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"Hey Tori." She said, continuing her bagging.

"You work here?" I asked.

"Yeah." She smiled without taking her eyes off of the bags.

"Since when?" I sounded like a little kid asking all of these annoying questions.

"Today was my first day." She answered.

"Oh, cool." I replied.

She nodded, then handed me the four bags, one by one.

"You got it?" She asked.

"Yeah." I lied.

Thank God, Mom was there, noticing my struggle and grabbed two of the bags.

After she paid the Cashier for the groceries and got the receipt, we headed out to the car.

It was starting to get dark out. The air was getting colder and colder as we made our way to the car.

We drove out of the parking lot and into the highway.

The heat of the car felt amazing. The hum of the car was soft. I leaned back into my seat and closed my eyes.

* * *

"Tori?" Mom shook me awake. I looked out the window. It was almost completely dark outside now. We weren't home though. We were in another parking lot.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"So I know I said we didn't need chicken, but I just now remembered that we used the chicken the other night when we had chicken stir fry. Can you run inside and get a pack for me? Your limbs are young."

"Uh, yeah sure. Are you just gonna wait out here?"

"Yeah. Here's my card." She handed me her card. "You know the pin."

I nodded, taking the card.

I walked under the sign reading Walmart, and into the building.

"Chicken." I breathed out to myself. "Gotta find the chicken."

I rushed into the store and went straight to the food section.

I then went to meats, and hopelessly looked for the chicken.




I didn't see the chicken anywhere.

I really wasn't in the mood for this tonight. I looked around for the closest employee. Luckily, I saw a guy at the other end of the isle, turned around and stocking the freezer with cheese.

I made my way over to him, then tapped on his shoulder. As he turned around, his hair flipped in such a beautiful way. I froze.

"Hi." He smiled. "I mean, uh, can I- help you?"

"H-hi, um yeah, do you guys have any um-" I froze again when I saw his eyes. They were a gorgeous icy blue color. They went great with his gorgeous blonde locks.

"Any.... what?" He asked.

"Chicken milk?" I choked out.

"Chicken milk?" He questioned.

"Wait, no." I snapped out of it. "Chicken. Like diced chicken." I corrected, realizing what I've just said.

"Um, yeah." He laughed. "Come with me, I'll show ya." He gestured me to come with him.

He took me over to where I was previously looking for chicken.

"Here we are. Freshly diced chicken." He smiled, handing me a pack of chicken.

Cashier Boy // Jack Duff ✔Where stories live. Discover now