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"Huh?" I rose my head and looked at my surroundings, confused. I was in school. I was in my study hall class. Mr. Bossaller towered over me. My earbuds blasting 5sos. I instantly paused it and took out my earbuds.

"How did I get here?" I asked.

He completely ignored my question before smacking my desk and told me, "No sleeping in study hall."

"Wait." I paused.

Was all of that just a dream? Everything? Meeting Jack, falling asleep with him on my roof? Seeing my dad at the park? An entire three day period in just a 40 minute nap?

"Class is over, please leave." He snapped.

I got up and walked out the door. I walked outside and saw my Mom's car parked in the corner of the parking lot.

"No." I said. "No, it wasn't a dream, No!" I dropped everything and ran. I ran so fast. I didn't care what people thought. I screamed, I cried. "NO-"

"Amy!" I heard Mom yell. "AMY HONEY, WAKE UP!"

My eyes shot open. I was in my bedroom, Mom was holding my hand. "Are you okay sweety? It was just a dream, it's over now." Mom comforted.

She pulled a tissue out of the box on my nightstand and wiped the years from my eyes, that leaked through the dream.

"Mom!" I said, sitting up and hugging her tight.

She hugged me back and softly rubbed my back calmingly. "Shhhh it's okay baby, Momma's right here."

We pulled away from the hug after a while. I put my face in my hands.

"Do you wanna talk about it?" Mom asked, holding my hand once again and rubbing it with her other hand.

I looked at her and thought about it. Jack wasn't in it so there wasn't really a reason why I couldn't tell her.

"Well," I started. "It was like- one of those- dreams where- you know- basically-" I was having a hard time explaining. "

I paused, then started thinking to myself. Am I dreaming right now? Did I actually meet Jack? I need phyically proof.

I looked around my room for anything that could relate to Jack. I looked at my closet.

I quickly turned my head toward my hand. The finger cast was there. I stared down at it for a while and smiled.

Mom continued rubbing my other hand.

"It was like I was reliving a day." I finished. "A long day."

"Oh, well it was just a dream honey, it's all okay now." Mom continued to comfort me. "Get some sleep baby, you have to get up for school in a couple hours. She stood up and kissed my forehead. "Good night baby, sweet dreams."

"Goodnight Mom, I love you."

"I love you too."

* * *


I grabbed my phone from my nightstand and stopped the alarm.

It was 6am. I opened my texts. Jack hadn't replied yet. I wasn't worried (ayyyye) because it was the A.M. hours. He was probably asleep.

I sat my phone on my nightstand once again and got up to pick out my clothes for school. I never plan what I'm gonna wear unless I'm really excited about whatever it was I was dressing up for.

Cashier Boy // Jack Duff ✔Where stories live. Discover now