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"Thank you so much, Rach, I owe you one." I got out of the car and closed the door.

"Yeah, no prob, ima get back to school before I'm late, be safe!" She said, before driving away.

"See ya." I waved.

I searched around the parking lot for Jack's car. I didn't see it anywhere.

Maybe he parked it out back or something.

I pulled out my phone to message him.

As soon as I clicked the home button, I saw a notification reading:

1 new message from Cashier Boy.

I immediately opened it, only to read:

Wait, no, I went home already. Don't you go to school? I thought we would meet up when you got out?

I'm already here. Class started in literally-

I looked at my phone.


4 minutes until class started and I was standing in the middle of a FoodCity parking lot with no car and no ride.

I had a strange feeling that he was trying to avoid talking to me for some reason.

There was only one option left.

I sighed.

I opened my call log and went to my contacts.

I scrolled to the M-section. I clicked the first one, then the call button.

*Ring* *Ring* *Ring* *Ring*

"Hello?" The other voice said.

"Hey, yeah, Mom, I've come across a little problem, and I need you to do me a huge favor please?"

"Ugh, What happened? Did you get in trouble? Who do I have to talk to?"

"Mom- Can you just- give me a ride to school please?"

"A ride to school? I dropped you off at school this morning. Where are you and how did you get there?"

I sighed. "I'm at FoodCity and my friend, Rachel dropped me off here."

"Why did she take you there?"

"It's a long story, I'll tell you when you he here." I sighed.

She would've had to find out sooner or later. Why not now?

* * *

Mom pulled up in the parking lot beside of me. We made eye contact through the window. I got in on the other side and closed the door behind me.

"Now, tell me why you're here." Mom demanded.

"Okay so, do you remember the day of the picnic? You told me to go get something in the store and I brought back a smashed cake?"

She nodded.

"Well, you see there was a- a story behind that. I've been having these dreams lately, about this guy."

Her eyes widened before she let out an "Ooooh" and nudged me with her elbow. I started blushing.

"Carry on," Mom said.

"Well, I kind of ran into him in there and dropped the cake. He was the cashier. I was so use to seeing him in my dreams, that when I saw him in real life, I thought I was dreaming so I did the dumbest thing I could do-"

"What did you do?" Mom asked, interested.

"I- uh-" I stopped. "I kissed him." I coughed through the last words.

"You what?" Mom asked.

"I kissed him, Mom."

Mom looked at me with a disappointed expression. I couldn't tell if she was with me on this or not.

The car was silent for a while. We were still sitting in the parking lot.

"Are you mad at me?" I asked, breaking the silence.

Mom looked at me. "That still doesn't explain why you're here."

"Well, I've been seeing him around a lot lately. We went to the park together one night, I saw him at the clinic-"

"The clinic? You mean the boy you were with in the parking lot?" Mom interrupted.

"Yeah, that was Jack." I replied.

"He told me you guys were just friends from school, not that you were dating." Mom said. "So he lied to me? What a great influence he is on you." Her sarcastic tone was understood.

"Well Mom, that's the problem, we're not-" I yelled back in defense, then stopping myself.

"You're not what?!" Mom yelled back.

"Nothing, nevermind, I don't know, can you just- just drive me to school? I'm missing my class." I said, lowering my voice, then putting on my seatbelt.

"No, not until you tell me what's going on!" Mom kept her yelling steady.

"Mom! I don't know what we are, I don't know if he likes me, I don't know if we're dating, he's never told me!" I tell back, the tears were threatening to spill, "Now you know! Are you happy?" I crossed my arms.

She froze. "Honey, of course he likes you, he kis-" she reached for my arm but I jerked away.

"Can you just take me back to school? Please?" I asked kindly.

Mom let out a sigh before taking the car out of park and putting it into drive.

* * *

We pulled up in front of my school. Mom had to walk me inside and check back in at the front office.

I received a tardy slip and heading to my Study Hall class.

I got to the front of the door, and heard the muffles of people horse playing and screaming.

I exhaled, then entered the classroom. Mr. Bossaller looked up at me from his phone.

"You're late." He said.

"I know," I sassed back, handing him the tardy slip. Thankfully, he didn't hear me.

I took my usual seat in the back of the class. I started thinking about the time I took a nap here. All of these kids can scream and beat each other up, but I can't take a peaceful nap?

I looked back up to the front of the room, Bossaller was on his phone. I pulled out my phone and checked my messages once more. There weren't any new ones but I forgot to reply to Jack's last text.

So when and where can we meet up because it's pretty important

I waited for a reply.






* * *


I'm gonna try to update more often because I'm finally getting myself back into this book. I have a pretty cool idea that some of you might like and some of you might not. You're just gonna have to wait ;)

Much love 💚

Cashier Boy // Jack Duff ✔Where stories live. Discover now