.


If he does....

I've got to be prepared.

I have to know how I really feel.

I have to tell him how I really feel.

I clicked the answer button.

"Amy?!" Was the first thing he said to me.

"Hi Jack." I replied.

"Amy, listen, I have to tell you something."

Oh no.

"I have something to tell you too."

Why did I just say that?!

"You first?" He asked.

"You first." I replied.

"Well, it's about last night."

"What about last night?"

"The- The phone call...." he stuttered.

My body felt tingly and cold.

"Oh." I said awkwardly, not knowing what else to say.

There was an awkward silence for a couple seconds.

"Jack, I lov-"

"I was drunk, I'm sorry, I didn't know what I was saying, I'm sorry if I told you anything embarrassing. I promise it was just the alcohol. I know this makes me sound like a bad person. I don't drink. It was a one time thing, I'm really sorry for bothering you."

My heart has been  s h a t t e r e d.

I stayed silent for a moment.

I felt like someone just injected my veins with ice.

"Oh. Okay. It's fine." I answered.

"So what was it that you wanted to tell me-"

*end call*

* * *

Jack's POV

"What?" I said, holding my phone out and looking at it.

Maybe she ran out of battery.

I opened my messages and opened our messages.

What happened?


As the keyboard disappeared, I noticed a large green box filled with text.

When did I send this?

I read the messages that I sent silently to myself, but mouthing the words.

"Hey, Amy. I know you're probably mad at me and stuff but I want you to know that I'm really sorry ): I tried to tell your Dad what happened but he told me to leave. I'm sorry, love ):"

I paused for a moment before scrolling down to the next text.

"Amy Im really sorry u got hurt it was my fault and Im really sorry that shouldve been me not u. Your dad hates me now and its all my fault. Im sorry babe i really am"

I don't remember sending these.

"Babe I know it hasn't been that long but I need to hear your voice again and I need to know that you're okay. I need to tell you something."

I froze at those words and read them again.

"I need to tell you something."

I continued to read on.

"Im gonna call okay? I'm not sure if you're awake or not but it's worth the try"

So that's why I called last night.

But what did I want to tell her? Did I actually tell her?

I scrolled down once more. There weren't anymore messages from last night.

I re-read my most recent message then noticed a blue checkmark neighboring the word seen.

* * *

A/N: I'm sorry for the short chapter loves ): Buuuuuut.... I've been working on more fanfictions that I might post in the future if you guys would be interested (:

Anywayyyy i hope you have an amazing day filled with happiness and blessings <3

Stay positive. You're amazing. I love you so much <3

Much love 💟

Cashier Boy // Jack Duff ✔Where stories live. Discover now