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Amy's POV

I accidentally opened his message.

"What happened?" I read.

You broke my heart lol.

I didn't reply. I locked my phone and gently sat it on my nightstand.

I felt weak and weightless.

I felt like I could just float and hit the ceiling.

I felt sick to my stomach.

It wasn't butterflies.

You only get butterflies when you're in love.

And I, was not in love.

* * *

Jack's POV

I wasn't really sure if she meant to leave me on read or not so I decided to message her once more.

Amy? I'm not sure if you've got my last message but message me back when you see this x


I waited for a reply.

I waited.

And waited.

And waited.

And waited.

I still received no reply. I continuously refreshed the messages for a solid 5 minutes but she didn't answer.

* * *

I felt so many emotions at the same time.

I feel broken, but at the same time I felt relieved because maybe I don't love him.

I feel embarrassed.

I feel cheated.

I hope he didn't hear me.

I know I can't ignore him for forever.

But I can try.

My phone buzzed in my hand.

1 new message from Cashier Boy.

I didn't read it. Instead, I cleared it from my notifs.

I typed in my passcode and unlocked my phone.

I. Forgot. To. Close. The. Conversation.

Without thinking, I slung my phone. Across the room. As hard as I could.

The tenseness in my muscles sent a sharp pain through my back. I sucked air through my teeth and grasped my back. I fell sideways, because of my lack of balance, on my bed and rolled onto my stomach. My face was shoved against my pillow and my breathing was filtered.

I laid there until the pain eased.

I heard a knock on my door.

"Amy? Sweetheart?" I heard Mom say from the other side of the door. "Everything okay in there?"

I didn't answer.

The door creaked open and I saw my Mom step in. I tried to move but it hurt so bad. I pushed myself up into my knees and looked at my Mom.

"Yeah?" I said, instantly regretting my new position. I tried to hide the pain, but Mom being Mom, knew how I felt.

"Lay down, sweetheart." She said, pacing over to me and helping me lay down.

Once I was settled, Mom asked,"Did you drop something?"

"No." I replied as she pulled the blanket over me.

Cashier Boy // Jack Duff ✔Where stories live. Discover now