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"Is this it?" He said pointing at a house.

"No, it's that one." I corrected, pointing at my house.

"Ah." He pulled up to the curb in front of  my house.

I opened unbundled my seatbelt.

"Do you need help out this time, or do you think you got it?" He asked jokingly.

"I'm fine." I replied. I opened the door then stepped out onto the curb. Luckily, I was closer to the ground this time.

I looked back into the car once more. Rye hand one hand resting on top of the steering wheel and the other resting in his lap. He smiled at me. I smiled back.

As I was about to close the door, he yelled, "Wait!". I'm not gonna lie, it scared me a little.


He searched through his glove compartment and found a napkin.

"Pen. Pen. Pen." I heard him whisper under his breath. "Ahh, hold on, let me see your phone."

"Uhhh, okay?" I replied, holding out my phone. He reached for it and my first reaction was to yank it back. "Wait, why?"

"I was just gonna put my contact in." He said in defense.

"Just tell me your number and I'll do it." I replied.

"What? Are you hiding something or-?"

"Hiding something?" I replied, offended.

"Well, it seems like there's something on your phone that you don't want me to see."

This boy has been getting on my nerves all day. I'm not taking this from him.

"Excuse me?" I said, crossing my arms. "One, no, there's nothing that I have to hide on my phone. Two, I literally met you today, if there was something on my phone that I didnt want you to see, I would've had to put it there within the last couple hours and hOW AM I SUPPOSE TO DO THAT WHEN I CAN'T EVEN GET ON MY PHONE BECAUSE YOU ANNOY THE ABSOLUTE H-E-DOUBLE HOCKEY STICK OUTTA ME. I CAN'T PUT EARBUDS IN WITHOUT YOU TRYING TO TALK TO ME. I CAN'T TEXT PEOPLE BECAUSE YOU LITERALLY READ IT OVER MY SHOULDER. RESPECT MY PRIVACY, MATE. GIVE ME SOME SPACE. STOP ACTING SO JEALOUS BECAUSE NEWS FLASH, BABE, WE ARE NOT A THING."

At this point, I was actually yelling. I'm surprised my Mom didn't come outside.

He stared at me in shock. I slammed the door as hard as I could and ran straight for my front door.

I didn't look back. I swung my door open as hard and as quickly as I could, then almost slammed it behind me. I decided against it, mainly because I didn't want my Mom thinking someone was trying to break into the house.

When the door was finally closed, I let out a large breath that I didnt even know I was holding.

"Amy? Is that you?" I heard my Mom yell from another room.

"Uh, yeah!" I replied.

"How was your ride with your friend?" She asked, walking into the living room, drying her hair with a towel.

"Oh, it was fun." I said.

"Oh, cool. What was her name?" She asked, sitting down on the couch.

"Ryan." I replied, then realized that she asked 'What was her name?'.

"Ry-Anne?" Mom repeated in a different tone.

"Uh, yeah!"

"Hmm, that's a unique name."

"Uh yeah." I repeated myself.

There was a buzz in my pocket.

I pulled out my phone to check the notification.

1 New Message from Rachel.

Tori texted me and wanted to know if you've talked to that guy for Haley yet

- Uh, what guy?

She said you told her that you knew a guy idk

- Oh, wait, yeah I know who she's talking about. I haven't talked to him about it yet but I'll text him now.

Oh, okay. Let me know what he said so I can tell Tori.

- Wait how / when did you get Tori's number ?

We have study hall together. Just do your thing

- Alright sorry

* * *

Jack's POV

My shift was about to end and, not gonna lie, I was pretty happy about that.

The place wasn't really busy. Almost all of the check out lines were empty. I  waited as the clock struck mid-night, indicating my freedom.

* * *

The drive home was calm. I parked my car out in front of the house, being sure to lock it before go on into my house.

I kept my keys out, in my hand, just in case the door was locked. I wiggled the handle. It was jammed so I inserted my key and turned. The door opened, revealing a dark room.

I walked inside and went straight upstairs.

I was so tired.

I went directly to my room and crawled into bed. I closed my eyes and was almost asleep until my phone lit up right in my face.

I turned my phone to me and squinted my eyes at the bright screen.

1 new message from an unknown number.

Hey Cutie 🙊

I opened the conversation.

- Do I know you?

Oh, I'm sorry! 😂 I didn't tell you who I am! We met at Food City

- Ohhhh! 😂 Why are you awake?

Because I was waiting for you to get off of work so I could talk to youuuu 🙊

- Oh, well yeah I just got home


I didn't know how to reply so I left it at that. I closed my eyes again. Once again, as I was falling asleep, the phone lit up in my face. I was so tempted to throw it out the window. Instead, I lifted it to my face.

Don't leave me on Read! That's not nice :(

- Oh, I didn't know how to reply, I'm Sorry!

I wanted to say, "jusT let me sleep." But I didn't want to be rude.

It's okay! What are you doing?

I'm about to flush my phone down the toilet.

- Nothing really, just laying on bed lol

Oh yeah, same

- Yeah

She can't say that I left her on read.

Wait, I'm sorry. I didn't catch your name 🙊😂 I feel so stupid

- Oh sorry, my bad for not telling you 😂 I'm Jack

I'm Klista ☺

* * *

A/N: I hope you guys had an amazing Christmas ❤

God Bless. I love you. You're important. You're amazing. <3

Much love 💚

Cashier Boy // Jack Duff ✔Where stories live. Discover now