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I found myself at the park. I didn't really know of anywhere else. I was sitting on the swing.

The same swing I was swinging in when Jack was with me.

The same swing I was swinging in when my Dad showed up.

This swing use to be my happy place, but know all it does is give me bad vibes.

I got up and looked up at the stars.

The same stars Jack and I fell asleep together under.

The same stars I saw in his eyes.

I need to stop thinking about him so much.

I took my phone out of my back pocket.

4:44 a.m.

I was so tired. I was so cold. There was nowhere to go. I had no source of transportation whatsoever and I only had $20 to live on.

I went to the bench where my bag was sitting. I got my stuff and exited the park.

I wasn't sure where I was going now. I looked at my phone. I just stared down at it as I walked.

I held the home button until I heard the ding ding.

"Siri, give me directions." I said, not specifying where I was going, hoping she would ask where.

"Where would you like to go?"

"I- I don't know I was kinda hoping you would tell me that."

"Sorry, can't help you there!" She replied.

I sighed in disappointment.

"Thanks anyway."

"No problem."

The night was silent. There weren't any crickets chirping. There weren't any cars out. Almost everybody was asleep. It was just silence.

"-Calling Rachel", Siri randomly said.

"What? -No!" I yelled back at her, rapidly pressing end call but it wasn't working.

Ring. Ring. Ring. Ring-

"Hello?" Rachel was on the other end of the line. I was debating on what to do. Should I stay silent until she hangs up? Should I hang up? Should I tell her "Sorry for waking you up, it was an accident."


"Yeah, um hi Rachel, sorry for waking you up, it was an accident."

"Woah- wait. What are you doing up this early? Is something wrong?"

"Um- I-"

"Where are you?"

"I just left park- but I-"

"I'll be there in a few."

"No Rach- it's fi-"

She hung up.

I tried to call her back but she wouldn't answer.

I sat on the curb of the side walk. And waiting. Waited. Waited. Waited. Waited.

Finally, from a distance I saw headlights. I remained seated until I knew for sure if it was Rachel or not. The car slowed as it approached. The window was rolled down and I could see Rachel's face.

"Get in." She sighed. I got up and went to the other side of the car. First, I threw my bag in, then I climbed in after it, lightly slamming the door behind me.

"Uhhhh?" Rachel said, looking at me, then my bag, and back to me.

"Long story, I'll tell you later." I said, rubbing my hands together, desperate for warmth.

"Oh, okay?" She said, then started driving.

There weren't any cars out still. It was pretty peaceful.

* * *

We pulled into a McDonald's Drive Thru.

"What do you want?" She asked.

"Uhhhh?-" I said looking at the menu.

"A dozen McChickens and two hot chocolates please." She said without letting me think.

I shrugged in a sounds good to me type manner.

"Pull up the the next window, and your order will be ready in a few minutes." The woman on the other end of the microphone reassured.

We pulled up to the next window and waited until the lady gave us our food.

"That will be $14.84. The lady said.

"Oh, okay, just a second." Rachel said, digging into her purse. "Hmmmm.... Amy check that thing." She said, pointing to the glove compartment.

"I can pay." I said, digging in my bag for the $20. I pulled it out and gave it to her.

"I'll pay you back." She told me then gave it the lady who gave her the food and the change. She handed me the change and sat the food between us.

* * *

We pulled up behind the building of Rachel's apartment.

She moved out on her own for a while until her parents come back from tour. Her Dad played guitar and her Mom was the lead singer in a band called Olive Green.

We got out of the car, I grabbed the food, she grabbed the drinks and the keys. She locked it and we headed inside.

Me being me, I didn't really trust elevators. They're just closed boxes that people get in that move them up and down. My mind always tells me that the wire will snap and I'll drop 40ft.

Thankfully, Rachel knew that, and we took the stairs.

* * *

After climbing up 4 sets of stairs, we finally made it to the floor in which Rachel's apartment was.

She put the key in the lock, then turned and twisted the doorknob until it opened.

She went in first, I followed. She flipped on the light switch.

There were clothes scattered all around. On tables, the floor, on lamps, on the pull out sofa, everywhere.

"Ignore the mess." She said, noticing that I was looking around.

She flopped herself down on the bed and sighed. After a few seconds she sat back up.

"Gimmie that food." She said, grabbing at the bag from a distance like a baby who's wants attention.

I handed her the bag and sat down next to her as she pulled out two sandwiches and gave me one. She unwrapped one side and took a bite.

"So-" she said with her mouth full. "What's up?"


* * *

A\N: Sooooo what's up you beauts ?

Do you guys think Amy is going to tell Rachel the truth? Or is she gonna lie to avoid her problems for a while?

Lemme knowwww ;)

ALSO I wanna get to know you guys better. Who's your fav? What's one thing you like the most about him? What's your ship name with him?

I promise I read every comment and I try to reply as much as I can.

You guys do so much for me and I wanna give back. (:

Thank you so much <3

Much love 💜

Cashier Boy // Jack Duff ✔Where stories live. Discover now