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It was now last period.

Study Hall was boring as always. I had no friends in that class, so I just kinda sat there, in the back, on my phone.

Our teacher, Mr. Bossaller, didn't really mind at all.

In fact, he was probably one of the most chill teachers at my school.

Twitter was boring, I had no new messages, no Snaps from anyone, nobody even uses FaceBook anymore so what's the point in checking, and I've already scrolled through all the new stuff on Tumblr.

I shut off my phone and laid my head down on my desk.

Class still had about 40 minutes until the last bell, so why not just take a nap?

I tried closing my eyes, but everyone was being so loud.

I put in my earbuds and started playing some music.

Sounds Good, Feels Good by 5SOS

I shuffled and the first song that played was Castaway.

I laid my head back down and closed my eyes once more.

This time I actually fell asleep.

* * *

"You've got a little something on your face." he laughed.

"Where? Here?" I said, pointing at random spots on my face.

"Here, I'll get it for you." He quickly grabbed a piece of cake and smushed it against my cheek.

I gasped as he grinned.

"Oh my- WHY DID YOU-" I stopped talking and picked up a piece of cake and rubbed it on his nose.

"HEY-" I picked up the entire piece of cake and shoved it into his face.

I laughed and swiped a finger on his cheek, then put it in my mouth. A huge grin appeared on my face at the sight of him. He looked as if he just fell face first into a puddle of mud.

He smiled back then suddenly grabbed my hands and pulled me closer. Our eyes locked and he leaned in close.


"Huh?" I said lifting my head from my desk.

"No sleeping in study hall." Mr. Bossaller said, smacking my desk.

"Oh uh-sorry" I looked around, the class was empty.

"Class is over, please leave."

I stood up and rubbed my eyes. I picked up my bag and my phone, then walked out the door.

* * *

I searched for my mom's car in the parking lot. I finally spotted her in the far corner and began walking.

I opened the door and got inside.

"So how was school? Why were you late? Why is your forehead pink? Did you get into a fight?" Mom started bombarding me with all of these questions.

"Mom I just fell asleep in study hall, chill." I said calmly, putting on my seatbelt.

"Oh, I'm sorry, today has just been a very long day. I was very busy with bills and work. I miss being able to talk to people, to hang out with family, you know? Ever since your dad left, I've never really had anyone to talk to. You're always locked in your room or on your phone."

Cashier Boy // Jack Duff ✔Where stories live. Discover now