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"This would look cute on you." Rachel said, holding up a bright green dress that had a black belt.

"I don't think green is my color. How about this one?"  I said, holding a short black dress.

"Ooooh cute, go try it on." Rachel said, then turned all of her attention back to her dress-infested closet.

I went into the bathroom, aka, the only actual room with a door in the apartment. I locked the door behind me. I took off my pants and slipped off my shirt, then stepped into the dress and slipped it up.

It fit great, but I couldn't reach the zipper in the back.

I walked unlocked the door and walked out.

"Rachel, could you give a hand?"

"Ooooh fancy. Yeah sure, turn around."

I did as told, them she zipped it. It was very tight and uncomfortable. I walked to the full-body mirror she had attached to the closet door. It didn't look awful. I smiled at myself.

"Ooooh how about this one?" Rachel asked, then held up a strapless black dress, about the same length as mine.

"Cute." I replied.

"I wonder if this still fits," She said, examining the dress. "I'll be right back." She went into the bathroom and closed the door.

I turned my attention back on the mirror. I turned to see what the back looked like. To be honest, I thought I looked like a hooker.

Tonight is gonna be a night where I forget about reality, forget about my problems, forget about him.

Tonight is gonna be a wild night, a fun night, a night to remember.

The bathroom door creaked open and I turned my head. Rachel appeared from behind the door in the little black dress. (lol 10 points if you get da reference;))

"Wooww!" I said in amazement.

"Mind to return a hand?" She asked, referring to her zipper.

"Of course." I said. She turned around and held her hair up as I zipped it.

She turned to the mirror. We looked at each other's reflection, then turned and actually looked at each other and smiled.

"Tonight's gonna be lit." Rachel said.

"Yeah." I said, turning back to the mirror. "Definitely."

"Okay, now shoes." Rachel said.

I completely forgot about shoes.

Rachel opened her closet once more and pulled out a container of shoes. She had everything from boots to flip-flops.

I pulled out a black wedges heel.

"Ooh, yas girl, you should wear those, they match." Rachel said. I sat it aside and began digging for the other one.

Rachel pulled out one that was a bit similar to the ones I picked out. They were the same color, almost the same design, hers were wedges as well. The only difference was that hers were about an inch taller. Once she found the matching shoe, she slipped them on and stood.

As I found my matching pair, I did the same. I wasn't really the type of person who could stand in heels. They were pretty and all, but I never really wore them because I always end up hurting myself somehow.

Rachel helped me stand, and we stood, staring at our reflections.

"Now, all we have left is hair, accessories, and makeup." She said. I replied with a nod.

* * *

Because neither Rachel or I knew how to properly apply makeup, we decided to get it professionally done. We were at a Make-up salon. There was a sort of long line but we had plenty of time left until the party started.

"What time is it?" Rachel asked.

I checked my phone. "Uh- 2:43."

Rachel groaned. "We're gonna be laaaaate."

"Rachel, honey, we have about 6 hours until it starts. I think we'll be good." I assured her.

"But there's so many people here and we still have to do our hair and who knows how long it's gonna take for both of us to get everything done."


"-and this dress is really uncomfortable why didn't we change before we came here." She buried her face in her hands as a sign of frustration.

"Rachel, what is up with you? You haven't been yourself lately and I'm actually concerned." I pointed out.

"I'm just frustrated because we have 6 hours to do so much and-"

"You know what I mean."

She sighed.

"It's hard living on my own. I thought it would be cool at first. Like, 'yeah woo, my own place lit!' But, it's not like that at all. I can't focus on school, I can't focus on work, I have too much to do on my own. I have bills to pay, I have to buy food, clothes, gas. I mean, my parents send me a check every week for about $200 and that helps a lot, but the money isn't the problem. The problem is that I have no time to do anything fun, no time to be a teenager, no time to relax. I don't want this, Amy. I miss having fun. That's why I'm looking forward to this party. I don't want to miss it." She exhaled again. Her voice was shaky. "I'm sorry. You don't have to go with me if you don't want to. I was just scared because it's my first actual party and I didn't want to go alone, and you're the only person I would want go with."

I stared at her.

"Awe, Rachel." I hugged her awkwardly. "Of course I'll go with you. This night is gonna be lit." I smiled as she looked up at me.

A tear rolled down her cheek. She wiped it away and smiled. "Thanks." She whispered.

"Anytime." I said.

* * *

A/N: It's been SO long since I last updated I'm so sorry <3

I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter. (:

Just in case you needed to hear this today:

Stay positive. Be happy. I love you. You're beautiful. You mean so much to me. <3

Much love 💙

Cashier Boy // Jack Duff ✔Where stories live. Discover now