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Amy's POV

I opened my eyes. My alarm didn't go off and I was confused. I looked for my phone, then checked the time.

2 AM.

I closed my eyes after putting my phone down on the table beside of me. I didn't really fall asleep. I just started thinking about things.

Thinking about the people that have came into my life that I didn't really have before.

- Rachel.

I feel like I've gotten closer to her.

- Mikey.

Even though I haven't talked to him much before, he makes Rachel happy and that makes me happy.

- My Dad.

But not really that much anymore.

- Rye.

I know we'd already gotten into an argument, but I didn't really give him a chance to let me know him as a person. Maybe I should give him another chance, or maybe even he give me another chance.

- Haley and Tori.

I haven't really gotten to know then as much either. But I have a feeling we'll get closer.


- Jack.

In time, he'll forget all about me. He'll have a wife and beautiful children, while I'm a distance away, probably still loving him, and him not knowing.

I thought about the day I actually met him. How embarrassed he must've been when I did that. Maybe he only have n his number because he felt sorry for me. I could've gotten him fired. He could have literally lost his job because of me.

My eyes shot open when I remembered something. The thing Mom wanted me to do.

I turned the flashlight on my phone and looked on my nightstand for the blank packet.

I skimmed the surface, not finding the paper I was looking for. I then started panicking. Mom could've gotten it and filled it out herself. If that were the case, she would probably write down some wild answers, and list that I had wild skills that I didn't even have.

I quitely got up, and gently walked around the surface.

I looked in the floor beside of it. It wasn't there. I looked behind it. It wasn't there. I even looked under my bed, but it wasn't there.

There was one more place I could check. I turned off the flashlight and quietly walked over to my door. I twisted the knob ever-so-gently and pulled the door, causing it to have this long, loud creeeek.

I stepped out into the hallway and looked both ways, being super careful that she wasn't there.

The floors cracked so I picked up my pace. Her door was already slightly cracked. As I approached it, I heard a slight voice coming from the room. I knew it was her voice. I listened closely. A few moments later, she started talking again.

Something along the lines on, "No, I can't change her mind."

Who was she talking to?

I didn't hear anyone else in there.

Maybe she's just sleep-talking.

I slowly stepped closer to the door and peeked inside.

"I'm sorry, but you asked her to give you a chance and she did. I can't do anything about this, I'm sorry, Anthony." My Mom spoke into the phone.

"Anthony?" I whispered to myself.

Anthony. As in, my Dad, Anthony?

"No, she's sleeping." She spoke once again. "I'm sorry, look, I gotta go. I'm really tired and I have to wake up at 6 AM tomorrow." She paused. "Yeah, okay. Bye." She let out a sigh and ended the call.

She stood up, then started walking towards the door where I was standing. She didn't see me. I ran into the nearest room, which happened to be the guest bedroom. Nobody was usually in there. Most of the time, that's where extended family would sleep if they spent the night.

It was dark and smelled of clean bedsheets. I didn't go all the way in, I just stood behind the door. I watched as Mom walked out of her room and down the hall.

Where is she going?

I panicked when I realized her pace started slowing as she neared my door. Her hand reached for the knob. She turned it.

Then, instead of walking in, she just stood there. After a few seconds, her grip on the knob loosened and she walked away from the door and down the hall to the bathroom.

As she closed the door, I took this as a chance to run into her room and look for the application. I quietly, but quickly, scanned her nightstand. It wasn't there. I searched her bed, but it wasn't there.

Suddenly, from the corner of my eye, I saw something moving from behind me. My nerves were shot and my heart was racing as I quickly spun around, only to be staring at my reflection in the mirror. Why am I like this?

The mirror was sitting next to a dresser. I walked over to the dresser and looked at it's contents. There was a jewelry box, Mom's makeup, a couple of cooking books, a notepad with phone numbers and a pen, then there was a folded piece of paper. I picked it up and unfolded it. As soon as I saw the Food City logo, I folded it back and quickly walked toward the door.

Luckily, I made it out of her room and down the hall to my door. As I was turning the knob to get into my room, she turned the knob to get out of the bathroom. I rushed inside and crawled into my bed.

I heard her footsteps get louder and louder as they walked closer and closer, then they got quieter and quieter as they walked past my door. I waited for the click of her door closing before I say up in my bed again.

I unfolded the paper and turned on my flashlight to read what she's written.

* * *


Also I'm sorry if you're lost lol if you have a question, don't be afraid to ask. I'll try my best to answer. (:

I hope you're having a fantastic new year so far. (:

As always; you're important, you're amazing, I love you so much. God bless. <3

Much love 💙

Cashier Boy // Jack Duff ✔Where stories live. Discover now